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Why Ruby on Rails is used for web development

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Why Ruby on Rails is used for web development

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  1. Welcome in OnGraph Technologies

  2. Why Ruby on Rails is used for web development Every year, we get to see new developments and updates in the software development industry. The same goes for Ruby on Rails development. When developers are given to develop a web development project and they choose RoR for the development, clients ask them about the reason. There are many reasons for this decision and the most important one is that it's a better choice than any other tool. We at OnGraph Technologies, have been using Ruby on Rails development services for more than 10 years and take pride in considering that Ruby on Rails development is our powerful suite.

  3. What sorts of projects Ruby on Rails is most suitable for: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● E-commerce Informational portals. Stock exchange platforms. Dating websites and ad platforms. Social networks. Non-standard complex projects. SaaS-solutions.

  4. Key reasons to choose Ruby on Rails for web development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Speed Cost-effectiveness Flexibility Supported by different developers Active and massive community Scalability High data protection High reliability and maintainability

  5. Conclusion Every second month we see a new article stating the demise of Ruby on Rails but the truth is that it is not going anywhere. The remarkable thing is that Ruby on Rails is more than 15 years old. It has been constantly used by developers to serve the arising needs of businesses. There are many Ruby on Rails development companies that have been only rising and rising. If you are looking to hire one, contact us!

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