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Generate monthly income

Generate monthly income

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Generate monthly income

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  1. Tap Into This Shocking Large Streaming Companies Secret To Create MONTHLY PERPETUAL INCOME For Yourself Today! Discover How These Loophole Exploiters Are Making A FULL-TIME INCOME By MANIPULATING This Sneaky Algorithm... I’m Mad As Hell and I Can’t Take It Anymore! HOWLED the nerdy bespectacled slight balding man in the swanky new Large Streaming Companies office. His object of anger? A cowering boss, looking on in utter shock. After all, this mild-mannered man generally kept to himself and was content to crunch numbers, until now… The raging checker-clad man started ranting, in a voice FAR louder than his tiny body. “You guys are using this secret to exploit the public and milking them of billions and you expect me to keep quiet? “Err… what are you talking about?  ”His boss exclaimed... Getting unnerved that if these shocking revelations ever got exposed, the big corporation will eat him alive. “I’m going public with this. The people who hear it will get the means to make the kind of money Large Streaming Companies is making.“ Warned the pencil-necked geek... The boss responded, “I’m not having this nonsense.” SECURITY!

  2. Hi, my name is Shawn Josiah... I’m a successful 7-figure internet entrepreneur and also a proud member of the Clickbank Platinum circle, which means I have generated over $500,000 in affiliate sales last year on Clickbank alone. I’m about to share a bizarre story with you that has produced results like this for me… $2k days, $10k weeks and $100k a month in sales… I’m not showing you this to impress you, but to impress upon you the possibilities of the internet IF you pick the right system. How a renegade data scientist uncovered an explosive conspiracy that led to an astonishing discovery that will literally change the lives of people who hate their jobs and are barely scraping by… Because what was found inside the Large Streaming Companies servers simply STUNNED me… A loophole that has allowed an inner circle to make up to $200, $300 and even thousands as a second income stream.

  3. …while enabling them to reclaim their destiny – to buy anything, go anywhere and be anyone they want to be. Before that, let me ask you... Are You APPALLED By the Rat Race? Trapped in a hamster wheel that keeps spinning without any means of escape? Yet you can’t just quit your soul-crushing boredom-inducing job, because you need it to pay that pesky growing mountain of bills. Plus, don’t you detest the politics, the ass-kissing, the long crowded commutes and ever-changing company policies that seem to SCREW you more than help? Worst, if you think that’s bad… The Wall Street Journal raised the alarm bills, reporting in a recent article… “Almost half of U.S. chief financial officers believe a recession will strike the U.S. economy by the end of this year.” In fact back in March, renowned financial expert John Mauldin proclaimed the next recession may be worse than the Great Depression. In turn triggering a series of lay-offs. I don’t mean to scare you, this means even the career you hate may not even be there anymore.   So what can you do to NOT be victim holding the damn bag?   Or even the odds when corporations are out to squeeze you dry?

  4.   Or make as much money as possible in the shrinking window of opportunity? …Before the next economic apocalypse hits like a nuclear bomb, leaving your finances in utter ruin! If you want to discover a hidden inner circle of players who are cashing recession-proof checks… Enjoying a sense of calm when everyone else is WRECKED with worry… Then this may be the most important script you'll ever read... Because there’s an amazing loophole you’re about to discover that’s creating full-time stay home moms and dads – without any tech expertise and in any economy. It’s the very same secret used by Large Streaming Companies to capture enormous profits – growing from $130 million to $403 million in just 1 year. That’s a crazy 210% growth in less than 12 months. Imagine what your net worth can look like with a massive 210% increase! And here's the good news. For the first time ever... This Lucrative Wealth-Growing Algorithm is ACCESSIBLE to YOU... In fact, it’s the very same thing that’s helping an inner circle of people to generate mountains of cash. For instance…

  5. Now in just a few minutes, you’re about to get access to the very same powerful key to escape from the daily grind. Just imagine no more Monday blues! No more sadness when the weekend is over. No more drowning your sorrows in the pubs or in front of the screen because you feel powerless. But first, I need to let you know… It’s Not Your Fault That You Have Not Heard Of This Secret! That’s because the tech elite keeps this hush-hush – like gold bars stored at Fort Knox. You see, in two separate surveys done by Spectrum Research Group, millennial millionaires were reported saying that the greatest reason for their immense wealth was… Hidden knowledge no one else had access to. In the words of these 30 something magnates - “knowledge is money.” You know what’s mind-blowing? These Top 1% come from humble beginnings. None of that “Crazy Rich Asians” family money. No inheritance.

  6. They were self-made in every single way, yet swiftly achieved abundance. What’s the difference? They had the insider knowledge… The model… The system… And just put it to work. That’s why what you’re about to read is extremely vital. Because it could be the means to get you out of the rat race forever… Even achieving financial freedom while your peers are left drowning in debt and bills. Our story begins when a renegade scientist ESCAPED Large Streaming Companies’s clutches and revealed a stunning principle, changing the face of make-money-online forever. So Here’s the Sordid Tale... A few years ago, I was a struggling journalist for one of the small newspaper and media streaming companies. Got a few scoops… Made a few headlines… Was decent at my otherwise dead-end job. However, I was in the smothering grip of anxiety all the time. Believe me, I'd been there. I recall enduring multiple panic attacks when I was down to my last $1.81 or so. …Until my salary gets banked in a nick of time. And that repeated itself over and over and over again. A vicious cycle of nerve-wrecking deficits and just-in-time bailouts. Always surviving but NEVER thriving. It was downright exhausting! However, that all changed with what happened next… My lucky break came when I wrote a story for my then company and it was almost pushed into original content. I remembered the exhilarating chill when I submitted it to my boss and I knew that was my moment of glory! Needless to say, I put my heart and soul into the story. It was extremely well received. I even envisioned awards or better job offers elsewhere. However to my dismay, my lousy editor took all the credit and cast me aside. Like he did many times before!

  7. Discouraged, I took solace that I was the one who did all the good work. But honestly, it was to console myself. What he did was absolutely disgusting! Thank God, the story doesn’t end there. A few days later, I received a mysterious email from what was obviously a pseudonym… a Mr. X. He was one of the data analysis working for Large Streaming Companies and he apparently got hold of my story from an insider from my company. He knew I was unhappy with my job and wanted to help. He claimed he had… An EXPLOSIVE Secret That Could Topple the Balance of Power (AND Earnings) Back to the Common Man... Intrigue and with nothing to lose, I agreed to meet. We gathered at a diner in a shady part of town. He wore a disheveled all-black ensemble with a black trucker cap, obscuring a face that contained wild straggly facial hair. Wow, he hasn’t shaved in years! Sipping on a giant Oreo Milkshake, he told me his story… Mr. X was a data scientist who graduated from MIT. Due to his mathematical brilliance, there was a bidding war when he graduated among the tech giants for his services. After several rounds of negotiation, he wound up crunching numbers for Large Streaming Companies. Initially, he was thrilled to be there. After all, generous company perks like free food, flexible hours and stock options come every day. That was until he uncovered a sinister secret by accident… After nearly 11 months on the job, he stumbled upon a mysterious anomaly… a fluctuation in the data. It was the very reason why Large Streaming Companies could quickly take over the world of media by storm... And had a sales system that could almost print money like the Federal Reserve.

  8. Intrigued, Mr. X checked in with his colleagues in the other startups to see if it was the case in their workplaces. To his surprise, he realised that all of them use the exact same calculation to rack up profits on autopilot. Google, Microsoft, And Apple! Every one of them was using this algorithm to make untold BILLIONS. Mr. X was downright appalled that normal people didn’t have this information. As someone who started in the projects… He imagined if only his blue-collar parents knew this secret, their hard-knocks life will turn out far different! That’s because everyday people like you have to face issues like…   Dreading going to work for a soul-less, face-less corporation that cares more for numbers than they do for you.   Dreading the day when you get called to the boss’ office and receiving a pink slip – without a trace of compassion.   Dreading the utter gloom of life and drowning it out with overeating, smoking, drinking and opiates – drifting without purpose. It’s Easy to See How This Vital Knowledge From the Inner Sanctum of Large Streaming Companies Can Set You Free... Sadly, Mr. X’s plans hit a snag. When the higher ups heard about the threat of exposure, he caused that raucous scene in the office that was seen earlier in the script. Predictably, he was unceremoniously removed. For 5 years, he slunk back into the shadow, experiencing self-imposed exiled.

  9. Meanwhile, the tech giants grew bigger and bigger – making more megabucks than Midas… More moolah than they ever need. Don’t you wish you’ll get even a fraction of that income? Well, you’re about to hear good news. Mr. X was fed up that Large Streaming Companies and all the other big boys were making a bundle as everyone else suffers. All when the Next Recession lurks like a ravenous monster WAITING to pounce. His conscience was eating him alive! He needed to do something about it. And that’s why he reached out, for me to write a tell-all expose. At the start, I was excited to jump in… After all, who doesn’t like a classic David-and-Goliath story? Then after some deep thought, I realised that publishing that article wasn’t an option at all. For starters, I would have had my pants sued off. Worst, I would have gone to jail and lost everything over a job I wasn’t that passionate about. I would have been discarded like yesterday’s news. (Pun intended!) While I admit the revelations were compelling -- with my lousy salary - - it simply wasn’t worth the risk. Mr. X sounded despondent at my response. He excused himself and stood up to leave. However, just as he was about to retreat back to whichever hellhole he came from... I experienced an unexpected flash of genius. I gripped him by the wrist and urged him to sit back down. I asked him, instead of going public with the story… Why Don’t We Leverage the Potent Large Streaming Companies Algorithm for Ourselves and Actually Make Bank? If our venture succeeds, we could then help the average hard-working person to start taking charge of their lives and enjoy financial freedom.

  10. Dr X’s brow furrowed a little, obviously deep in thought, as if he was calculating all the probabilities of my statement. After a tense few moments of silence, his face cracked into an admittedly unsettling grin as he proclaimed… “That’s a splendid idea!” He sounded almost gleeful. “I mean, why should Large Streaming Companies have all the fun? What better revenge than to empower the people to make that level of income and stick it to all this tech giants.” A firm handshake later, we were in business – just like that. Now If Our Venture Succeeded, So Much Was At Stake For You…   Imagine being able to fire your boss without being held ransom by your salary...   Imagine being able to take care of yourself and your family when the economy inevitably tanks...   Imagine being able to break free off the shackles of debt at lightning speed. So we went for a dry run. We used the Large Streaming Companies algorithm on our first affiliate site... We were trembling… Thinking “What if we got it wrong?” Alas, if our experiment were to fail…   People’s dreams will go unfulfilled   They will remain un-engaged with their work place   They’ll be doomed to a life of mediocrity. Instead, when the results came, we were FLABBERGASTED. In our very first hour after launch, we made $112. On our first day, we clocked $332.

  11. And the money kept flowing into our bank account like a raging river after a storm. Cha-ching. Cha-ching. Cha-ching. Hour after hour. Day after day. Week after week. All in all… This Algorithm Helped Us Crack 4 Figures in Our Very First Month STARTING FROM SCRATCH… With No List, JVs and Tech Expertise... That is not a lot of money to be frank, but still, that means we found something that works for the ordinary man that could scale infinitely! Mr. X and I looked at each other… Our jaws fell right to the floor. In fact, we actually had to ‘pick’ them up multiple times during that time. The results were indeed promising. But true to Mr. X’s training, he needed more data in order to make sure. We agreed to try replicating these results with a selected group of people. Everyday hard-working people from different non-tech industries who hate their jobs, were unhappy with life and craved multiple income streams. To make the money-making process so easy a child can follow, Mr. X himself built the first prototype of software tools that leveraged this algorithm. So that they didn’t have to learn code or any tech expertise... It was then I learned he wasn’t just a data scientist, he was a top-flight Python programmer as well. However, the month didn’t go as smoothly as we wanted. There were learning curves and being in a beta test stage, the software malfunctioned several times. There was also an unfortunate case of a participant’s Siamese cat who peed on our laptop and shorted the motherboard.

  12. We nearly gave up! But guess what? We blazed through these obstacles and we started seeing… Everyday Ordinary People With No Tech Expertise Reaping Extraordinary Reward! Take two of my students for example, Raffy from USA and Maryam from Germany, both non-tech experts who recently activated the secret algorithm within our software… Maryam, full-time Accountant Raffy, Entrepreneur 01:12 01:08 From Germany From The USA The more you’re reading this, the more excited you should get… Because in a moment, I’m going to give you access to the secret Large Streaming Companies algorithm that enabled Maryam and Raffy to generate the Almighty Dollar AT WILL. The very same step-by-step shortcut that has created cashflow and massive wealth for the people in my group. Are you ready? Data Scientists call this secret MCCA, a remarkable acronym that stands for… Micro-Commitment Consistency Compounding Algorithm Sounds like a mouthful, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, I won’t bore you with the technical mumbo-jumbo and just show you how this is the very reason you’ve watched so far.

  13. Because by exploiting this loophole, you’re going to start creating cash injections. Ranging from $27 for a simple bill payment, or even $997 for something that was on your wishlist but was out of reach -- till now that is. At the very core… The MCCA algorithm combine quirks of cognitive science, human behavior and the “eighth wonder of the world” – compound interest. In case you’re wondering why the machines are so ingrained with what seems to be low-tech human stuff, you’ll be surprised to know that all tech giants hire anthropologists. In fact, Microsoft is the 2nd largest employer of human behavioral scientists in the world. That’s because the more software understand humanity and what makes us tick, the more stuff they can sell to us since they will know how to push all the right buttons. Therefore, the more buttons they push, the more money they make. How insidious! Yet when you understand this… You’ll not only understand how Large Streaming Companies makes its billions, but how you can apply it and start creating the high life for yourself. Because you see, the other tech giants also leverage MCCA to create astonishing returns...   Apple Music makes $9.55 billion dollars, up 31.5% in just 1 year.   Spotify makes $1.36 billion, up 30.7% in just 1 year.   Amazon Prime made $3.2 billion up 44.5% in just 1 year. The crazy thing unifying them all was the growth was in 30 – 50% range, ECLIPSING all their other divisions! What would a raise in income like this can do for you? And in case you might be wondering.. With all these dizzying amount of zeroes… what does it have to do with li’l old me? You

  14. may say, I don’t have that firepower. I’m not that smart. But do you want to know something crazy? A 7 year old used MCCA to make him $22 million a year. So if a 7 year old can do it, so can you! I’ll touch on that incredible story in a minute. But for now… Picture this: Doesn’t checking your mailbox and seeing a stack of white envelopes fill you with angst? Don't you sometimes imagine, "Won't it be awesome if I get a cheque in the mail FOR ONCE?" The good news is with MCCA, you can. And not just a measly daily check mind you, but multiple payments EVERY HOUR. Startled? Not when you get it. You see, by knowing how MCCA works, by breaking down these components… You’ll inevitably unleash a FEROCIOUS income stream the likes of which you’ve never seen. Have you started stirring yet? Without further ado, you’re about to uncover component… 1) Micro-Commitment The Ultimate Secret to Transform Sloths into Sales Listen, people are scared of commitment… Like an irresponsible man running away from marriage after a very long engagement. And that’s one of the main reasons you’re not as successful as you like to be.

  15.   The government is not committed to you.   Corporations are not committed to you.   Certainly, the fat cats at Wall Street are not committed to you. They look at you as a dollar sign. As a cog in the machine. As a pawn to be used. A source of manipulation. As a result of that, you hit a ceiling every time you want to make something of yourself. In a minute, I will you how to turn the tables against them. But in the meantime, I Have Something Important To Reveal... This lack of responsibility is the very reason your company is screwing you. Do you remember when you first started out so fresh and vibrant in the workforce? So filled with hope? You put in the hours… You proposed new ideas… You attempt to build a great relationship with the boss whom you consider a mentor. And then suddenly, you bang your head against a glass ceiling. And again. And again. Disappointment after disappointment. Dashed dreams of promotion. What’s left? A deep sense jadedness. A proclamation… “Why should I care if my company doesn’t care?” That’s why you need to go into business for yourself! Here’s an interesting personal case study from my life. It shows you how to transform this ugly human quirk into a way to give you money hand-over-fist… A few months ago, my wife Carolyn received a phone call from her alma mater, asking for a donation. Here’s the twist… they didn't ask for the donation outright. Instead, they asked if she’d be willing to donate money to the university sometime in the future. Since there wasn’t a catch, she agreed and forgot about the call.

  16. Around 25 days later, an official-looking “invoice” for $175 from the university appeared in the mail. It said, “here is your $175 commitment - you can send your check via the enclosed envelope.” Even though at that time money was tight since Carolyn was just starting out, she sent a check anyway. After all, who likes to break promises they’ve made? In the same manner, Large Streaming Companies has discovered a way to get otherwise stubborn people to take action. It was just to take a small upfront fee, a micro-commitment. In fact, when customers are offered a far smaller price, they’re a whopping 83% more likely to make that purchase. That’s one of the key cogs of the MCCA mechanism that Large Streaming Companies has pioneered. And that’s how Large Streaming Companies grew so fast and outpaced their rivals like HBO, CNBC and ABC. This is the same mechanism that will power your efforts to achieve your fantasy life. In a short while, your life change will be revealed soon. When Large Streaming Companies paired it with the next component in the algorithm, it becomes insanely powerful. They call it… 2) Consistency Bias The Stupendous Reason Why 7-Year- Olds Are Making 7 Figures... Here’s an example close to home… Have you ever watched a terrible movie? The movie trailers look promising, but when you watch the full movie – you’re SHOCKED at how horrible it was. Yet, did you surprise yourself by NOT walking out of the theater? I mean, it was an obvious time-waster but you still stayed on till the freakin’ end You actually CHOSE to subject yourself to the agony of bad acting, nonsensical twists and that head-scratching ending. Here’s the crazy part… You’re actually not the only one.

  17. All the way back in 1933, Soviet Scientist Bluma Zeigarnik discovered it’s an active human trait – that’s once you start something, it’s very hard to stop. This mental quirk could make you tons of money, if applied correctly. You’ll get clients who buy once from you at a lower rate, and then they keep buying from you over and over again. Here’s an astonishing stat. Large Streaming Companies has studied that once someone took on the free trial and paid the 1st month… They stayed on for another crazy 25 months. That means they’re making $291 a customer for life. Now, you multiply that with the 137 million subscribers they have… That adds up to a heck a lot of cheese! In fact, this consistency bias is what drives other billion dollar giants. And here’s the important bit… Mr. X and I are about to show you the very same power to create an unending line of repeat customers that leads to repeat profits. Meaning you could live the life of an Instagram travel nomad – travelling to beautiful destination and meeting even more beautiful companions – WITHOUT even thinking how you’re going to pay for it. How awesome is that? Finally, here’s the most powerful component of them all. 3) Compounding Revenues The Quickest, Easiest Path to Untold Wealth (Or Even Welcome Pocket Change) If you want to create a true “lifestyle” business, you need monthly, dependable income (aka “continuity income”). Let's get real. It’s great to sell one-off products. Whether it’s an ebook, a course, a coaching session, or a physical e-commerce product. But you’re literally living sale-to-sale.

  18. Without monthly recurring revenue, you start the first of each month back at zero. You can’t accurately predict your future sales and you still have overhead.. which leads to lots of stress. When you have a business with members or customers paying you each and every month (membership site, newsletter, subscription program, etc.), you have dependable income. But here’s where it gets nuts… When you increase customers month-on-months, the results create a compounding effect. A snowball of ever-increasing cash. Hold on to your hat… Let’s do the amazing math with all 3 MCCA components in play. Since Large Streaming Companies doesn’t really disclose data, so let’s use another site. BarkBox makes a monthly box of toys and treats for your pet. They charge $25/mo for their box every month. $25 is cheap $25 is impulse purchase range. $25 is lot less than people spend on their pets regularly. That’s the micro-commitment we’re talking about. Since if they asked for that $300 upfront, many people would think twice about paying that much money at one time. But at $25, that’s MICRO-COMMITMENT territory. Let’s say in the beginning of BarkBox that 150 people signed up. That’s $3,750 in revenue. If 90% of the people who ordered are happy with BarkBox, they will stay on for the next month That’s the CONSISTENCY BIAS component at work. That means BarkBox knows for sure it has at least 135 paying customers who will buy their box next month. They had to do no extra

  19. selling, no extra promotion, no extra advertising. Imagine saying goodbye to scrimp, save and try to fish out errant coins from under the sofa – just to make ends meet. Because here’s the model. If Barkbox can get an additional 150 people signed up to their monthly service, it’s even better because they make extra revenue. Check out the model:   $25/mo with 150 subscribers = $3,750 per month.   $25/mo with 300 subscribers = $7,500 per month.   $25/mo with 500 subscribers = $12,500 per month.   $25/mo with 1000 subscribers = $25,500 per month.   $25/mo with 5000 subscribers = $125,500 per month.   $25/mo with 10000 subscribers = $250,500 per month. Let’s say BarkBox gets to 10,000 subscribers per month, and keeps the average person on board for 12 months. That’s $3,000,000/year in revenue just from a monthly subscription! What can $3 million a year do for you? WOW! I mean, let’s not even get this ambitious. What can $300,000 do for you? Or even $30,000? A lot, I bet you! So you might be thinking… These are well-funded giant startups. What does it have to do with me? No joke. Presenting… The Curious Case of the $22 Million Dollar 7 Year Old... Like many 7-year-olds, Ryan likes to play with toys. Lots of toys. However, Ryan has a YouTube channel with about 4 million subscribers who tune in to see what he thinks of those toys.

  20. That makes him a social media influencer — and very wealthy one at that. According to Forbes magazine, Ryan of Ryan ToysReview, was the highest earning YouTube star last year, raking in a whopping $22 million. The reason why? Little kids subscribed to his channel by merely clicking the red button (MICRO-COMMITMENT), stayed on to watch his videos (CONSISTENCY BIAS) and then making more and more moolah as his subscriber count increased (COMPOUNDING REVENUES). So imagine the implications when you break it down. An annual return of $22 million means an unbelievable…   $1,840,000 a month.   $423,077 a week.   $60,274 a day,   $2,511 an hour! Are you starting to see how powerful MCCA is? Envision $2,511 getting siphoned into your account on autopilot every 60 minutes.   When you play Spider Man on PS4 weaving through enemy battles. $2,511.   When you spend an extended time on the loo because you’re reading a compelling book. $2,511.   When you leave for a nice steak-and-wine dinner. $2,511. And then 21 hours to go, and $52,731 to go! That could be more than your annual salary, in just a SINGLE day. What an amazing lifestyle, right? With what I’m about to reveal, it’s ENTIRELY possible. And here’s where it gets better. In a space of a few years, Mr. X and I discovered other people who discovered MCCA on their own – even though they may not have the language or tools for it. Yet despite these limitations, these everyday people are enjoying recurring revenues with compounding returns.

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