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How Partial Dentures Can Improve Your Oral Health

A partial denture is used if you are missing multiple teeth but have remaining natural teeth. In this article, Our specialist at The Smile Doc can guide you to learn more about how Partial dentures can improve your smile.

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How Partial Dentures Can Improve Your Oral Health

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  1. How Partial Dentures Can Improve Your Oral Health Having missing teeth can be emotionally and physically uncomfortable. Regardless of how you lost them—whether due to injury or decay—there are a variety of replacement options available, with dentures being the most common. If you're looking for something that is removable yet still looks natural, we suggest considering getting a partial denture. Many dentists offer high quality metal and plastic partial dentures in Ottawa that are custom-made to match the surrounding tissue of your mouth for a natural look. Thanks to modern advancements, these dentures appear extremely realistic; most people won't even realize you're wearing them. Choosing an experienced dentist is the key to restoring your smile while improving your oral health with a partial denture. How does it work? Partial dentures are essentially bridges with artificial teeth to fill the space left by missing teeth. They are attached to a custom metal or plastic base designed to fit in the space where the missing tooth or teeth used to be. Aside from filling that space with artificial teeth, partial dentures ensure a firm grip so you don’t have to worry about them becoming dislodged or falling out. High-quality dentures feel like real teeth and don’t require special care. Improvements that partial dentures provide Getting partial dentures helps you keep your remaining teeth by making sure that they don’t shift, which can cause problems with chewing and make your face appear older with a sunken appearance. Overall, they improve your oral health in the following ways: Eat comfortably Getting used to eating with partial dentures may take some time, but with some practice, it becomes easier and more natural—just like eating with your natural teeth. Your dentist may

  2. advise you to consume soft foods for a few days when you first get your dentures, before gradually moving on to types of food that require more chewing. Speak and smile confidently Are your missing teeth negatively impacting your self-esteem, making you feel insecure and self-conscious of what people will think or say whenever you laugh, smile, or speak? You don’t have to live this way. Partial dentures can restore your confidence, letting you talk comfortably, smile naturally, and laugh heartily. Cost-effective Partial dentures in Ottawa are popular with people who want a budget-friendly way to restore their missing teeth. They are not as costly as dental implants, yet they provide great results. They also don’t require surgery and involve any downtime, so you don’t have to worry about having to skip work or school for several days. Conclusion Partial dentures are worth considering if you want a cost-effective way to restore one or missing teeth in one jaw. However, we highly recommend consulting a prosthodontist to determine if they are the right solutions for your particular case. Check with The Smile Doc to learn more about fixed or removable partial dentures in Ottawa. A seasoned dentist will provide the best possible custom treatment that suits your needs and ensure a long-lasting solution that can improve your life and overall health.

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