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Shoot Day Evaluation

Shoot Day Evaluation for The Hunters Son

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Shoot Day Evaluation

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  2. What did you do the day before, to set up for your shoot day? We went as a group into the studio on a Friday at 3:30 pm to set up for the shoot that was on the following Monday. We had 1 hour to set up in the studio, so we were ready to go when shoot day started We set up a projection screen and created the coffin that we wanted to use for our shoot, I got staple gun duty which I thoroughly enjoyed I won't lie to you. And then finally I got my camera ready to go and made sure my Gimble and external monitor was on charge and ready. We as a group were quick and efficient and as we had a short time than mots gropes we got all of the things done in a rapid time.

  3. How did you feel when you woke up on the morning of the shoot day? • I was running on adrenaline and excitement, and I couldn’t wait to get into the studio to start filming. I felt like a little boy going to Disney World.

  4. How well prepared were you when you arrived for the shoot, what did you have to do before you could start shooting? • So, when we got into the studio my job was to balance the Ronin gimble and bring connect the HDMI from our camera and connect them to the monitor. • We had makeup done and costumes all ready to go • We where very organized before filming and really thought through everything

  5. Describe what the location was like prior to your set dressing? How did you adapt to the demands of the shoot? • The TV studio in Hurtwood consists of one green wall for green screen and then the rest are bare. So we went into an empty studio with a plan in mind to create these sets. But to make this work we relied heavily on lighting rather than the physical set

  6. How did you divide the roles on your shoot day?What role(s) did you play? • For the shoot we decided to take certain roles, luckily we all new what each others strengths where due the the fact we have worked together before, so this was not hard to come up with. So the roles where… • Me – Cinematographer/camera op/ Co Director

  7. What do you think that you personally did particularly well? • I feel that I made sure the crew knew what was always going on and I never showed stress. My time management and organization was also good, by going into the shoot with a shot list to every second of the music video and finishing 5 minutes early with no stress. I also made our artist be sure of what I wanted him to do by double checking he understood what I said and acting out and rapping to show him the exact moves I want. And my I was proud of my camera work

  8. What problems did you have on the shoot day, how did you solve them? • All of our problems came in the but I made sure to stay collective and calm about them because I see no use in stressing over morning things, we first where faced with our camera was not connecting to the external screen so I just said leave it and we will just record on the camera screen for framing. And then we ended up having the wrong track for the recording so we had to go up to the studio to put the new track on the iPad clapper. Later in the shoot my tripods legs where snaped due to someone falling on it by accident so I had to improvise with making a DIY tripod which actually worked very well and we still finished the shoot with 5 minuets to spare.

  9. Which part of the shoot do you think was most successful and why? • The organization of my shot list was the most helpful thing for us as the shoot was able to move very smoothly, our artist was also very family with his lyrics so I was able to get him to do actions while rapping which added to the performance. Also I feel my camera work was well done and I would say we have a couple of interesting shots throughout the music video. I would also say my directing was nice and clear and I made sure everyone knew what was going on at all times, always double checking with my artists that he knew what he was doing and always keeping time in mind so we wouldn’t finish late because in the real world. “Time is money”

  10. Me filming our artist

  11. How well do you think you managed your talent (actors)? • I feel that I did very well in making him feel confident and aware of what I wanted out of him. I would act out the motions I want him to do and then he would follow. I made sure to keep him laughing and to make sure he never unconfutable or stressed. I was happy with hi performance and I believe I got him to do exactly what I wanted him to do.

  12. What was the part of the shoot you enjoyed the most? • I would say that the practical filming and coming up with random shots was my favorite part as that’s what I enjoy most when it comes to my passion. And I also enjoyed showing the artist what I wanted out of him and then seeing him deliver it. And honorable mention would be climbing as step ladder and leaning over it go get an birds eye view.

  13. What are you looking forward to seeing the most in the edit? • I am looking forward to see how my transition turn out and just excited too see how the footage turned out. I cant wait to get into the edit studio and make this image we all had in our heads and digital reality, I cant wait.

  14. How well do you feel that your production group worked as a team? • I feel that we all stayed to our sectors and understood what all of our strengths where which made arguments and disagreements no existent because we all knew what we wanted out of this shoot so we just trusted in one another to create something that we all loved and where passionate about. Trust played a big part in our shoot

  15. What lessons you learned today that could help you make your next shoot even more successful? • I leant that having a connection with your actor is the best thing to go forward with because in reality you video relies so heavy on your actors performance. Next time going into a shoot I would test the technology of everything before the shoot started as that is what waisted the most part of our morning on shoot day.

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