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Growth Marketing Hacks to Improve Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is one of the most important factors of the eCommerce store. Improving your your conversion rate will help you increase the entire growth funnel from getting the right traffic to generating sales will be improved.

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Growth Marketing Hacks to Improve Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate

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  1. • Every eCommerce website owner knows that conversion rate is one of the most important KPIs • It represents the effectiveness of the eCommerce website • And that is why many eCommerce website owners and managers are looking for ways to increase their conversion rate • If you have a poor conversion rate, then your website is practical of no use since your visitors are not converting into paying customers • This might raise a question — what should your conversion rate be? • This might raise a question — what should your conversion rate be? • The average conversion rate for eCommerce websites is 2-3 percent, but you should not set your target for average results • That’s not why we are here. We are here to tell you how you can increase your conversion rate Let's dive into them

  2. Have you ever been to a website that is confusing? I have, and the first thing I do is to hit the back button. If your visitor is not able to find the information they are looking for, they are not going to wait. They have a ton of other options that are available in the market. Easy and simple navigation will improve the user experience —translating into an improved conversion rate. If your site takes longer than two seconds to load, 53 percent of your customers lose interest. According to Akamai, even a delay of a single second can result in a 7 percent reduction in customer interest and retention. No one wants to wait, and in the digital world where users have so many options, they don’t have to wait. You can use tools like Google PageSpeed and optimize your website to load faster, improving the user experience and enhancing the conversion rate.

  3. If your website is not responsive on mobile devices, you will lose customers. And with more and more people using mobile to surf the internet, you’ll end up losing tons of clients. Remember, smartphones are the preferred device for mobile shopping and account for nearly 70 percent of all mobile transactions. Losing every customer will decrease your conversion rate.

  4. • Improving conversion rate is an art • There are many things you can do to improve the conversion rate, but it is always good to start with the basics • You should not try to implement all of these hacks at one time. Follow the “one step at a time” policy • Make one change every week and move slowly with others • • You will definitely start noticing a positive impact in your conversion rate • We know things might get confusing along the way. Don’t worry we are alway here • Just drop us a few lines at hello@northpeak.io we’ll love to help you!

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