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Interview With God - Part II - Devil Goes on Paradise

Interview With God - Part II - Devil Goes on Paradise

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Interview With God - Part II - Devil Goes on Paradise

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  1. 1

  2. God –you’ve arrived in an awful time,.. it was by 9, it’s just that I was late… Serpent –it hasn’t importance.. God –yes, of course.. you came.. 2

  3. God –I didn’t know you’d come accompanied with the Evil.. Evil –hi, God, how long… God –c’mon in,.. I didn’t want to receive you like this.. 3

  4. God –what do I own the honor of your presence..? Evil –her… God –oh, her, of course.. 4

  5. God –what to wait from such a beautiful couple… Evil –the love.. 5

  6. God –I understand… God –let’s skip then the presentation stage, and let’s go everybody to the kitchen… God –I’m feeling that something can happen… God –was it difficult arriving here..? Evil –no.. we’ve followed the straight-lines.. it was all quite well signalized…step by step. Evil –very good your apartment, was it your idea..? God –yes, in its smallest details.. . you don’t need to be friendly.. I know your place is another.. Evil –yes, my taste isn’t yours’s.. . 6

  7. God –so, did you like it..? what did you think of my kitchen..? Serpent –spacious, well-divided, functional.. God –the idea wasn’t this, everything was supposed to be ready, before you arrive.. 7

  8. Evil –with candle lights, candlesticks, and wine… 8

  9. God –the food it’s almost ready, it’s just making the sauce, and.. I wanted to have served the table, before.. something which could express better my sentiments, in that which I’m good at.. Serpent –and I’ve disturbed.. God –no, it was my fault.. I’ve had some setbacks… 9

  10. Serpent –unforeseen..? God –in a certain way, yes… I’ve had an idea and I’ve had to do it in another way… Serpent –something that was lacking..? God –yes, yes… God –but I’ve worked it out, I’m very good in these things.. I’ll make a quick sauce, the dough it’s almost ready to be served. You won’t regret having come… 10

  11. Evil –it doesn’t breath… Evil –what is it the nonbeing of a taste..? 11

  12. God –it’s just putting the sauce on it, the dough it’s ready.. . 12

  13. God –yea.. you came.. I’m very glad you came..I’ve come to suspect that you wouldn’t come.. Serpent –it looks like you cook very well.. God –oh, I’m very good in everything that I make.. 13

  14. God –this never happened before.. Serpent –yea.. it looks like half of the creation stayed lost.. Serpent –..it went to stop by in the garbage.. God –no, the best part was saved… 14

  15. God –ouch!!! 15

  16. God –neither this, as well... I’ve almost broken the head, aren’t you seeing..? Serpent –yes, I’m seeing.. 16

  17. God –what are you seeing..? Serpent –that you’re with a bump in the forehead.. God –I’ve never beaten my head before… Serpent –how do you know..?. God –ora, “how do I know”.. I’d remember… Serpent –of what would you remember..? 17

  18. God –I didn’t forget you… Serpent –and I’m ‘just like I was before’.. God –better… Serpent –how do you know..? 18

  19. God –“how do I know..”.., I feel it.. . God–.. it is natural these things happening in a kitchen… Serpent –natural..? 19

  20. God –it’s normal.. accident.. shits happen.. Serpent –in the kitchen..? God –everywhere… 20

  21. Serpent –you’ve said this had never happened before.. God –oh, c’mon..! you’ve seen it… I didn’t drop the food.. it simply fell on the floor.. . God –what are you complaining about..? you’re not a cooker.. . you’ve never been in a kitchen before, you don’t know cooking.. . Serpent –how do you know..? God –I know.. I know you wouldn’t make a diner.. Serpent –it is you who likes food… God –it’s something that I’ve made for you… Serpent –for me..? I thought so it was for you.. God –you’ve thought wrong.. I wanted it to be well-done.. 21

  22. Serpent –and you’ve made it well-done… God –I’ve made well-done, I know… Serpent –you’re always oversizing things.. God –my taste isn’t this.. 22

  23. Serpent –a food plate..? God –no.. yes… . God –I didn’t want it like this, this way.. . Serpent –you come talking these things, but, how much do you think it would be different..? God –kitchen it’s a place of accident.. Serpent –I know this.. God –it’s not only the kitchen.. 23

  24. God –..if you’ve accompanied my ratiocination, and you have capacity for this.., you know these functionalities have to exist… God –you’re intelligent, you’re perceptive… 24

  25. God –you’re wise, pretty… 25

  26. God –attractive.. Serpent –seductive ..? God –yes, ..seductive.. God –you’re walking backwards.. Serpent –it is you who’s walking forward… God –and what’s the problem..? 26

  27. Serpent –you will step on what’s left of the creation.. God –yes, of course… God –this thing wasn’t supposed to have happened.. this happens everywhere, in everything.. 27

  28. Serpent –the accident..? God –other thing… Serpent –the distaste.. God –yes, yes, the distaste.. 28

  29. Serpent –and why do you think it was something which has to do with what you’ve done..? God –that’s the point, I didn’t do.. Serpent –what didn’t you do..? God –I didn’t do something contrary to myself.. Serpent –the flavor of the kitchen it’s this… you’re not a pan.. God –yes, I’m not an object.. my hands are not an object.. 29

  30. Serpent –.. what will you do now..? God –..use them to repair what I’ve made.. I don’t feel a taste on this, I stay angry, I upset myself.. 30

  31. Serpent –did you hurt yourself..? God –my head’s very strong..it doesn’t stop.. and I stay thinking on things.. thoughts which aren’t mine.. Serpent –and why aren’t yours’s..? God –because I didn’t want to feel them.. God –and I begin understanding things.. things which prove themselves at every instant, which manifest themselves in me, for I to see.. Serpent –it’s a quite interesting rhetoric.. God –ah, você acha..? 31

  32. God –I’m understanding.. Serpent –and what are you understanding..? God –since you’ve appeared.., him…I don’t know what else can happen… . Serpent –..of bad..? God –I don’t know, I’m hungry.. Serpent –you like food.. God –and don’t you eat, too..? the dinner was for you… Serpent –only after passing by the fire… 32

  33. God –yes, passing by the fire… 33

  34. Serpent –why don’t you gather it and put it back in the pan..? you can still save… God –what are you talking about..? the floor it’s dirty… Serpent –it’s just heating it up… 34

  35. God –você acha..? God –do you eat..? Serpent –only after passing by the fire… 35

  36. God –yea, maybe it’s a good idea… 36

  37. God –It was good, I’ve made it with a lot of taste… it was a special dough.. I’ve made it myself with my own hands… I didn’t want to spoil this .. do you think that I can still save it..? Serpent –for it to stay equal as it was before..? God –before..? Serpent –yes, before it falls in the ground… 37

  38. God –..yeah, maybe it works out.. I can make a pizza… Serpent –a pizza from a macaroni..? God –yes, it will stay delicious, you will see.. if I heat it up in 600 degrees, it turns into bread dough.. Serpent –you may transform the water in wine.. God –Yes, I can transform anything, my oven is a prototype of a nuclear reactor.. .The energy comes from the fire, it’s possible manipulating matter.. the food is a good example of this, you’ll see.. It’s just a couple seconds, it won’t take too long.. . Serpent –careful for you don’t burn yourself.. the fire it’s high.. God –yes, yes, of course, I’ll take care.. I follow all the safety standards.. 38

  39. God –ready, it’s done.. . 39

  40. Serpent –so..? God –I don’t know… Serpent –what..? did you burn the hand..? God –no.. Serpent –what was it, then..? God –I don’t know, sometimes I remember things.. Serpent –and which things are these..? God –..I don’t know.. . Serpent –so, how do you know it’s a remembrance, if you didn’t see..? God –but I’ve touched it.. 40

  41. Evil –..What a difficulty you have for obeying a command… I told, “take your hands off of there”, and you said, “why..?”, and I said, “because you’ll burn them in the fire …”: and you said, “so what..? the hand’s mine…”. Yes, the hands are yours’s, they were always yours’s, you know this.. . what you don’t know is how to control them very well.. . 41

  42. God –my hands are dirty, I need to wash them… 42

  43. God –.. I know that there’s something strange with them.. God –as if this hand here weren’t mine… God –sometimes I’ve the will of dragging it off.. Serpent –and the eye.. the arm.. the leg.. 43

  44. God –do you think so there’s something strange in me..? Serpent –no.. it is you who’s saying this… 44

  45. Serpent –.. I will grab an apple… God –yes, of course… why are you doing this..? 45

  46. Serpent –deu vontade.. God –and what about the diner..? 46

  47. Serpent –I’ve already had diner.. God –you’ve already had diner..? won’t you eat of my food..? Serpent –I don’t eat bread.., I also don’t eat meat, I’m vegetarian.. It wasn’t for the food.. 47

  48. God –how did you know it was there..? Serpent –you wouldn’t leave it over the table, you’d keep it there.. God –why..? Serpent –you haven’t another place for keeping anything of the nature… 48

  49. Serpent –do you want it..? God –I don’t like apple..I’ve picked up this one for you, to be the dessert.. for eating after the diner.. Serpent –why would I eat something under any condition..? 49

  50. God –..you don’t know what you’re missing.. Serpent –why would I miss something..? 50

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