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The Discordia - The New - Part 2

The Discordia - The New - Part 2

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The Discordia - The New - Part 2

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  1. God –it’s been a long time since I don’t enter here… every time I enter here, I feel sick, the air from here is poisonous.. . Serpent –poisonous..? God –yes, poisonous, you know what’s a venom… Serpent –yes, I know what’s venom.. I didn’t understand the poisonous, why do you feel sick..? is it not a taste..? for this is poisonous..? God –there’s something you need to know about the taste.. Serpent –is the taste poisonous..? God –there’s a necessity that accompanies it.. and there are the cares one must have with it.. 1

  2. God –usually, when I come here, I wear special cloth.. Serpent –what for..? God –to protect me… Serpent –why would you need protection..? God –are things that I didn’t do, for this I don’t know how they work, exactly, in the body.. lesser yet in yours.. Serpent –so we’re in danger.. God –no, not us exactly.. 2

  3. God –are you feeling this smell..? Serpent –yes.. I thought it was yours.. God –no, it’s pee.. Serpent –pee..?? God –feces.. Serpent –feces..? did you do this in here..?? God –no, I didn’t do this.. . not me.. Serpent – was it the humans, then..? why did you let them..? 3

  4. God –no, it’s nothing of this, it was something necessary, a basic need, just as the food.. . it’s a biological, physiologic dependence, necessary for life.. . Serpent –oh, I got it, here is the bathroom.. . God –no, no.. you didn’t understand.. it’s nothing organic.. . 4

  5. God –.. are you seeing this blue powder..? Serpent –yes, I am.. God –it’s ammonia.. Serpent –what’s ammonia..? God –ammonia is nitrogen.. .the nitrogen is synthetic.. Serpent –synthetic..? God –yes .. Serpent –and what is synthetic..? God –synthetic is that which isn’t natural, which isn’t organic.. 5

  6. God –I know it’s difficult for you, understanding and accepting these things.. .because you wouldn’t agree.. Serpent – certainly yes.. God – but it was for you, the food.. . 6

  7. Serpent –… . is this the food..? God –yes… this blue powder in the floor are plants.. corn, wheat, potato, soy, rice…fruits, vegies… Serpent –and they’re all blue..? God –yea, it’s not possible seeing them in the way you’d like to, in the natural way... Serpent –what’s of wrong with the natural way..? God –the productivity.. Serpent –is the natural the unproductive..? 7

  8. God –it’s slow…and too complicated…and difficult. Impossible. Serpent –it’s bad.. God –I didn’t say this.. I’ve spoken in productive.. . Serpent –the nature is unproductive, and the human is productive..? God –you didn’t let me explain, you think so you’ve understood the problem, but you didn’t understand it indeed.. are you seeing all these lights in the ceiling..? they’re stronger than the sun: are solar deflectors, it works as a nuclear reactor, energy.. Serpent –energy..? God –yes… I haven’t how to explain you the energy.. ., you’d need to be Einstein.. 8

  9. Serpent –Einstein..? is Einstein energy..? God –no, energy is a combustible… Serpent –combustible..? God –yes, it’s what feeds this place… it’s what makes plants grow… Serpent –and where’s the sun, the heat..? the water, the rain, the rivers, seas..? where’s the wind..? the breeze.., the air, the earth, the trees, the grasses, the flowers, the seed..? God –it’s all here, you just cannot see because it’s something different to your eyes and senses.. you’re upset because this isn’t you.. but without all this, there wouldn’t be growth . Serpent –growth..? 9

  10. God –it’s a size… Serpent –a size..? God –yes, it’s a size, but it’s with what that relates itself, with the food.. . Serpent –the food feeds the growth..? God –yes.. . Serpent –the growth cannot be that which it didn’t make, the growth hasn’t how to create food.. 10

  11. God –you want to understand the food, but the food cannot be understood so easy like that.. you don’t know what’s the food, you don’t know what’s the hunger, and by the most as I try to explain, you don’t get to understand the importance: importance this that should be yours, the well-being.. . God –you say this because you’re not human. Serpent –is the importance that which comes out from the human’s belly, for being this the importance of life..? God –if something went out blue, it’s because there still entered something. Serpent –because what entered was blue.. . 11

  12. God –If it’s not the blue, it won’t enter anything. Ora, I won’t discuss macro econometrics with you, the numbers are the importance. Are the numbers that guarantees the supplying. Serpent –so the numbers are the growth.. God –it’s a size.. . Serpent –it’s an idea… .. God –definitely you don’t know what’s an idea.. and of its importance for the problem.. Serpent –he told me about it.., and I think so I’m understanding what’s this.. . God –he doesn’t know anything..! it’s worse than you. 12

  13. God –no, I didn’t mean this, I didn’t mean you’re like him. God –you don’t want to see the world, you’re rolling up, as if you were taking notes on all the defects, to ridicule me. I’m not this place, I’m not this blue powder, I’m not these lights, I’m not this smell. I’m not a vision. I’m not an idea. Serpent –you’re not human.. ., and you don’t know what you’ve accepted.. .you see beauty on this. .. God –you don’t want to understand what life is… . Serpent –I’ve understood it already, life is a growth, and the growth it’s an idea.. .and an idea is a vision. And this is a fertilizer. And this is the problem. 13

  14. God –you don’t see like me.. Serpent –yes, was what I’ve said.. God –I see things you don’t see.. Serpent –him too sees things you don’t see.. God –and what does he sees that I don’t see, for example..? Serpent –absorption…, if something hasn’t taste, it won’t be absorbed. God –the scientists proved that through molecular alterations, the plants will absorb even more nitrogen than in their natural way.. the energy, molecules, DNA.. the bioscience got to prove this. Serpent –you believe you can modify something, and misbelieves you cannot be modified by this as well.. And you call proof a certainty that you don’t have and will never have. Serpent –you think so you can modify me, in that which you’ve understood as being your changing, because you’ve understood the proof as growth? 14

  15. God –you can’t deny the fact that a solution was possible, and that this is as much proof as a result, in what’s available. Even though it doesn’t be a certainty.. Serpent –guarantees the hunger.. God –yes, guarantees the hunger.. Serpent –The food proves itself in growth while creates itself in growth: to be able to be planted, otherwise the hunger wouldn’t have how to be fed. God –a control, something manageable. Serpent –whose..? of the paradise ? 15

  16. God –yes, you don’t like it.. for this you don’t accept the proof as something that can be made.. God –you haven’t how to misunderstand this place, the modifying’s were necessary, the transformations, the advance.. , the continuity of something, possesses one unique sense.. , a direction.. Serpent –how good you know what a growth is… God –I’m regretted of having brought you here, I knew it wasn’t a good idea.. Serpent –it really isn’t .. God –no, it was you who insisted on coming in here… 16

  17. God – this structure here is able of making plants growing faster, and in a bigger size, that’s all.. Serpent –and disappearing and diminishing, as well.. Serpent –are all synthetic plants… the food is synthetic.. . are you synthetic..? is this what you eat..? God –the synthetic is productive. God –the productivity has to be big… Serpent –the productivity is something big… 17

  18. God –you don’t understand: one earth only it’s not enough, there had to be three earths, to support the hunger.. . Serpent –so the hunger it’s big.. God –it’s needed fertilizers.. Serpent –I understood the fertilizer.. . Serpent –are you a fertilizer..? God –no.. Serpent –why would the plants be..? 18

  19. God –the growth is something important.. it’s a ferment.. it’s elemental for life… none thought would be possible, even the believing would stay compromised.. Serpent –is the thought a ferment..? do you fertilize yourself while you talk to me..? 19

  20. God –you like to understand all things wrong.. Serpent –I..? God –you don’t agree with me because this is not nature.. Serpent –how good you know this.. God –you don’t want to understand the problem.. Serpent –no, on the otherwise, I think so I’m understanding the problem.. God –no, you’re not. It’s a matter which involves the fertility. Serpent –the fertility..? 20

  21. God –stop staying tagging me.. .! sorry. ..: the earth isn’t fertile. Serpent –the nature isn’t fertile..? God –not as the way it should.. Serpent –and from where did it come that which you fertilize..? was it you who created life..? is it you the energy..? God –controlling the fertility was the science’s holy grail.. from where the human mind developed itself.. it would win that who could control the fertility. Serpent –and is the control of the fertility the fountain of life..? 21

  22. God –yes, in a certain way, yes… Serpent –wouldn’t it be the otherwise..? God –the things don’t finish themselves in the fertilizers and fertility.. there’s also the need of defensives, remedies.. because of the diseases, the plagues., . without the food, the life ends, if there’s no harvest.. Serpent –the harvest’s big.. God –yes, the harvest is big.. 22

  23. Serpent –..you’ll continue planting and will continue eating: and just as the remedy, will continue increasing, as much as the fertility will continue decreasing, and the disease will continue growing: until not being able to plant anymore, then the hunger ends.. 23

  24. God –the thing cannot be small; it has to be for all.. . Serpent –it was what I’ve said… God –no, you didn’t say this.. Serpent –there’s something wrong with the size.. God –yes, it was what I’ve said, there’s something wrong with the size.. . right.., let’s talk about another thing.., I’ve never liked economy.. . Serpent –economy..? God –the solution for the problem of the food and the hunger.. Serpent –oh, fertilizer.. . God –yes, fertilizer.. .you’re not the paradise.. Serpent –and neither you a size.. . 24

  25. 25

  26. Serpent –why is the nature’s size it’s so important for you..? Serpent –is it this your sentiment, what you feel is a size..? is it with this that you relate yourself..? you’ve developed yourself in this..? Serpent –from where does all your knowledge comes..? God –it was something I’ve learned with the humans… Serpent –minha nossa..! they must be really intelligent. . God –yes, they are.. they’ve discovered things that nor even I knew exist.. Serpent –they’ve shown all this for you..? 26

  27. God –yes.. Serpent –you’ve learned with them..? God –I was worried with another things.. .managing something ready it’s way easier than building everything again.. . Serpent –and you’ve agreed with this. . .? God –no.. Serpent –and what don’t you agree with..? 27

  28. God –She sent you…If she did this, it’s because she felt unable of talking to me.. .I’ll pass you the contact of my attorneys and you discuss this with them.. an objective conversation.. .and well distributed in the whys.. . I’d like to discuss other things with you.. these things are not important for me.., neither they should be, for you.. . You want to discuss these things, but they were already finished… you’ve related companies, names, values, data.. .. these things are irrelevant, the human has already chosen, he doesn’t want the nature, it’s not for unknowledge. Enginer –..but for fatality.. . God –whatever, it won’t make difference. 28

  29. God –the industrial-farm model is irreversible, independently of the technology that one applies, in that which follows..: there isn’t how to revert that which was made. If this is the elemental for you, forget it. God –there are those who think otherwise, but they don’t go beyond their shoes.. .for understanding that their home is the world.. .they wouldn’t go against that which sustains them, in the maximum wanting to earn with this, for being something that they don’t believe, indeed.. no one would take part in turning the world insupportable.. . Enginer –you talk about the world, but.. you forgot something.. God –no, I didn’t forget, no.. but this somethingit’s not there, in all this material that you.. come collecting about me.. .as if I were a mafioso one and took part in cartels.. and had me prontificado to attend demands.. there’s something valid, and this is the concordance. 29

  30. God –if you ask a 16-year-old one if he’d open hand of his house, with everything in it - and extend this to every thinking head on the earth, from scientific people to common people, these of which you claim not having the perfect understanding on something-, you will see that the answer is no.. God –independently of all the toxicity which follows the matter, even though it be something tasteless, heavy metals ingestion.. it makes no difference: people eat sulfuric acid in the lettuce but they’re few fuckin’ themselves for this: the growth is the human inviolable.. . few matters the rhizosphere.., is the certainty of a result. It’s what ones have. If you don’t want, you will stay without.. . I don’t want to cut you, I’m saying you’re losing your time for nothing, 30

  31. God –are you seeing this bag in my hand..? are diamonds.. worth’s more than gold.. from a company of mine in South Africa… do you like precious stones..? this here has much value.. God –give me your cellphone, and I give you 100gr of nitrogen.. .from a company of mine in Germany.. .the blue powder worth’s more than the white powder.. . God –you call this virtual, but it has the power of converting anything, even bitcoin.. did I disappoint you..? Enginer –no…it won’t change a thing, it will continue being a virtuality.. give back the seeds, and I give you the cellphone.. . 31

  32. God –I’ll leave it here over the table.. Enginer –and you.? Would you give your cellphone..? God –it doesn’t make the slightest difference, I don’t need the seeds for nothing anymore.. Enginer –you haven’t how to prove, you don’t know where’s the flower.. . God –and where’s it..? Enginer –it’s not in a possibility.. . even though you destruct all the seeds, to prove that your idea is the elemental, it won’t go very far, as well, because something will be lacking it .. . it’s just a vice, an insurmountable dependence . God –this isn’t a discordance, Enginer.. Enginer –no, this is a concordance.. . God –the world is a spaceship, and it has departed already.. .the human conditions are unsustainable in the earth. maybe this solves things, don’t you think..? does this seems you fair..? Enginer –it would be, if this spaceship flew, and wasn’t just the floor.. . 32

  33. Enginer –quanta merda… God –‘quanta merda’, why, Enginer..? Enginer –you didn’t say anything.. from where did the offer came.? You need to catch, first.. . God –and didn’t I catch..? Enginer –pois é, you took it.. . God –pois é, Enginer, I can take it.. and I can do whatever I want, it’s mine.. Enginer –you’ve needed to catch, to affirm it was yours.. God –and does this change something, will this change something..? Enginer –how good you understand the changing’s frailty… it’s unsustainable to the wind, permanecer em pé.. .you will be only problematizing the animal, with an escape.. God –wouldn’t it be the otherwise..? you want to initialize the fire..? is it her will or yours..? I don’t know what you want exactly, Enginer, but you’re making a dangerous game.. 33

  34. Enginer –what’s the difficulty of standing up straight in the fire..? why do the feet vacillate, why do the knees bend, towards the abyss..? Enginer –where are you..? have you learned flying, already..? God –yes, I do fly, yes.. 34

  35. God –Enginer, which’s the best combustible for the body..? Enginer –the alcohol.. God –yes, the alcohol.. 35

  36. God –this here is better than enriched uranium.. from the so many underlining things, you’ve angled this one very well… because of the green.. Enginer – the wisdom of the flesh is green.. . God –and where’s this wisdom, Enginer..? Enginer –in the nature.. God –you don’t like the world, Enginer…you have reasons for wanting something different.. God –have you ever thought on this abyss, Enginer..? did you see..? I’ve almost fell.. Enginer–wind who doesn’t fly.. .have you ever thought that without the world the hunger ends.. .? 36

  37. Enginer –he said so Eggs don’t sprout from the earth, for this ideas cannot fly.. God –very good, Enginer, I didn’t know you would reach to this result.. you know well the natural movements, but… do you know well the human movements..? 37

  38. Enginer –I know who you are.. God –oh, do you..? God –and what do you know..? 38

  39. Enginer –that your idea is false.. . God –hahaha! 39

  40. God –why..? Enginer –there was never a plantation.. the maintenance of a lacking, the supplying.. . God –I won’t discuss this with you.. Enginer –certainly not.. . 40

  41. God –why do you think this, Enginer..? Enginer –because this is the inclination of the fire.. God –why, Enginer..? Enginer –he will seat to talk.. Enginer –you can’t be two things being one thing only.. the animal would know.. . God –the animal knows.. 41

  42. Enginer –not in the fair way. God –he knows what he should know, this is fair.. .what is justice, for you..? Enginer –the natural way, the of the fire.. . it doesn’t tramita through the justification of a proof.. ., it doesn’t need cause and action, to exist. It’s how the rock was transformed in solid, how the fire was used in floor.. . God –translate me better what you’ve said, would you..? I stay a little dumb when I’m seated.. I stay looking at you and I stay thinking other things.. can you explain this..? Enginer –the wind passed by the fire, the fire will pass by the water.. God –and where will this give..? Enginer –will pass by the earth.. . 42

  43. God –you think so I’ve put myself with defeated ones.. . Enginer –It’s a scalar lie, the econometric data.. .the fire was never a grandness. You can mix up NPK like cards at table, but it doesn’t give in any sequence in the nature. Enginer –it’s how they’ve understood you, in absence.. if not, the world wouldn’t need to be saved. There would be no lacking. Enginer –The difference cannot be a logic entity of a procedence.. .the blue didn’t come from the green.. . the unity doesn’t fly. .. it is not genome of anything at all in the nature.. . if something appears, it’s a constant; if something disappears, it’s a permanence: The changing it’s only an explanation for the continuity of a defect. Do you agree with this..? God –defect, Enginer..? Enginer –the idea would have to depend on itself to prove its independence in the result. God –but the idea still didn’t exhaust its forces, there are still spaces to be conquered.. Enginer –few matters the state of the movement, wherever one goes, the dependence it’s the same.. .it doesn’t depend on you, only.. .I think so you already know this, that was never different, and will never be. It won’t give sap, will give in mud..: the wind doesn’t inhabit the fire’s surface. The water will take everything you’ve built.. . God –honestly, I’m not understanding, Enginer.. you want to understand my side, but I’m not understanding yours.. .are you wanting to sell me something? It doesn’t seem me a vision.. , nothing scientific...what do you want me to see, exactly..? 43

  44. God –I thought so this was going to be fast, but it looks like I’ll take a little longer.. . is there something I don’t know..? it must be something yours, then, because.. otherwise, I’d know.. God –what do you want, Enginer..? I’m already seated.. you’ve left me curious. .. this works with the fire, but, with me.. ? God –do you drink ..? tell me about what you like, we can transform this place.. .in something I didn’t see.. .but don’t you have rush, talk slowly.. tell me what you want.. .and try to accompany me in that which I do, it will help me understanding you, as well.. . 44

  45. God –you want to know of which side I am…I’ve already .. I wouldn’t be here.. . God –what do you think..? God –if the toxicity were a problem , the human body would’ve already turned into metal, the food would cease being a problem. What do you want? you need me… . let’s talk about another thing, then.. .. 45

  46. God –you don’t accept.. Enginer –she doesn’t want.. God –she doesn’t want because you don’t want.. Enginer –she doesn’t want because she doesn’t like.. God –what’s your taste, Enginer..? we can talk about this, what do you think..?you’re a woman.. Enginer –are your eyes.. . you have to pass by the fire… .there’s no heat in your idea, for this it doesn’t fly.. .the communication failed.. without the animal, you won’t stand up in your own idea. Enginer –you will fall in the abyss if you go more beyond.. God –then show me what is this more beyond.. Enginer –the vice.. 46

  47. God –..that there exists indeed something of wrong in the world… Serpent –you haven’t how to believe this.. no one has how to convince you from this, nor even yourself.. .if not, you wouldn’t be seeing me, nor listening to me. God –what is it of wrong in the world..? Serpent – the love.. it cannot be an absence.. 47

  48. God –you think so things happened because, somehow, I was absent..? and this scared you… God –I don’t know what I’ve done, then.. 48

  49. Serpent –is the size an importance, for you..? God –hahaha ..!!! let’s seat… Serpent –you’re laughing just like King David.. 49

  50. God –King David it’s a legend, like the King Arthur’s.. .there were never kings in the earth.. . Serpent –yes, I know them both.. God –did you meet king Arthur..? Serpent –yes.. it’s a friend.. God –these things are fables, you make the fables stay serious: no, it’s not this the word: it’s truly.. 50

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