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optimism (1)

how to remain positive, how to retract your life towards positivism

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optimism (1)

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  1. optimism

  2. Definition • an attitude reflecting a belief or hope that the outcome of some specific endeavor, or outcomes in general, will be positive, favorable, ... • Optimism is a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.

  3. Optimism is a mix of imagination and interpretation. So optimism is both, a philosophy and an attitude. It’s a philosophy in how we interpret the events that happen in our everyday life. It’s an attitude in how we carry ourselves forward.

  4. history • The basis for optimism dates back to Socrates, who was later professed by Plato, then Aristotle, who in turn inspired Martin Seligman, the founder of Positive Psychology, whose concept has been developed extensively throughout the world.

  5. THE FOUR BELIEFS OF THE HIGHLY OPTIMISTIC • There are four traits that optimists have in common when it comes down to thinking about goals and achieving them. • Ability • Aptitude • Desire • Motivation/Discipline

  6. When faced with a challenge an optimist believes they have the ability to carry out the task. So for example if getting back into shape is the goal an optimist believes that they have the ability to get back into shape. They can physically, mentally, and emotionally carry out the steps that are required to complete a goal.

  7. Aptitude would be the competence to carry out the goal. Can be physical or mental but is not necessarily knowledge based. It may relate to talent or the readiness to quickly learn what it takes.. An optimist believes they would have the talent to conquer a goal. Aptitude is inborn potential to do certain kinds of work whether developed or undeveloped. Ability is developed knowledge, understanding, learnt or acquired abilities (skills) or attitude.

  8. The desire is the need to achieve it. Do you really want it? It’s your why. The reason you are doing something. A lot of people say they want to get into shape but do they really. Many just say it because it’s the right thing to say. You’re suppose to want to healthier right? But if you really don’t care or have the desire it is not going to happen for you. Your desires are things you want, while motivation is your reason for performing a given action. You can be motivated by your desires ("I want to buy a new car, so I should save some money!").

  9. Motivation and discipline go together. It’s easy to be motivated. Most of us get to motivated when we start a new challenge. We get all gun-ho and adapt this “all-in” mentality but when something hits the fan we start to doubt ourselves and that motivation starts to ween a bit. This is where discipline comes in. An optimist believes that when the going gets tough they have the discipline to get back in line with the things they need to be doing to achieve long-term success. That set backs are only temporary and offer a chance to learn and grow as well as improve in the future.

  10. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OPTIMISM AND POSITIVE THINKING • not the same thing. • I like to think of positive thinking as the talk and optimism as the walk • Optimism is the action. The actual carrying out of those positive thoughts. So learn to walk and not just talk.

  11. People confuse optimism and blind positivity you know an optimist is not naïve, he doesn't deny fact, darkness but believe the future is bright and so even now in these strange coveted times yeah it's dark but i know there's a light at the end of this tunnel i don't know how far away it is and i don't know how long it takes to get there but i know if we work together and help each other we'll we'll get to the end of this tunnel stronger and better than we went in !!!!! that's optimism Whereas blind positivity is everything's fine, everything's good agreed and that's actually not helpful because that's actually not true but you're ignoring something so the optimist is not naive and cynical and the one who believes that he’s all the things but still believe the future's bright

  12. So when situations arise there are three ways to look at them. People see them in three ways

  13. 1. Permanence: The idea that something is likely to happen again and again or is only temporary. An optimist sees good things that happen as permanent and bad things that happen as temporary. Someone that is pessimistic would see good events as short-term or temporary and bad things as permanent or likely to happen again and again.

  14. 2. Pervasiveness: The idea that an event is either reflective of your entire life or is related to that specific event. An optimist sees good events as universal or related to their entire life and bad events as specific to that instant and that instant only and does not define their existence as a whole. A pessimist would see good events as only related to that specific time period and event while bad things would be a reflection of their entire life.

  15. 3. Personalization: Is the idea that decisions and events are either internal or external. Or more specifically that we are either responsible for events in our life or that most of them are out of our control. An optimist would view good events as internal or something that we are in control of while bad events are usually out of our control and external.

  16. You might even have a friend or two that always seem to find the bright side of things. Always positive, nothing seems to get them down, they’re always happy go-lucky and tough times seem to just float over their head. Were they born optimists? Is it something in their genes? I don’t think it’s either.


  18. Recent studies have shown that optimism is 50% inherited from our genes, 40% determined by ourselves and the way in which we decide to live our lives and 10% by others (i.e. the environment in which we develop). So, the good news is that we can act individually on our level of optimism by working on that 40%.

  19. OPTIMISM IS A STATE OF MIND AND A KEY ELEMENT OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE  • In humans, optimism is a disposition to look on the bright side of things. This state of mind invites us to perceive the world and universe in a positive light. • Optimism is a mental disposition that generates behaviours that are essential for leadership. According to some experts, it is a key component of emotional intelligence and, as such, a factor that influences success in general.

  20. Optimism is something you teach yourself. • A habit that you develop. A skill that needs to be learned. • So with everything that’s going on in your world today what steps to teach yourself the skills that can lead to more positive outcomes, more rose-colored glasses, more frowns upside down, and more  glasses half full and less glasses half empty?

  21. Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other briantracy we all face challenges now and again but it is our reaction to those challenges that determine how quickly we can overcome them there are typically two types of views people have towards challenges


  23. overcome depression personality grooming and development boost or encourage students self confidence improve low self - esteem

  24. •positive growth reduces stress •Learn something new daily it can be a word , quote , phrase , skill or subject related content •Learning gives you a sense of accomplishment • create something it can be online like an app, any game, YouTube content, poem,daily routine general, or even a single sentence. •There Are No Stressed 5-year-olds In Finger-painting Class

  25. •You’re  not a machine; life is not about more andmore productivity.  You Need Real Leisure, that is true leisure time Not Just More Screen Time •Find activities that you like most. •Anything that make you lost so much that you forget everything else. •Do it on daily basis preferably. •It may not includes any cost most of the time   E.g in door game(playing cards), out door game (tennis, football),  walkso, find a hobby it’ll enhance your life and make u feel better whichultimately reduces your stress

  26. •for building self-confidence •Look at what you've already achieved. It's easy to lose confidence if you believe you haven't achieved anything. ... •Think of things you're good at. Everyone has strengths and talents. ... •Set some goals. ... •Talk yourself up. ... •Get a hobby.

  27. •Personality Grooming Tips Every Student Should Follow •Study and Observe Your own self. ... •Improve Your Dressing. ... •Extraordinary Communication Skills. ... •Body Language. ... •Giving Your Own Opinion. ... •Proper Planning for Best Performance. ... •Listen Patiently. ... •Be Supportive and Caring.


  29. Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other briantracy we all face challenges now and again but it is our reaction to those challenges that determine how quickly we can overcome them there are typically two types of views people have towards challenges

  30. How to be optimistic during challenges 1. ‘Try On’ a Positive Lens • Yes, shifting your perspective is as easy as consciously thinking happy thoughts. Experts refer to the tactic as "positive reframing." • Making this conscious effort not only shifts your viewpoint in the short term, but it may actually train your brain to think more positively. As Davidson’s research revealed, the more we consciously reframe scenarios in a positive light, the more we train our brains to fire up circuits in different regions, eventually altering our response to negative experiences.

  31. 2. Take Note of the Company You Keep We all have those friends who are chronic complainers or gossipers. It’s clear: Negativity is contagious. Luckily, positive emotions can be contagious, too. “Just as some diseases are contagious,” Christakis says, “we’ve found that many emotions can pulse through social networks,” says Nicholas Christakis, an HMS professor of medical sociology and of medicine who has researched the contagion of emotions within the larger context of social networks, His research found that happiness may be a collective phenomenon: Having a happy spouse, or a friend or neighbor, who lives within a mile of you appears to increase the probability that you will be happy as well.

  32. Turn Off the News Five minutes of the morning news is enough to send anyone's mood in a downward spiral. “The news and current state of media and politics can make it very hard for people to be optimistic. The reality is that the moment you turn on the news or read the paper, you are likely to be barraged with negativity and a bleak outlook on the world,” says Iyer. “This, however, is an imbalanced view on the world, so I suggest that people try to limit their consumption of the news.

  33. 4. Write in a Journal for a Few Minutes Each Day Researchers define gratitude as the appreciation of what is valuable and meaningful to oneself, or a general state of thankfulness — no doubt a mental state that fosters an optimistic outlook. But it can be easier said than done to remain grateful throughout day to-day stressors . Writing down what you are grateful for is linked to greater feelings of optimism. Not to mention that writing down what you’re grateful for comes with some pretty impressive physical benefits as well, including better sleep, improved heart health, reduced aches and pains and fewer depressive symptoms

  34. 5. Acknowledge What You Can — and Cannot — Control “While some people may be unable to deal with uncertainty, positive individuals are able to adapt and thrive. Accept what you can and cannot control in the situation,” says Hershenson. “For example, if you lose your job you cannot control the fact that you were fired or laid off. You can control whether you take steps to find a new job as well as whether you take care of yourself with proper nutrition and sleep.”

  35. 6. Don't Forget to Acknowledge the Negative It's important to remember that making an effort to be more optimistic doesn’t mean walking around wearing rose-colored glasses. While it's good for our mental health to see the positive in situations, not acknowledging the negative can hinder you in the long run.

  36. “Optimism can be detrimental if it keeps you locked into fantasy and you are in denial about your current reality. You may be optimistic about finding a more lucrative job or loving relationship, but if you do not address the issues that are keeping you from those goals, you will not be able to create what you want,” says Ward. “A combination of optimism and realistic thinking help people navigate through life. Realistic thinking does not mean never seeing the bright side of life; not at all. It is simply a way of supporting your optimism with the action steps so that you can create a positive future as opposed to being stuck in fantasy.

  37. Optimists Live by This Mantra: “Seeing is not believing; believing is seeing.”

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