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penzu.com-Eczema Causes - 3 Steps To Finding Them

Finding the causes of eczema can be quite frustrating. Therefore it is important to know how to approach it.

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penzu.com-Eczema Causes - 3 Steps To Finding Them

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  1. Eczema Causes - 3 Steps To Finding Them penzu.com/public/60b9abc0 Mon. 4/19/2021 by jonas 25 Step 1 Finding the causes of eczema can be quite frustrating. Therefore it is important to know how to approach it. Finding eczema causes requires patience and persistence. First, you need to be aware of the wide range of things that can trigger eczema to develop. Many people focus on foods; however, anything you use or that is present in your environment can be a trigger. These include changes in the weather and stress. Also, people who have certain occupations associated with the use of chemicals, metals or strong cleaning products, may develop contact eczema. Step 2 If you are going to succeed at finding eczema causes, you will need to keep a detailed eczema diary. Each page should have the date, the state of your eczema on that day, and categories for the various types of things that you were exposed to that day. If your exposures are the same for several days in a 1/2

  2. row, you can just add the date to the previous page. If there is a change in your exposures, add those to a new page. You should also record the recurring exposures on the new page. It is likely that one or more of your exposures causes eczema. The major categories should be Weather and Environmental Conditions, Food and Drink, Toiletries, Detergents, Pets, Clothing Fabrics, Chemicals and Cleaning Agents, Stresses and Significant Events. Each day carefully record your exposures in each of these categories. Over a period of time, you should start to notice that certain exposures are more common around the time that your eczema symptoms are worse. Step 3 To confirm whether the common exposures are cause your eczema, the next step is to remove each exposure for a month and then observe if there is any improvement in your eczema. If there is no improvement add the exposure back in and proceed to the next one until you have completed the process. At the end of this process, you should have a firmer understanding of your specific eczema causes. I do not advocate removing all the suspected exposure all at once and then adding them back in one by one. This may cause too much adjustment shock to the body if there are several suspected exposures. In addition, if several of the exposures are foods from different food groups, you can compromise your nutrition by removing them all at once. In looking for your eczema causes, it is important to remember that it may not be easy to remove all suspected exposures. In the spring, if you live in an area with lots of pollinating plants, and you think pollen causes your eczema, it will be difficult to avoid coming into contact with pollen. As you can see the process of determining eczema causes will require patience and persistence. Being in contact with specialists will help for the relief – Skin Care Specialist in Coimbatore. 2/2

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