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penzu.com-Skin protection from sunburn

It is an ailment most of us have suffered from. On occasion, no matter what we do to prevent it, we are still victims of its fury.

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penzu.com-Skin protection from sunburn

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  1. Skin protection from sunburn penzu.com/public/4c68f2a3 Mon. 5/3/2021 by jonas 25 It is an ailment most of us have suffered from. On occasion, no matter what we do to prevent it, we are still victims of its fury. The dreaded sunburn is the villain of summer, and the majority of us have felt its wrath. Whether you simply forgot to apply (or re-apply) your sunscreen, or you took all the necessary precautions and still somehow fell victim to sunburn, treating sunburn will help you cope with the discomfort, and aid your healing process. The first rule of thumb when treating sunburn is to keep your skin hydrated. Skin affected by sunburn is dry, sore, and begging for hydration. A common remedy is the use of Aloe Vera gel, which will hydrate and soothe the skin. As with any herb, some people may experience allergic reactions. If you are sensitive to aloe, consider using a hypoallergenic moisturizing lotion to smooth your dry skin. Do NOT use petroleum jelly or other ointments as they will not only magnify symptoms but slow or prevent the sunburn healing process. 1/2

  2. It is not only important to heal your sunburn by hydrating the outside of your body, but the inside as well. Increase your fluid intake to aid your body's sunburn healing process. Water is preferred, but other liquids may be helpful as well. If your sunburn covers a large portion of your body or is more severe than your average sunburn, consider hydrating beverages that contain electrolytes. Manage the pain of your sunburn with over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Consider soothing your sunburn by taking a cool shower or bath. If you choose a bath, pour some vinegar or oatmeal into your water. Both will soothe the sting of your sunburn. Most sunburns are either 1st or 2nd-degree sunburns. 1st degree is the typical red, sore type of sunburn that one develops after just a bit too much sun. A more serious type, a 2nd-degree burn, is sunburn that is not only red and painful but is accompanied by blisters. If these blisters are more than 2 inches in diameter, seek the assistance of a doctor right away. Report any sign of infection, and do not try any home remedies on sunburn that brings on a fever. Most importantly, stay out of the sun to avoid further sun damage, and always remember to limit your time in the sun without sunscreen or other protective gear. Sunburn is a dreadful condition but is usually completely preventable. Use common sense when it comes to sun exposure and spare yourself the trouble of sunburn! Being in contact with specialists will help for the relief — Skin Care Specialist in Coimbatore. 2/2

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