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Composing an Apology note for arriving late at meeting

Workplace ethics contribute to a well-balanced culture. Make an apologetic message or email for being late to work or a professional meeting.

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Composing an Apology note for arriving late at meeting

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  1. ADVERTISE ABOUT CONTACT SEARCH ACCOUNT HR NEWS  STRATEGY  TRENDS  RESOURCES  SUCCESS STORIES  HRM MAGAZINE  HOW TO WRITE AN APOLOGY NOTE FOR LATE ARRIVAL AT A MEETING When good manners and etiquette are discussed, being on time for any appointment or meeting is duly emphasized. The same is true in a professional setting. Every workplace, largely, has set working hours where we are supposed to report by a certain time. Being late is frowned upon and is liable to have consequences. In a survey, a majority of employers (60%) said they expected employees to be on time every day, and 43% had fired someone for being late, up from 41% the previous year. But there are times when you cannot manage to be on time for work or a meeting despite all efforts. HOW TO WORD A LATE ARRIVAL APOLOGY NOTE What one can do is write an apology letter to the manager for being late. Writing an apology letter is an effective way to show you’re sincerely sorry for missing work. And the effort taken to apologize for it will work in your favor. Moreover, it is the right professional attitude and will be noted as such. For people who make a practice of arriving late, it is doubly important to immediately shoot out a letter specifying the reasons for being tardy and emphasize that you would try your best not to repeat the mistake. In addition, mention that you would compensate for the delay by putting in some extra hours, or offer to take up more tasks. Remember not to give the same old trite reasons for being late, including getting up late as the alarm did not go off, or my pet needed to be taken to the vet immediately.

  2. Apology notes are helpful and appreciated when arriving late in meetings. ADDRESS THE TARDINESS IMMEDIATELY Write the note of apology as soon as possible. Keep your tone over-apologetic or self-abasing. while accepting responsibility for your tardiness. But do not be professional THE LETTER OR NOTE OF APOLOGY Come straight to the point and start with I want to apologize or am extremely sorry for being late today. After that come straight to the reason for being late. Acknowledge that the infraction might have caused huge inconveniences for the team and even resulted in some consequences for the business. Accept your fault for being late and show regret and a willingness to do whatever is necessary to correct the situation.

  3. After that, be conciliatory and offer to compensate with some extra effort. SAMPLE APOLOGY LETTER TO AN EMPLOYER FOR TARDINESS Dear Tom/Jane Please accept my most profound apology for showing up a half-hour late for the presentation with Delta Corp this morning. It was very unprofessional on my part. I left for work with ample time to spare. I left home at 8 a.m. for the 10 a.m. meeting. Unfortunately, there was a major accident on Highway 32 on the way to the office, which resulted in a massive traffic jam. I parked my car at a retail outlet and backtracked on foot, and caught a taxi to work. All this took a lot of time. I assure you that I will take all necessary measures to ensure that such an event does not re-occur. Again, I deeply regret putting you in this situation. I have emailed Mr. X at Delta Corp and apologized for my late arrival. I have offered to make a detailed presentation at his convenience if desired. Once again, accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused all around. Yours sincerely, Cheryl Here’s a tip: While you can hand-deliver your note of apology, it is easier to send it by email. Be sure to write a clear subject line of “A note of apology” or “Apology for arriving late”. Do not use emojis or fancy fonts. Be straight and to the point. HOME ADVERTISE WITH US SUBSCRIBE NOW CONTACT PRIVACY TERMS SITEMAP CAREERS © 2021 THE HR DIGEST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. POWERED BY IDMERIT       

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