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As we can see technology can perform accurately and efficiently. Humans are worried about their future as they believe that technology can replace humans.

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  1. TECHNOLOGY Rajdeepkaur

  2. TECHNOLOGY CHANGING THE FACE OF EDUCATION? • Technology changing the face of education: Technology cannot be terminated without the utilization of procedures, tools, machines, materials, and sources of power to make human life more comfortable throughout. it has aided in changing the face of education and developing the education system and productivity as well.

  3. technology advancement It encourages one’s abilities and permits one to use the immense material forces of creation. Technological advancement is the driving force of commercial growth.  Consequently, the availability of technology defines the efficiency of stock and the acceleration of economic growth.

  4. Technology transforming the appearance of teaching • Technology has converted an enormous part of society and day-to-day life. it is utilized to assist both teaching and learning technology in the classroom.  technology is a predominant mechanism that supports and moulds education. it has the capability to enhance connections between teachers and students.

  5. It can put all the data into one position, promote learning motivation, it also intensifies learning efficiency because of visualization of the thought.  technology presents a satisfactory environment in which students discover and solve their own troubles. Students are also capable to cooperate with their own classroom through technology purposes. • we have multiple platforms on which we can communicate with friends, and teachers. those platforms are Google meet, Skype, Slack, zoom, and Bigbluebutton, etc. Zoom is one of the most prevalent conferencing platforms.

  6. TEHNOLOGY HAS A POSTIVE AND NEGATIVE INFLUENCE POSITIVE EFFECT • 1 we can reach distant places within hours. • 2 save time and money • 3 enhancement of learning skills • 4 development of social interaction • 5 Problem-solving abilities • 6 with the help of mobile technology,  we can easily reach our friends and relatives who are living far from us • 7 enhancement of student engagement

  7. NEGATIVE EFFECT • 1 Due to the evolution of technology workers face difficulties means it generates unemployment. • 2 It is also created depressing social issues, health problems. • 3 reduce slumber due to mobile devices. • 4 less physical motions • 5 feeling lonely • 6 neck pain and bad posture. • 7 kids play those games which are dangerous in their life. • 8 somebody utilizes technology in the wrong way which destroys their life. an eg. terrorist, thieves.

  8. CAN TECHNOLOGY REPLACE HUMANS? • Machines can replace humans for many functions like farming equipment during industrial sectors .these machines are known as A.I, robots, machine learning. These kinds of technology work stronger, faster and smarter than humans because they are too lazy.

  9. Technology replace humans then humans and machines work together or not? At the point when machines and people work together they can prevail in regions like medication, by assisting with patient determination through picture acknowledgment; creditor liabilities, by handling a large number of solicitations in a more limited measure of time and decreasing possible mistakes on records; and lawful, by investigating a great many agreements for explicit conditions that may not conform to organization strategies.

  10. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY •  Effective turn of events and commercialization of creative advances is consistently laden with challenges, complex undertaking, and an assortment of improvement devices exist to advance this movement, by a long shot the most famous way to deal with straightforwardly advancing fruitful development is through innovation move.

  11. Factors that Affect the Process of Technology Transfer in the Pharmaceutical Industry • • Investment in R&D.• Establishing the connection between creation and exploration.• Data advancement inside the area of innovation move strategies.• Organizational, equipment and enlightening frameworks.• Awareness of essential and fundamental variable requirements for innovation move.• Consideration of existing and old advances

  12. Rules/Significance OF technology transfer • To explain essential data to move innovation from Research and development to real assembling by figuring out different data got during Research and development. • Exhibition of essential data to innovation move from innovative work to real assembling. • To explain essential data to move innovation of existing items between different assembling places. • To embody explicit techniques and marks of worry for smooth innovation move. For the smooth assembling of marketed items.

  13. This is relevant to the innovation move through Research and development and creation of medication (artificially orchestrated medication substances and medication items) and the innovation move identified with post-advertising changes in assembling places. • a definitive objective for fruitful innovation move is to have reported proof that the assembling system for drug substance and medication items are strong and powerful in creating the medication and medication items agreeing with the enlisted details and Great Assembling Practice prerequisite.

  14. General effect of the innovation transfer program.I. Improvement of the examination relevance and its advancement in far-off nations.ii. Commitment to the creation and solidification of exploration gatherings and places for innovation improvement, including the preparation of youthful examination understudies.iii. Elevate interdisciplinary tasks to be created in the district of interest.

  15. Why/Reasons for innovation transfer? 1)Due to the absence of assembling limit, the engineer of the innovation may just have to produce equipment that is reasonable for lab and limited scope tasks and should cooperate with one more association to do huge scope fabricating2) Because of the absence of assets to dispatch items financially. The first creator of innovation may just have assets to direct beginning phase examination and Stage I and II clinical preliminaries.

  16. 3) Because of the absence of promoting dispersion and conveyance capacity. The designer of the innovation might have completely fostered the innovation and even have gotten administrative endorsements and item enlistments, however, it might not have the promoting and circulation channels and should team up with another association that has the capacity.4)Forming coalitions with accomplices that can advance the improvement of the innovation to take it to showcase.5)Forming coalitions with accomplices with assembling capacity.6)Forming coalitions with accomplices with showcasing and conveyance capacity.7)Exploitation in an alternate field of utilization.

  17. WHAT IS TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT? HOW ADVANCED IS TECHNOLOGY ATTACHED TO THE MAN PROBLEM? • Technology advancement to address the world’s rising demand for clean and reasonable power will need simultaneous improvements in materials science and technology in order to meet the achievement demands of new power-generating systems. For instance, a technological advance in the wireless broadband industry might enable more productive use of insufficient range, resulting in greater speed and capability for wireless broadband.


  19. Advancing technology for the advantage of humanity • Technology transforms the way individuals talk, learn, and imagine. It helps the community and ascertains show people cooperate with each other on a periodic basis. Technology plays a vital role in society. • The invention of the internet supplies us access to data at a twenty-four-hour rate and you have access to almost anything online. technological advancements initiated learning more entertainment and beneficial. • Technology brought many new modes of electronic intelligence. For example, there is social networking, emails. you can facetime a personality that lives on the other side of the globe, and there’s video conferencing where you can have discussions electronically.

  20. There are many innovative apps on telephones that although characters to watch their weight, how many calories they intake, their heart rate and other health resources any time of the day. • technology provides us with a lot of educational content, fast and free, which makes the learning process more personalized and self-paced, improving it. technology has made life easier mostly for those who get the chance to interact with it. For instance use of social media or websites in our daily lives.

  21. HOW ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY HAS ADDED THE MAN’S PROBLEM? • Humans are the most magnificent piece of God. Nature has given humans all the demanded things that they required. But the eagerness of humans was not fulfilled. They started making technology in order to get their work done more spontaneously. • There are so many interests in Technology. But remember if there is a benefit, there problem also. So the obstacle is people became inactive because of technology. • Nowadays, we do not go to the supermarket to purchase groceries rather than order them online. We didn’t go out and meet our associates “face to face” alternatively that we meet them on social media “ONLINE” or “LIVE”. • The human mind has built technology but now technology is destroying our minds. Technology has also created some new complications for humans. • We don’t believe in our own people instead we consider technology which can be replaced by itself also.Nowadays, there are several Hackers on the Internet. They can take your secret data also.

  22. How many technology companies are there in the world? where to invest in technology? Here goes our rundown of the 20 Greatest Technology companies in the world in 2021: • 1 Xiaomi 11 Sony • 2 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Limited (TSMC) 12 IBM • 3 Lenovo 13 Hitachi • 4 Cisco 14  Dell Technologies • 5 LG Electronics 15 Huawei • 6 Tencent 16 Microsoft • 7 HP Inc. 17 Alphabet • 8 Panasonic  18 Foxconn • 9 Facebook19 Samsung Electronics • 10 Intel  20 Apple

  23. How information technology works ? • web-based business Sites. Data innovation, or IT,  portrays any innovation that powers or empowers the capacity, handling and data stream inside an association. The data innovation (IT) area is contained organizations that produce programming, equipment or semiconductor gear, or organizations that give web or related administrations.With the degree of innovative reconciliation into virtually every feature of life and business, it's basic fundamental for organizations, enormous or little, to have a Data Innovation (IT) office to deal with every one of the mechanical issues that emerge.

  24. IT office is answerable for giving the framework to this robotization. IT office empowers the organization's workers to convey, team up and computerize routine assignments, and by and large furnish groups with the usefulness they need to play out their obligations. Framework alludes to the equipment parts, the organization, the hardware and any remaining gear important to make an IT framework work as per the setup necessities and framework "size" of the organization. • It alludes to making and keeping up with functional applications; creating, getting, and putting away electronic information that has a place with the association; and aiding the utilization of programming and information the executives to all useful spaces of the association.

  25. Where to invest in technology ? • 1) Dell Technologies Inc.: Dell Technologies designs, develops and manufactures a range of integrated technology solutions, products, and services. Its products include desktops, workstations, notebooks, displays, projectors, and more. The company also offers multi-cloud, big data, and storage solutions to meet a wide variety of its customers' needs.15 Dell serves 98% of Fortune 500 companies and employs a sales force of more than 40,000 people. • 2) Arrow Electronics Inc.: Arrow Electronics is a global provider of electronic components, computer products, and enterprise computing solutions to OEMs, contract manufacturers, and other commercial customers. The company distributes batteries, displays, sensors, memory products, and a wide range of other electronic components.7 It also offers related services, solutions, and software.8 The company has roughly 20,000 employees worldwide and more than 180,000 customers in technology manufacturing and other industries.

  26. 3) "Amazon.com: is the leading online retailer and the leading provider of cloud computing infrastructure. Founder Jeff Bezos stepped down in July, opening a new chapter for the dominant tech company." • 4) "Apple: makes the iPhone, the iPad, and Mac computers. Intense customer loyalty ensures plenty of repeat customers, and a growing array of services makes Apple’s ecosystem sticky." • 5): Cisco Systems: is the dominant provider of enterprise networking hardware that forms the backbone of the internet. • 6) Facebook: is the largest social media company, with more than 2 billion daily active users across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp. The company sees virtual reality as its future.

  27. CONCLUSION We can observe nowadays, without technology we are worthless because everyone wants to use technology to facilitate work. with technology, teachers have discovered new techniques to interact with their pupils. so we can say technology changing the face of education.  usage of man-made consciousness will unquestionably make life much more helpful for humanity in the years to come and even power people to advance their ranges of abilities, it will maybe never be workable for such machines to totally supplant the human asset. From a drug contract producer’s (CMO) viewpoint, the attention is on the best way to convey better outcomes to customers according to a task from the executive’s perspective.Thereare key contemplations to prompt a fruitful drug tech move and at last, an item dispatch to advertise including a committed venture the board program, normalized tech moves methodology and vigorous quality frameworks.

  28. Technology has promoted many things, and entering in context has served much, in distance education; however, technology can become serious because sometimes it can create problems for the man if it is not used suitably, following rules of their use. Investors can and do adjust their current circumstances by their investment choices, however. the choice to refine the climate presup-poses that the framework for mechanical advancement exists. investors should underestimate that the political economy allows their entrepreneur exercises. In cutting-edge modern economies, potential Investors might campaign for political changes in the idea of government intervention in the economy, yet these progressions by and large are refinements of setting up political economies. It has associated the entire world together. There are a large number of individuals utilized in this industry and It has changed how individuals consume and use Data.


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