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How to set google ads campaign.<br>to know more details contact us at http://www.digitalplanetclub.com/

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  1. What is AdWords? Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users.Google’s search engine and its partner sites display online advertisements based on multiple factors such as keywords, interests, topics, demographics, etc.It allows the advertiser to set a monthly budget and pay when people click on their advertisements. Google has created a platform to help businesses reach their customers instantly. How does AdWords benefit ecommerce businesses? The two main ways AdWords can help your online retail business are by improving brand awareness and driving qualified traffic to your site. Other benefits of using AdWords include: Customers associate certain keywords and phrases with your business You can target with AdWords, meaning the ads follow a customer to other Google sites like YouTube and The New

  2. York Times - that improves conversion and reduces cost-per- click. Focus on your target market by including in on certain regions and cities AdWords identifies who is searching for your products AdWords reminds customers of what they previously searched for, keeping your brand top of mind AdWords helps you optimize current campaigns and leverage results for improved overall success. Google AdWords helps customers find what they're looking for in a faster, more customized manner. Including a unique selling position in your ad can also help consumers determine why your business is better than your competition. AdWords is an affordable, easy-to-use advertising platform that can increase traffic and sales for your ecommerce store. Few basic terms- Keywords: These are the words or phrases that people type into Google Search, which trigger your ad to appear. When setting up an ad campaign, you’ll pick a list of keywords that you think people might search for when they want what you have to offer (and don’t worry: we can help). Bid:This is the maximum amount you’re willing to pay when someone clicks on your ad. (Since, with Google Ads, you don’t pay to show up — only when someone clicks on your ad to visit your site or call you.) Quality Score: This metric tells you how relevant your keywords are to your ad — and to your landing page (i.e. the webpage where people will be taken when they click your ad). A good Quality Score can lower your bid costs and improve your ad rank in the search results.

  3. Ad Rank: This metric helps determine where your ad will show up, relative to other ads, when it's triggered to appear on Google. Your rank is determined using your bid, your Quality Score, and other factors. CPC (cost-per-click): The actual amount you pay when someone clicks on your ad. (You don’t necessarily pay your entire bid price for every click — that just sets up a range of possible costs-per-click you might pay.) Conversion: A conversion takes place when someone who has clicked your ad goes on to take another action you’ve designated as important — like making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or calling you. How to set up new campaigns in Google ads: The first step is to create a new campaign and choose your goal. This goal will help you determine the best campaign type to reach your intended audience. 1.Sign in to your Google Ads account. 2.On the left-side menu, click Campaigns. 3.Click the plus button +, then select New campaign. 4.Select a goals for your campaign. If none of the goals fit what you’re looking for, selectCreate a campaign without a goal’s guidance.

  4. Or Click on new campaign directly. Then click on website traffic: Get the right people to visit your website Then click on search ads: it Drive more traffic to your site with text or call ads that show near search results of Google.com, on Google search partners sites, and more

  5. Select the ways you'd like to reach your goal: This step helps customize your campaign setup to focus on settings and features that can help you get the customer actions that matter most to your business. @After doing all this click on save and continue. After that we have to select : level 1 select campaign settings : 1.General setting  Tpye campaign name :  Select network : 1- Search add: To help you get a similar cost per conversion as you get on the Search network, some clicks on the Search partner network may cost more or less than your Google Search Max. CPC bid. Search partner performance won't impact your Search Quality Score. 2- Display network : hat to know about expanding your Search campaign to Google Display: You'll get incremental conversions on Display at similar or lower costs than on Search

  6. Your ads will appear only when you're not using all your budget on Search or when Display conversions are cheaper and your other Display campaigns are not eligible to serve Your Display performance won’t impact your Search Quality Score No additional setup is required for one-click opt-in. Set start and end date:Your ads will continue to run unless you specify an end date. Campaign URL options: Tracking template is the URL you want the ad click to go to for tracking.

  7. Dynamic Search Ads setting: Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) target relevant searches automatically based on your website, then use headlines automatically customized to people's actual searches. This setting determines what domain, language, and targeting source to use for your DSA. To create a DSA, you’ll need to create a dynamic ad group in the next step. Ad schedule: To limit when your ads can run, set an ad schedule. Keep in mind that your ads will only run during these times. Targeting and audiences Choose who you want to reach

  8. Location: to select location we have 2 options , { simple go and click the location} or { go to advance search }. Click on enter location: { enter the location what ever u want } And you can also exclude those location where you don’t want to show your ads.

  9. We will select languages: we select languages because it is a language of Google interface not the of us . Budget and bidding Define how much you want to spend and how you want to spend it Budget:For the month, you won't pay more than your daily budget times the average number of days in a month. Some days you might spend less than your daily budget, and on others you might spend up to twice as much.

  10. Bidding:Choose the metric you'd like to focus on for your campaign, and see bidding options to help you optimize for it. With "Maximize clicks", Google Ads automatically sets your bids to help get as many clicks as possible within your budget A maximum CPC bid limit caps each cost-per-click bid. This could limit the clicks on your ad . The strategy you select here will be applied to this campaign only. Hide settings:we don’t have to do this. Only click on save and continue 2. Level: Set up ad groups-

  11. Ad group types:- It determine the kind of ads and targeting options you can have within your ad group. Standard: Text ads written by you that serve based on the keywords you select. Dynamic: Text ads that use your website content to target relevant searches and generate headlines automatically. An ad group contains one or more ads and a set of related keywords. For best results, try to focus all the ads and keywords in an ad group on one product or service. STEP 1: In this step you have to give a name of your that particular ad group according to your ad niche. Normally for most companies, you only need one campaign. However, a campaign will have multiple ad sets. An ad set is a group of keywords in which you would like to target to advertise to. For ex- suppose you are making ad for Turkia auto company than you can give ad group name by using keywords for their services is- Land Rover Service Step2.

  12. Now in second step which is setting your default bid, and to enter a default ad group bid (Max CPC). This default bid is a convenient way to manage the bids for all of the keywords in your ad group. You can override the default ad group bid for individual keywords by raising or lowering their Max CPC on the Keywords page. For ex- You can set default bid as 2,5,10 rupees as according to you. Step3. The goal when picking keywords is to choose terms that you think people will search for when they’re looking online for what you offer. In addition, you want your keywords to be as relevant as possible to the ad they trigger and to the landing page people will arrive at if they click that ad. For ex: according to Turkia auto company you can add keywords like- -Land Rover Repair *Land Rover Service* [Land Rover Oil Change] + Land+ Rover+ Repair] Step4.Now save and continue.

  13. Level 3 -create ads: How to create a ads Select keyword Enter keyword in match type box to match you’re your ads with the terms people are searching for Match type help control which searches can trigger your ads Broad Match- Broad match is the default match type that all your keywords are assigned as if you don't specify another match type Phrase Match - phrase match is a keyword setting that allows your ad to show only when someone's search includes the correct phrase of your keyword, Exact Match - An Exact Match keyword in Google Ads will only enter an auction in which the search query perfectly matches or is a close variant of your keyword. If your keywords is land rover repair then Match Type Special symbol Ads may show on searches that Broad match Land Rover repair Include misspellings, synonyms , related searches Phrase Match “Land Rover repair” Are a phrase and close variation of that phrase Exact Match [Land Rover repair] Are an exact term and close variation of that exact term

  14. There are two types of ads 1 Text ads 2 Responsive Ads We select Text ads Fill the Final url section Final Url - The final URL is the URL that people reach after clicking your ad. It should match what your ad promotes. If you use a cross-domain redirect, enter it in a tracking template. Create a headline of your ads Headline - Your headlines and other parts of your ad (including extensions) may show in different configurations based on the device that a potential customer is using, or when Google Ads predicts that it may improve your performance.

  15. Headline 1 - Headline 1 appears at the top of your ad and can be up to 30 characters Headline 2 - Headline 2 appears after Headline 1 at the top of your ad and can be up to 30 characters. It may wrap to the second line of your ad on mobile devices. Headline 3 - Headline 3 appears after Headline 2 at the top of your ad and can be up to 30 characters. It will be separated from Headline 2 by a pipe symbol ( | ), and on mobile devices it may wrap to the second line of your ad. Headline 3 may not always show. Display Path - The "Path" fields are part of your display URL (the green text under your headline text) and can be up to 15 characters each. To create your display URL, Google Ads will combine the domain (for example, "www.google.com" in www.google.com/nonprofits) from your final URL and the path text (for example, "nonprofits" in www.google.com/nonprofits). The display URL gives potential customers a clear idea of what webpage they'll reach once they click your ad, so your path text should describe your ad's landing page. Description - Your description and other parts of your ad (including extensions) may show in different configurations based on the device that a

  16. potential customer is using, or when Google Ads predicts that it may improve your performance. Description 1 - Your ad's description appears below the display URL and can be up to 90 characters. Description 2 - Your ad's description appears below the display URL and can be up to 90 characters. Description 2 may not always show. After describing the description you select the save and continue button Headline 1- Land rover best repair center in uae

  17. Headline 2 - Land rover any car repairing center Description 1 – we provide full repairing of any car with quality equipment Description 2 - we provide oil change services of any car and available at your service 24*7 Level 4 - review. Review all the details if found any error fix it and then click on continue and save. To know more contact us at - http://www.digitalplanetclub.com/ (Digital planet Club – Digital marketing agency)

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