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Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Bad Breath, also known as halitosis, can be caused by various factors, including poor oral hygiene, certain foods, dry mouth, smoking, medical conditions, and more.

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Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bad Breath

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  1. Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bad Breath Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be caused by various factors, including poor oral hygiene, certain foods, dry mouth, smoking, medical conditions, and more. Here are some effective home remedies for eliminate bad breath. Causes of Bad Breath Following are the reasons for bad breath: Food left inside the mouth or teeth after a meal, which usually accumulates in the back part of the tongue. White colored plaque deposited on teeth and tongue. Bad breath also occurs due to swelling in the gums.

  2. There are many types of bacteria inside our mouth and the moisture inside the mouth acts as a better environment for these bacteria. The bacteria remain completely healthy and active here and this is why bad breath occurs. Stomach upset is also a major reason for bad breath. If your stomach is not working properly, kidney condition is not good, lung disease or respiratory disease, then sometimes bad breath is a common symptom. Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bad Breath Very basic and easy measures can be adopted to eliminate bad breath and it is not that you will have to spend any special time for this. No, you can adopt this remedy while doing your daily routine - Chew fennel seeds Fennel seeds, preferred as a mouth freshener, are one of the cheapest and most effective ways to get bad breath relief. Anti-bacterial elements are found in fennel which eliminate the bacteria in the mouth, which provides relief from bad breath and bacteria that increase tooth cavity. As a result, bad breath is reduced. Besides this, chewing fennel also makes it easier to clean the food particles stuck between the teeth. Use mouthwash Clean your tongue thoroughly every morning after brushing your teeth. Then, gargle with mouthwash. With this remedy the problem of bad breath will be reduced. Although there are many types of mouthwashes

  3. available in the market, but before using any product, definitely consult your dentist. Parsley Parsley is a popular folk remedy for bad breath. Its odor and high chlorophyll content suggest that it may have a deodorizing effect. Parsley can effectively combat sulfur compounds. For bad breath, you need to chew fresh parsley leaves after every meal. Cinnamon tea Drinking cinnamon tea after brushing every morning also provides relief from bad breath. Actually, an element called cinnamic aldehyde is found in this spice which kills the bacteria that cause bad breath. Similarly, you can also boil cinnamon in water and gargle with that water. In this way the problem of bad breath also gets relief. Green tea Green tea is an effective home remedy to remove bad breath. Green tea has anti-bacterial and deodorant properties. Similarly, mint has similar effects, so you can drink a cup of green mint tea to get rid of bad breath. Clean your tongue every day Bad breath occurs due to bacterial plaque deposited on the tongue, teeth and gums. Therefore, the tongue should be cleaned daily and brushed twice a day. Vinegar mouthwash

  4. You can prepare this mouthwash at home. Let us tell you that vinegar contains a natural acid which is called acetic acid. No bacteria can grow due to acid. Therefore, mouthwash made with vinegar can reduce the growth of bacteria. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and gargle with it. This can remove the problem of bad breath. Keep a tool set for cleaning teeth A complete tool set includes a brush for teeth, a metal or plastic tongue cleaner for cleaning the tongue, and dental floss. You must have this set so that you can clean your mouth properly. Conclusion It's always a good idea for individuals concerned about their mouth breath to practice good oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing, and to seek feedback from close friends or family members who can provide an objective perspective. Source Link: https://www.problogs.in/effective-home-remedies-to-get-rid-of-bad- breath/

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