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Plant Trends For 2021 _ Abono Provides organic Seeds for Your indoor Plants Growth

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Plant Trends For 2021 _ Abono Provides organic Seeds for Your indoor Plants Growth

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  1. Plant Trends For 2021 | Abono Provides organic Seeds for Your indoor Plants Growth The new year no longer just brings with it colour, makeup, and fashion predictions. It’s also about gardening predictions. Gardening, especially indoor gardening, is huge on the global scene at the moment and rightly so. With huge global trends come expert predictions and for trends such as these that are here to stay and get bigger every year, the predictions also get bigger. Indoor plant trends for 2021 are full of different kinds of plants. These plants can be the perfect extension to your existing collection with their unique characteristics. Based on Google data and search trends, the indoor plant experts have arrived at the plant trends that are going to rule the gardening world in 2021. People who found a new connection to plants in the pandemic and those who reconnected with gardening at a deeper level in the pandemic are now looking for ways to add to their plant collection. This new want to expand the plant

  2. collection can be either due to expanding their collection or just adding more members to their plant family. Let’s take a look at what the plant gurus are predicting for 2021: The plant or gardening trend can be divided into two segments : quirky plants and gardening trends. Let’s first take a look at the plants waiting to rule the indoor garden stage: FISHBONE CACTUS : With its unique shape of long flat stems with curly edges that resemble a fishbone, this plant is at the top of quirk-o-meter. It is also famous as zig-zag or ric rac orchid cactus. This plant baby is an excellent choice for those looking to pick up gardening this year, it needs very little maintenance. The fishbone cactus likes a little more water than your regular cactus, so don’t let the soil dry out for long.

  3. SANSEVIERIAS: Sansevierias are wonderfully easy indoor plants. They will live happily in very bright light to almost dark corners of your home. It is an excellent indoor plant with low light and watering needs and low maintenance nature. With their compact growth pattern and futuristic look given its long spade-like leaves, they look stunning both on the floor as well as on tabletop displays. It is an excellent plant for beginners and seasoned houseplant owners. ALOCASIA PLANT: Alocasias are beautiful houseplants, ranging from small leaves to humongous ones that resemble elephant ears. They are a must-have for every indoor plant enthusiast. This stunner has specific needs that have to be met to keep it healthy.

  4. CALATHEA: The calatheas have ruled the gardening world for very long but 2020 saw their return to the centre stage and they are all set to rule it into 2021. The calatheas are one of the most stunning plants with their dark foliage and variegations that can rival any painters. Like all tropical plants, they also love indirect light, warmth, and humidity.

  5. CHINESE MONEY PLANT: With its round coin shaped leaves, it is very apparent why the plant is named such. Emerging as a global favourite on the indoor plant scene, this fits very well in almost all décor themes. A happy trooper that requires very little care and does best in bright indirect light. The best part is that it sprouts babies like crazy, so one plant can be many in no time.

  6. MISTLETOE CACTUS: The statement maker of the year, the mistletoe cactus is a lush succulent with stems that hang down like shaggy hair. This easy to care for plant lives happily all year round. If cared for properly, the succulent/cactus might also reward you with mistletoe-like berries.

  7. STRING OF HEARTS: Our personal favourite for this year, this trailing plant is easy to care and grow for with its patterned leaves. Place it in hanging baskets or put it on shelves and watch it trail down and spread its magic.

  8. LADY PALM (RHAPIS PALM): The predicted queen of large floor plants for this year. The Lady Palm, true to its name, is all set to rule the large indoor plant stage in 2021. They create visual interest and are so very easy to care for with bright indirect light.

  9. Plant Décor trends Gardening is not only about growing plants, its so much more than that. It’s the need of the hour, every plant counts and they make a difference to the overall world ecosystem. They not only help the world but also help us on personal level – physically and mentally. Plants as therapy As the pandemic is raging on and people are staying home, they have turns to plants for reassurance. Plants make people happy and there are scientific studies that support this claim. Biophilia is our innate affinity to plants and they bring us the kind of peace and calm that cannot be replicated. Their predictable nature can be our calm in the storm and they are accessible to all people.

  10. Gothic Tales People are gravitating towards darker plants this year, be it the black ZZ or the dark foliage stunner of the calathea family. They have a striking appearance with lighter coloured growth that matures to a rich purple-black hue. If gothic is not your thing, plants like money plant satin are merging as a crowd favourite with their never seen before foliage.

  11. Pretty in Pink Pink is going to rule the world, especially the plant world. They might behave like queens with their very specific needs, but its worth the beauty they add to your space. Be it the Aglaonema pink or Stromanthes, they are a must have in your homes this season.

  12. Miniatures Miniature plants are slowly becoming a global favourite. They are finding space on worktables and in terrarium. With living space shrinking and practicality governing the décor space, the need for smaller green are going to be prime. Make terrariums or place them on shelves in quirky planters and witch them grow.

  13. Conclusion Abono biotech provides the Organic seeds and Online Fertilizer Buy your indoor plant growth and peace and plasant atmosphere for your home and working area.

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