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Pediatric dentist in dubai

It is the branch of medicine dealing with the health and medical care of infants, children, and adolescents from birth up to the age of 18.

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Pediatric dentist in dubai

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  1. Pediatric Dentist In Dubai you should consider

  2. Services we provide 1.Pediatric orthodontics 2.Dental Injuries 3.Tooth Cavities 4.Space Maintainers 5.Habit-Breaking Appliances

  3. Services we provide

  4. Pediatric orthodontics Pediatric orthodontics is a subspecialty of paediatric dentistry that focuses on braces and Invisalign for children. Pediatric orthodontic children's dentistry refers to the treatment of specific teeth alignment problems in children aged 7 to 10. Braces, Invisalign, and other aligners for children's teeth, as well as during the transitional phase between milk teeth and permanent teeth, are the most common oral problems associated with orthodontics and children's dentistry. Pediatric orthodontics and dentistry specialists are specially trained to deal with the behaviours of children. They are not ordinary orthodontics, but they are ethically well equipped to handle the mood swings of young patients and to encourage them during surgery.

  5. Dental Injuries Dental injuries are treated differently depending on the child's age, the type of injury, and whether the injured tooth is a primary (baby) or permanent (adult) tooth. Parents frequently wonder whether their child's permanent or primary teeth were damaged. Permanent teeth do not usually appear until the age of six to seven. Primary teeth differ from permanent teeth in appearance. Teeth injuries, particularly those involving permanent teeth, will necessitate long-term follow-up care. Even if the injured tooth appears to be healthy, parents should have their children evaluated by a dentist who is experienced in dental injuries.The most common primary tooth injury is front tooth dislocation.The treatment of these injuries focuses on preventing permanent tooth damage in the future.

  6. Tooth Cavities A hole that develops in your tooth is known as a cavity or tooth decay. Cavities begin small and gradually grow larger if left untreated. It can be challenging to recognize that there is a problem because many cavities don't initially hurt. Early detection of tooth decay is possible with routine dental visits. Some of the most prevalent health issues worldwide are cavities and tooth decay. Cavities can affect anyone with teeth, even small children.

  7. Space Maintainers When young children lose their baby teeth too soon, space maintainers are used. In order for the permanent teeth to erupt properly, they maintain the resulting empty space(s). Without a space maintainer, the other baby teeth may occlude the opening and prevent the eruption of the adult tooth. These devices aid in the prevention of overcrowding, malocclusions (teeth out of place), and other orthodontic issues. Since space maintainers don't move or shift teeth, they shouldn't hurt.

  8. Habit-Breaking Appliances Typically, children develop unhealthy habits. These habits usually fade away as children grow older; however, if the practise continues after the permanent teeth have erupted, it can drastically alter the growth patterns of the jaw and ruin tooth alignment. Children have a very soft bone in their jaw, so if they develop such habits, the soft jaws can change shape depending on the force applied to it. So it's critical to break these habits by making the child understand the consequences of doing so. However, some children require a device to break the habit.

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