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new media project - forbidden love

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new media project - forbidden love

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  1. Working title

  2. The Line... When perfection is forced, perfection is normal.  From the moment they met it was murder. 

  3. Narrative It was a mystery, forbidden in a world of perfection, yet when the whole world is perfect, is it really any different to the world we once lived. With perfection comes thrill, adrenaline – the rollercoaster in which we once lived, submerging us in the depths of fantasy and reality, good and bad, perfection and not. When perfection becomes the normal, normal means perfection. That’s what they thought, what they told us, what they implemented. The effect however was not so. Thrill did not come easily to us, rebellion was not a thought as we all had what we wanted. Except emotions, feelings, the ravenous monster from within us craving the idea of the rush that runs through us. So they made a new perfection. An unachievable one, one where love wasn’t a possibility, unfit for our society. Until I met him.

  4. Synopsis The genre of this movie circulates around Thriller and Romance, two spine-chilling categories that when combined together create a suspense filled movie with rebellious main characters with prosperous mind-sets, the movie discovers the idea of love and individuality portrayed through investigative circumstances fuelled by the need to know of the secret knowledge of their society. The movie follows two lovers in a land where love is forbidden in a society that is perfect. Every day at a specified time, an alarm blares through their buildings, this signifies it is time to drink this liquid. The liquid is a reddish colour and flows through ordinary drink suspensers. No one declines, no one resists. The opening scene allows the dystopian society to be introduced. As the movie continues; we see two individuals a little different from the rest – this is displayed through the use of red, whether that be the woman having red lipstick and the man, a small red pocket tie. We encounter their meeting when the man tells the woman discreetly not to drink the substance, as she does so we realise a change in her behaviour, more sloppy and less thinking with her head but more so with her heart – she realises this was due to the stopping of the intake of the red liquid. She tries to find the man who told her to stop, and when she does she bombards him with questions, trying to get answers; are they drugging us? I felt as if I were in a trance? How did you know to stop? Why did you stop me? Why is this happening? As the movie progresses we see that he is from a secret rebellion, he stopped her because he felt as if she were different from the others, he didn’t know why nor did he care about the risk of doing so – he just had to. The movie follows these two characters and their journey of attempting to help people, allowing them to leave this trance and fix this society – perfection is not normal – perfection is forced. Forced does not create a society, forced is like being played in a game, pawns to their chess board – making it easier in a hierarchy, for control, entertainment... Throughout this film we see two main perspectives. The main characters – the male and female and their tender love for society but also, eventually, for one another. The other perspective allows dramatic irony for the viewers; they see the behind the scenes of the government and where this red source truly does come from.

  5. Opening Scene Idea.  The scene opens to a futuristic looking cafeteria, on the walls there are signs that are directed towards the society. 

  6. Opening Scene Idea  - Symbols (Semiotics) Signs cover the room where there are silhouettes of couples and a red cross, like the no-smoking signs we have in our society but now transferred to the idea of banning any kind of romantic connection. With anyone.

  7. People scatter the chairs and are eating a meal, fantasy type clean looking surrounding area, everyone has wealthy looking clothes the colour of white is the only clothing worn. This connotes to the idea of 'clean', innocent, and uniformity, linking to the idea that laws are obeyed and power is held.

  8. The scene changes when the known, uncomfortable iPhone alarm blares throughout the area, synchronised, everyone begins forming a line in uniform. The school coffee machine is where the line leads to.

  9. Inside the machine, we will place a red liquid that replicates blood pour out, instead of coffee, blood pours from the machine, they are unaware of the substance or what it really is, all they know is the alarm means it's time to drink this substance.

  10. A transition goes from someone with their cup being filled to the transition to the wall its attached to and showing the other side, the other side is a dark room, (basement/studio) with 3 coffin-like structures attached to the wall lit up with a red light – 3 people are in them, seemingly asleep. This area is much darker in exposure than the room adjacent to it. 

  11. Tubes emerge from them and attach to the wall - red(their blood) is seen connecting to the wall(and therefore the coffee machine.

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