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Ch 10 Taxonomy and Classification

Ch 10 Taxonomy and Classification. Classification of Microbes. Taxonomy. Science of Classification of organisms Hopes to show relationships among organisms Is a way to provide universal identification of an organism Why do we care things are related?. Q&A.

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Ch 10 Taxonomy and Classification

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  1. Ch 10 Taxonomy and Classification Classification of Microbes

  2. Taxonomy • Science of Classification of organisms • Hopes to show relationships among organisms • Is a way to provide universal identification of an organism • Why do we care things are related?

  3. Q&A • Pneumocystis jiroveciiwas thought to be a protozoan until DNA analysis showed it is a fungus. Why does it matter whether an organism is classified as a protozoan or a fungus?

  4. Phylogenyor Systematics • Shows evolutionary relationships and history among organisms • Some obtained from fossil record • Most bacteria use rRNA sequencing or some other sequence information • A goal is to identify all organisms by 2025

  5. Evolutionary relationships Species are groups that interbreed (have productive sex) How this goes Species Genus Family Order Class Division Phylum Kingdom (1969) Domain (80’s) Hierarchy

  6. Plantae Multicellular photoautotrophs Animalia ingestive Fungi absorptive Protozoa Mostly singe celled Prokaryotes Which of these are microbes? The 5 Kingdoms based on nutrient procurement

  7. The 3 domains • Eukarya • Plants, animals fungi and protists • Bacteria • (with peptidoglycan) • Archaea • With unusual cell walls, and membreanes

  8. The Three-Domain System Figure 10.1

  9. The Three-Domain System Table 10.1

  10. Endosymbiotic Theory Figures 10.2, 10.3

  11. Table 10.2

  12. Scientific Nomenclature • Binomial genus and specific epithet (species). Is used world wide • Is always underlined • Rules for naming are set by international committee’s • International Code of Zoological Momenclature • International Code of Botanical Nomenclature • Bacteriological Code and Bergey’s Manual

  13. Scientific Names

  14. Species Definition • Eukaryotic species: • A group of closely related organisms that breed among themselves • Prokaryotic species: • A population of cells with similar characteristics • Clone: Population of cells derived from a single cell • Strain: Genetically different cells within a clone • Culture: grown in the lab • Viral species: • Population of viruses with similar characteristics that occupies a particular ecological niche

  15. Is it as easy to classify Microbes as it is Macrobes? • How to classify • What do we have to look at?

  16. Identifying Bacteria Applications, p. 283

  17. Phylogenetic Relationships of Prokaryotes Figure 10.6

  18. Of more than 2600 species identified so far • Only about 250 or 10% are pathogens

  19. Classification and Identification • Classification: Placing organisms in groups of related species. Lists of characteristics of known organisms. • Identification: Matching characteristics of an “unknown” organism to lists of known organisms. • Clinical lab identification

  20. Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology • Morphological characteristics • Presence of various enzymes • Serological tests • Phage typing • Fatty acid profiles • DNA finger printing • Sequence of ribosomal RNA • Is still very difficult

  21. Identification Methods • Morphological characteristics: Useful for identifying eukaryotes • Differential staining: Gram staining, acid-fast staining • Biochemical tests: Determines presence of bacterial enzymes A dichotomous key Figure 10.8

  22. A clinical microbiology lab report form Figure 10.7

  23. Identifying a Gram – Negative, Oxidase – Negative Rod Figure 10.8

  24. Unknown enteri inoculated into tube • After incubation the 15 tests are observed • A numerical score is assigned • The species is assigned • This may be of is the strain has changed somehow. More tests are required

  25. Design a rapid test for a Staphylococcus aureus. 10-14 Figure 6.10

  26. Serology study of serum and its immune responce • Combine known antiserum + unknown bacterium • Slide agglutination • ELISAp288, 514 • Western blotp289 • Southern Blot p292 • DNA chip p293 Figure 10.10

  27. Strains with different antigens are called • Serotypes • Serovars • biovars

  28. DNA Hybridization

  29. Phage Typing Determining a strains suceptability to certain phage or bacterial viruses Figure 10.13

  30. The Western Blot

  31. Flow Cytometry • Uses differences in electrical conductivity between species • Fluorescence of some species • Cells selectively stained with antibody plus fluorescent dye Figure 18.12

  32. A typical dichotomous key See appendix H in your lab book

  33. Genetics • DNA base composition • Guanine + cytosine moles% (GC) • DNA fingerprinting • Electrophoresis of restriction enzyme digests • rRNA sequencing • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)p251 Figure 10.14

  34. Nucleic Acid Hybridization: DNA chip DNA Chip Technology Figure 10.17

  35. Differentiate between classificaiton and identification Figure 10.5

  36. FISH • Fluorescent in situ hybridization • Add DNA probe for S. aureus Figure 10.18

  37. Differentiate between strain and species?

  38. Classification of viruses? • Not currently placed in Domains or Kingdoms • Why? • Species are usually a population of viruses with similar characteristics that occupies a particular ecological niche.

  39. Dichotomous keys are used for identification of organisms

  40. Cladograms show phylogenetic relationships among organisms

  41. Differential staining • Name examples

  42. The gram stain

  43. Using Bergies manual • Used to Identify bacteria not classify • Features that are used to differentiate various organism often have little to do with arranging the orgs in taxonomic groups

  44. 4 major groups • Domain Bacteria • Gram-negative Eubacteria that have cell walls. Proteobacteria • Non proteobacteria Gram negative bacteria • Gram positive Eubacteria that have cell walls • Domain archaeobacteria

  45. Some groups by identificaiton • Spirochetes • Genus Borrelia, Leptospira, Treponema • Aerobic/microaerophilic, motikle, helical/vibroid gram negative bacteria • Geneus Camphylobacter • Gram negative aerobic/microaerophilic rods and cocci • Genus Agrobacterium, Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas • Facultatively anaerobic gram negative rods • Genus Enterobater, Escherichia, Klebsiella, Serratia, Shigella, Yersinia, Eikenella • Gram positive Cocci • Genus lactococcus, streptococcus, Staphylococcus • Endospore forming gram positive rods and cocci • Genus bacillus, clostridium • Regular, nonsporing gram positive rods • Genus Lactobacillus, listeria

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