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Mock OSCE Debrief

Well Done!. Worked really hardGot through more or less in one pieceMade our life easy. . . . Outline. General feedback from the stationsPrizesEveryone gets their markschemes backQueries. General Feedback. ProfessionalSome needed hair brushed/shoes polished/top button of shirts done up/shirts ironed/shave.

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Mock OSCE Debrief

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Mock OSCE Debrief Batool Hariri & Noor Jawad Education Reps ‘07-08

    2. Well Done! Worked really hard Got through more or less in one piece Made our life easy

    3. Outline General feedback from the stations Prizes Everyone gets their markschemes back Queries

    4. General Feedback Professional Some needed hair brushed/shoes polished/top button of shirts done up/shirts ironed/shave

    5. Station 1 – Neuro History (60%) Generally quite poorly done EXPLORE THE HPC IN DEPTH!! Where is the weakness Incontinence, tongue biting Easing out the TIA by asking drooping, slurred speech Witnesses Allergies Concerns rarely asked, and when did, didn’t see to it! Spending way too long on systems review Lack of summary to patient and exploration of concerns

    6. Station 2 – Abdo Exam and DRE (70%) Getting down on one knee to examine abdomen and looking at the patient’s face! Not percussing the upper border of the liver AAA – some palpated skin only! Shifting dullness – some people let go! Summaries too long Offering a chaperone for the DRE! Getting down on one knee to palpate the prostate!

    7. Station 3 – MDT (70%) Introduction – be apologetic, but make it look natural Forgot to ask about follow up and discharge (the main purpose of the meeting!!) Many forgot to mention physiological state e.g. mood Some didn’t make notes, which made it harder for them to summarise Didn’t have proper knowledge of team members!

    8. Station 4 – Urinary History (60%) Forgot concerns!! And even if didn’t, forgot to respond empathically to them Structure of urinary questions – without jargon!!! Should always ask DOB as well as age Summarising to the patient Signposting needs to be better Occupation!!!! Drug allergies Finding out there was also pain

    9. Station 5 – Explain colonoscopy (70%) Diagrams often help to explain Lack of summary at the end Follow up!! In the clinic or GP Not many mentioned the tube is flexible!!! Few mentioned how long the procedure takes The information is mostly there, but it’s the way of presenting it!!

    10. Station 6 – Resp Ex and PEFR (70%) Generally well done station – everyone passed Technique!! – poor chest expansion and poor percussion! RESP RATE!! (or did they...) Some examined from the patient’s left! Didn’t check the bed level Some forgot to thank the patient and cover them up!! Must listen to apices during auscultation

    11. Station 7 – Cardio Hx and ECG (70%) Lack of the use of socrates Generally the history was good! Stick to a system for the ECG!!! Name, DOB, date, time! Rate – know the maths Rhythm – sinus! Regular? Axis – some not good P wave – is it there? PR, QRS, ST, T, progression of R wave If you see a problem, still stick to the system unless it’s VF/VT!!

    12. Station 8 – Breast Examination (70%) Should always check name and DOB LN palpation needs to be improved! If you are palpating them, you need to know what they are! Boys need to be more gentle, girls are kinder Presenting at the end was a big problem – needs structure!!

    13. Station 9 – Advise a diabetic (60%) Really badly done!!! Many forgot name, DOB!! You should know the NR for glucose, if you don’t then don’t guess!! Don’t forget the impotence and feet complications Insulin has short, long and INTERMEDIATE forms Don’t assume the pancreas has packed in, the insulin may not work properly Notify the DVLA Complications – large and small vessels! Never miss a dose and when ill take more! Different administration options Avoid jargon – what is a ‘hypo’??

    14. Station 10 – Resp Hx and CXR (60%) Hx: exercise tolerance Do you smoke? Making notes takes too long – only note +ves Occupation!! Summarising not done well CXR not structured! Avoid touching!

    15. Station 11 – UL neuro (70%) Compare each side for reflexes! And swing the tendon hammer!! Tuning fork on windpipe rather than sternum! Didn’t ask patient about pain before touching!! Finger-nose – make it more challenging! Forgot to mention temperature testing Light touch should be light ‘giving up as it’s an abnormality’ Thanking the patient!

    16. Station 12 – Measure Obs (60%) We made this station up! – love it! NAME AND DOB!!! Don’t tell the patient you are taking RR! Palpatory method of BP Need to take HR and RR for at least 30 seconds What is a tempadot? How to plot? Use crosses to plot values, not circles or dots

    17. General Advice Name, DOB, occupation!!!

    18. Before you get your markschemes Give the examiners a break You may not agree Try to be open-minded Try to translate the comments to other stations Faisal is here if you have ‘SEE ME’ written on the top

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