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Less is more: the secret to increased productivity

Read full article here: https://blog.azendoo.com/small-tasks-big-productivity/

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Less is more: the secret to increased productivity

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  1. There is only so much 
 you can do in one day…

  2. PRODUCTIVITY is not straight forward.
 You cannot just decide 
 to be productive

  3. When staff are happy 
 productivity increases by 
 12% Happiness and Productivity – University of Warwick UL and IZA Bonn, Germany – published on February 10th 2014

  4. When staff are unhappy 
 their productivity decreases
 and they work extra hours 
 which can lead to burnout

  5. So how can one 
 become more productive by doing less?

  6. Start with a Plan
 It’s the most import stage of any project

  7. Prioritize each task and set due dates

  8. Use your team's strengths 
 and delegate accordingly

  9. « Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships » 

  10. Keep your goals 
 and messages CLEAR

  11. Use to-do lists to set daily goals 
 and track progress

  12. Break down BIG TASKS
 into multiple SMALLER TASKS

  13. « If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done » 

  14. Constantly switching tasks can lead 
 to a 40% reduction in productivity Source: Multitasking: Switching costs – American Psychological Association

  15. To manage this 
 why not group similar tasks together?

  16. Batch similar tasks 

  17. Use the Promodoro technique Work in 25 minutes intervals separated 
 by short breaks

  18. Use a work management app to create 
 a hub for your team collaboration

  19. You can read the full article here BLOG.AZENDOO

  20. Made with by

  21. Sources: • Happiness and Productivity – University of Warwick UL and IZA Bonn, Germany – published on February 10th 2014 • The Impact of Stress on Employee Productivity, Performance and Turn over: an important managerial issue – By Subha Imtiaz and Shakil Ahmad • Stress Management Health Center – WebMD.com • Multitasking: Switching costs – American Psychological Association

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