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President's Day Coins | BOLD Precious Metals

Get the amazing silver coins on the occasion of President's Day. Free shipping on orders $199.

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President's Day Coins | BOLD Precious Metals

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  1. PRESIDENT'SDAY GetAttractiveCoins

  2. WHYDOWECELEBRATEPRESIDENTSDAY? For so manyyears,GeorgeWashington's(February 22,1732)and Abraham Lincoln's(February 12, 1809) birthdayswerecelebratedseparately tohonorour firstandsixteenthpresidents,whom manyconsider to bethe most famousofallpresidents. Thetwoholidayswere combined into one Presidents DaywiththepassageoftheUniform Federal HolidaysActin 1971.

  3. CELEBRATEPRESIDENTSDAY WITHBOLD 2022BVILincolnMemorial1OzSilver ReverseFrostedCoin Contains 1 ounce of .999 fine silver BU. Obverse:Displayseffigy ofQueenElizabethII. Reverse:DisplaystheLincolnMemorialwiththe inscriptions"ABRAHAM LINCOLN,""$1,""P,"and "Ag.999 1oz.". Limited mintage of5,000.

  4. CELEBRATEPRESIDENTSDAY WITHBOLD LincolnWheatCent-1ozSilverRound Contains 1 ounce of .999 fine silver BU. Obverse:Displays a replica of the original LincolnWheat Cent. Reverse:Displaysthetwowheatstalkstotheleft andrightrim. ProducedbyGoldenStateMint.

  5. CELEBRATEPRESIDENTSDAY WITHBOLD PresidentDonaldJTrump1ozSilver Round(GSM) Contains1TroyOzof.999finesilver. Obverse:Displays averyfine, frontalprofile representationofPresidentDonaldJTrump. Reverse:Displaysabaldeagleuponacolumn, clutchingthestaffofan Americanflag anda bannerdeclaringthemessage"VIGILANCE." Produced by Golden StateMint.

  6. FUNFACTSABOUTTHE FIRSTUSPRESIDENTS Thepresident'sresidencewasn'talwaysthe WhiteHouse inWashington, DC. GeorgeWashingtonspenttime inbothNewYorkandPhiladelphia.In 1800,the unfinished"whitehouse"wasmovedintobyJohnAdams,the second president. OnSeptember18,1793,then-PresidentGeorgeWashingtonlaidthecornerstone oftheUnitedStatesCapitolinthebuilding'ssoutheastcorner.DuringtheCivil War,thestructurewasusedasahospital,barracks,andevenabakery! Afterhisfatherservedasthe secondpresident,JohnQuincyAdamsbecamethe sixthpresidentin 1824. ThreepastUSpresidentsdied onJuly 4,thehistoricdaywhichcelebratesthe signingoftheDeclarationofIndependence.JohnAdamsandThomasJefferson both died onthesameday:July 4, 1826(theDeclaration’s50thanniversary). JamesMonroe died five years after in 1831.

  7. 1(866)4542653 support@boldpreciousmetals.com 7301RanchRoad620NSuite155- 194Austin,TX78726-4537

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