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Assignment 1 Centralia No. 5<br> <br>Based on the case study by Martin, The Blast in Centralia No. 5, in Stillman, PA, Chapter 1, write a 34 page paper in which you<br>Identify and explain four (4) logistical alternatives Scanlan could have addressed.<br>Analyze and discuss Scanlan’s motivation toward the Constitution (the law), bureaucracy (as a public administrator responsible to the public), and obligation.<br>Take a position on two (2) possible paths of action for Scanlan and defend your choices.<br>Research and cite at least four (4) peerreviewed academic sources.<br> <br>Your assignment must<br>Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with oneinch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or schoolspecific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.<br>Include a cover page containing the tile of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.<br> <br>The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are<br>Analyze the changing nature and responsibilities for managing public and nonprofit organizations.<br>Use technology and information resources to research issues in modern public administration.<br>Write clearly and concisely about modern public administration using proper writing mechanics.<br> <br><br>

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  1. PAD 500 GUIDES Absolute Tutors/pad500guidesdotcom FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pad500guides.com

  2. PAD 500 Assignment 1 Centralia No. 5(Str Course) • Assignment 1 Centralia No. 5 • Based on the case study by Martin, The Blast in Centralia No. 5, in Stillman, PA, Chapter 1, write a 34 page paper in which you • Identify and explain four (4) logistical alternatives Scanlan could have addressed. • Analyze and discuss Scanlan’s motivation toward the Constitution (the law), bureaucracy (as a public administrator responsible to the public), and obligation. • Take a position on two (2) possible paths of action for Scanlan and defend your choices. • Research and cite at least four (4) peerreviewed academic sources.

  3. PAD 500 Assignment 2 The Concept of Ethical Obligations (Str Course) Assignment 2 The Concept of Ethical Obligations Based on the case study, George Tenet and the Last Great Days of the CIA, in Stillman, Chapter 16, write a 45 page paper in which you Identify four (4) crosscoded ethical dilemmas facing former CIA Director George Tenet and assess their impact on his leadership abilities. Analyze four (4) ways in which Tenet addressed the prioritization of ethical concerns. Identify and explain four (4) strategies used in competing ethical obligations in relation to the many intergovernmental organizations that overlapped his office.

  4. PAD 500 Assignment 3 The Concept of Program Reengineering (Str Course) • Assignment 3 The Concept of Program Reengineering • Based on the Case Study Mayor Schell’s Zero Homeless Family Strategy (PDF), write a 45 page paper in which you • Analyze four (4) policy choices of Mayor Schell that were made as part of the strategy for the homeless. • Analyze the PreImplementation and Design Strategies of Mayor Schell and interpret four (4) practical outcomes of his choices. • Reconstruct four (4) steps taken by Mayor Schell to reengineer the program in order to fit the new objectives. • Analyze four (4) reasons for the importance of conducting assessments prior to new program implementation. • Research at least four (4) peerreviewed academic sources.

  5. PAD 500 Assignment 4 The Management of Human Resources(Str Course) • Assignment 4 The Management of Human Resources • Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation of 6 to 8 slides addressing the following • Identify and explain four (4) key attributes of Larry Frymire’s leadership style. • Identify and explain four (4) major influences from the tugofwar between Frymire’s role as leader and the newly elected governor. • Select and assess four (4) of Frymire’s responses to the budget issues in the changing political environment. • Research and cite at least four (4) peerreviewed academic sources.

  6. PAD 500 Entire Course(Str Course) • PAD 500 Assignment 1 Centralia No. 5 • PAD 500 Assignment 2 The Concept of Ethical Obligations • PAD 500 Assignment 3 The Concept of Program Reengineering • PAD 500 Assignment 4 The Management of Human Resources

  7. PAD 500 GUIDES Absolute Tutors/pad500guidesdotcom FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pad500guides.com

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