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The Dice Pattern Trap

The Dice Pattern Trap<br><br>The True Story Of A Pissed Off Problem Gambler. Fifteen Pages Of Nonsense. The Dice Pattern Trap is the most controversial book of our time. FREE DOWNLOAD!<br>Please visit here- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE6tzvhhfhhrCCCqgOaRvdw<br>

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The Dice Pattern Trap

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  1. The Story Of A Pissed Of Problem Gambler 15 Pages Of Nonsense

  2. Introduction To The Dice Pattern Trap Do casinos use pattern deviated dice? That's a question I want some answers to. In this book, I'm to take you on a little re-visitation of some events that occurred in my personal life with regard to living in homelessness in a casino town. I'm not telling you that the following things are, or are not a conspiracy. I'm only relating to some events that were occurring in my personal life that made it virtually impossible to get out of homelessness. Am I crazy? You be the judge. Please read it all the way through because this is of real importance that needs to be addressed. The locations of these events are going to be left out of my retelling of the events that kept in homelessness for virtually two years. If anyone listening has ever experienced these events in their personal life after speaking publicly about alleged casino cheating devices, please visit DiceNarc.com and connect with me. With that let's begin. Well, as you may have heard in my videos I thought that I had witnessed a dice plane deviation on the dice at my local casino. I examined the dice on the craps table at my local casino to discover that I had observed, what I thought were, pattern deviations on the dice. Where the number 5 and the number 2 had appeared to have been switched on the dice. This disturbed me because I know that dice pattern modification dramatically influences dice rolls. And because I wasn't fully prepared for how the security staff handles these inquiries, I was treated like I had a gambling problem, forced to see a counselor and then banned. Remember, I was complaining about what I had suspected were a cheating device, and yet I was handled as if I had a gambling problem and banned from all casino properties that this particular company owned: 13 properties in total. Well I was quite disturbed about that. How can a casino ban you for having a gambling problem for merely complaining that you believe the casino is using a cheating device on the craps table? So I put on a white t-shirt that said dice patterns hand written in black magic marker, and went in front of the casino that had banned me and started to protest the dice. I was getting loud about it. But all the guests, the staff and even DCI, department of criminal investigation, just went about their day inside the casino. When you are banned outside a casino, you look to people as a crazy problem gambler.

  3. So after some heavy contemplation about the ramifications that could result from me going inside, I had to get some attention about what I was complaining about. So, I just sucked it up and I ran inside the front door of the casino. About half way up the stairs, I simply lost my nerve and ran back outside and off casino property. It took about 10 minutes for DCI to react, and they arrested me. I was charged with criminal trespassing and I spent the night in jail. I had no car at the time, so I had to walk about 15 miles to get back to my apartment. I was later fined $90 and that was the end of it. DCI reacted so quickly to arresting me for criminal trespassing, but nothing was done about my complaint. So as far as the casino was concerned, that was the end of it. But what about my complaint? Why was I banned for complaining about allegedly witnessing plane variations on the dice on the craps table. I mean the casino industry has regulated the dice they use on the craps table. They look identical. If they have nothing to worry about, why was I banned? Well after I got home, I went on with my life. Now this is where the dates and times of the events are foggy to me. I cannot remember the exact sequence of when they occurred. I am only confirming that I recall that these events happened. I know what happened in my personal life. No one else does. Anyway! One day I was walking around my apartment on the second floor with my kitchen window facing a group of buildings about a block away. It was a sunny day out. This is when I thought someone was after me. I looked to the left lower corner of my kitchen window, there was a translucent circle hovering, it was moving slightly, back and forth. It was a circle about the size of a quarter, but I thought it was nothing until the dot followed me as I walked to the left right of my window. The dot followed me up and to the center of the window. I then walked back to the left side of the window, and the dot followed me to the lower corner where I had seen it originally. So what was it? Can you see why I thought it was the reflection of the scope of a gun or rifle? Why did it follow me across the window and follow me back to the corner of the window? Am I losing my mind? Well I was concerned about this so I called the police. An officer came over to observe the window. I gave him all the details. But that was the last of it.

  4. Anyway! I was in a terrible situation. I had no job, no car, and I was $900 behind on rent. I work in the food service, and have all of my life. I got a job in a restaurant that had a grill out front in the public view, but I didn't want to be in front with the public. I thought someone was after me. But I had no proof anyone was. It was only a feeling I had. So after thinking it over quite exhaustively, I decided that I had to do something. So I quit that job after one day. I had to get my life back on track, but I can't do it when it appears someone is after me. So after moving things out of my apartment and onto the lawn, I returned the keys to the apartment manager and told her I would pay my back rent of $900 as soon as I was back on my feet. If anyone was after me, I didn't want them bothering my family, so I couldn't contact them. I then got a ride with a friend to a town about 60 miles away, leaving all of my possessions right there on the lawn. The only thing I took with me were a laundry basket of clothes, a backpack, some photos of my family and the shirt on my back. Later when I went to the Men's Mission in this casino town, I found out it was full. So I had to find somewhere to spend the night. Being so troubled, and needing to stay mobile, I ditched the laundry basket of dirty clothes into a dumpster in an alley across the street from the Men's Mission, keeping only two changes of clothes in my backpack. I set out to make shelter to keep me out of the rain. I wanted to keep my family safe from abuse, if in fact it was really happening to me, so I sealed the photos in a zip lock bag and buried them in the ground where no one could find them. I found a great location to build my temporary home next to a wire fence. There was a large open field by the roadway that would let me see if anybody was approaching me. I found a large blue swimming pool liner in a dumpster to make a roof using some tree limbs as my support structure. I attached the blue liner to the fence and the tree limbs with some duct tape and zip ties that I found in the dumpster. After finding some white linens and black garbage bags in another dumpster, I set out to make a floor and back wall under the swimming pool roof. So I cleared the ground of sticks and leaves and laid the plastic bags down to keep the floor dry. I then laid the white linen sheets down to cover the plastic. I took the remaining linens and affixed them to the fence to make a wall to keep the wind off my

  5. back. I then found an inflatable raft in the dumpster to as a bed and settled in for the night. Days passed and no one approached or bothered me, so I thought I was safe. A couple of days later, I felt even more reassured that I had just imagined someone was after me because nothing happened. So I got up and made my way to the library almost 13 blocks away. I started filling out job applications online. Later, I was walking to the Men's Mission to get some lunch. God Bless Them for feeding me because I was broke and very hungry. After eating a good hot meal, When I walked outside the front door of the Mission I saw a thin man walking down the sidewalk towards me. He had a wore a fanny pack with the pouch positioned in front of him. He reached into it and showed me a black handgun. After showing me the gun, he returned it to his bag and pulled out a brown set of gloves. I started screaming. THIS MAN IS TRYING TO KILL ME! THIS MAN IS TRYING TO KILL ME! THIS MAN IS TRYING TO KILL ME! But nothing could be done. There were even some girls walking done the sidewalk across the street who started laughing at me. I was so pissed off about that. Here I am homeless, dealing with nonsense and I see two girls living a normal life in complete safety laughing at me. It really got to me. Anyway, The man walked past me and into the thrift store and I must have turned some heads getting so loud like that, because the manager of the thrift store came out with a terrified look on his face. Not knowing what to do, I booked it to my outdoor shelter to plan my next move. So in the morning I woke up and decided I needed to draw the public's attention to this. So I got up and walked to the library and started creating a free website that drew attention to what I was going through. After designing it for days with no income coming in I completed it. I found some large boxes in a dumpster and bought some black magic markers after turning in some aluminum cans and made a large sign. I ran up and down the roadway for days. I tried different locations all over the city. I tried making a fool of myself to get attention, and I even tried different website concepts that I worked on day after day after day. Drawing attention to my plight. But no one even visited my website except an alleged casino manager, staff member or other person

  6. related to a casino that I hadn't even been to. Their alleged message read “Isle Of Capri Casino Kansas City Killed A Bum.” This was typed into the comments section of my website in the member's area. And that really pissed me off. So I got even louder. The Cave After seeing that no one was paying attention to me, I got a ticket on a bus from an organization that helps homeless people relocate. So I went to another town that had a homeless shelter. I slept there out in the middle of the main room at night on a green mat. I was never feeling safe though. Every time someone would move close me I thought I was in danger. Because I was trying to keep myself separate from everyone. So later in my stay at the homeless shelter I got a private room to sleep in with 3 other people in it. But that felt like a prison cell. I bought a cell phone, someone stole it from me. One night my dentures had fallen out of the top bunk where I was sleeping. The room was dark so I carefully moved my way throughout the many bags sitting on the floor trying to find them. But I couldn't find them. So I went up to bed and waited til morning. In the morning I still couldn't find them. And later that day after raising a big stink about someone taking them, one of the men in the room after stealing my dentures, brought them and placed it on my bunk. I watched him put it there. He was a skinny man with bible verses tattooed all his arms and body. He thought he was cool and really cool. But I thought, God's Word tattooed all over his body: I thought it was an insult to God. But at least I got my dentures back and I didn't have to walk around toothless. That would have been so embarrassing. Well I had had enough of living like this. So I saved up some money from a job I got from a temp job agency and moved back to the casino town I had left. There was a location that I remembered that offered me a piece of mind. I went back to the place I had built to find that it had been bulldozed to the ground. That was OK, because I thought this one new location was the best spot for me to live where people wouldn't approach me. And keeping away from strangers made it out of the question to stay in the men's mission there. My sleeping quarters left me completely exposed. I couldn't get a private

  7. room because they were all full. Anyway, this new outdoor location was a large cave with two large rooms that were carved out of the rocks. Each room was enclosed by a wire fence but the larger room had a large whole cut out of the fence. I figured if I could just create a way to close the fence shut I could fasten an o-ring from a meat grinder that I had found in the dumpster to keep it closed while I was sleeping at night. So I spent some time walking all over town to find what I needed to make this work. I found dozens of long black metal strips that were used for fastening boxes together, or something like that. Any way, I used the metal straps to secure the o-ring to the top of the fence and then after turning in some aluminum cans, I bought a large metal clip to secure the lower part of the fence to the o- ring, so it acted like a door. The larger room in the cave had a doorway with a wall that created a smaller outer room. So I stayed in the front part that had the fence enclosure. And using the remaining black metal strips, I secured the doorway to the back room of the cave in a web of strips so no one could sneak up behind me as I slept at night. The nights even got kind of peaceful hearing the crickets and birds. It felt like a nice place to spend the winter. I made a bed out of out of a spring bed frame, and I had found a cushion to act as a mattress. So I had things pretty well figured out. Or so I thought. The Laser-Sighted Gunman One day I was collecting aluminum cans. As I walked under a bridge, I saw a tall, thin man walking towards me. But something was wrong about him. He looked like a fake homeless person. He had dirt smeared on both sides of his face but his clothes were to neat and clean. He had a backpack on his arm as he walked past me. As he passed I looked behind me to see where he went. He turned to the right and walked under the bridge to a set of telephone poles that were laying on the ground that acted like a bench or a place to sit. He sat on the logs so I turned around an continued on my way. I walked around the concrete bridge support pillar structure and was just about to walk into an open field I had to cross through to get to the cave. But something told me to

  8. stop first before proceeding through. So peaked my head around the corner and that is when I saw a laser pointed right at my head. I didn't mistake it for a flashlight or anything like that. If you have ever had a laser shot into your eyes it is unmistakable. It was a bright, blinding red beam of light and it was pointed right into my eyes. I couldn't see if it was a handgun. Because the beam was so bright. The only thing I was sure of was how many homeless people carry a laser to shine at people. I was almost positive this was a gun pointed at me. What can I do. I am homeless. I immediately pulled my head back to be protected by the concrete pillar and thought about what to do. So I preyed about it, and getting some courage together I backed up took a running start toward the open field. There was a railroad tracks about 10 feet from the pillar I was hiding behind and there was a freight car that was positioned on the tracks to the left. It offered some cover so I could cross the field and make it to the cave. As I ran I ducked behind the freight car and across the open field and ran right up to the cave. All I could come up with is that this is about the dice I was talking about. DCI So I was almost certain that this harassment was coming from a casino, but I couldn't prove it. I needed some help. So I talked to police about taking me to one of the casinos that I thought were sending men into my personal life, so I could talk to DCI , the police of the casino. But the cops wouldn't take me. I couldn't go there myself because I banned out of that casino too. Not getting any help from the cops, I walked over to the front entrance of the casino to get some help. I started screaming: D C I, Get Your Fucking, Asses Out Here. D C I, Get Your Fucking Asses Out Here, D C I, Get Your Fucking Asses Out Here. But no one came out accept this cocky casino employee who was laughing at me. This is a serious problem I thought. I'm in homelessness, and banned outside a casino that allegedly are sending men into my personal life to harass me about presumably the dice. And I can't even get any help from the cops of the Casino Industry.

  9. Now you could think they didn't hear me, but I was loud. I was so loud in fact that a casino employee that was standing outside the back of the casino came out to see what all the commotion was about. He was the only one that cared enough to see what the trouble was. Evidently some one from the community or the casino called the police, because the cops came and I told them that I wanted to speak to DCI, because someone had allegedly just pointed a laser-sighted gun at me and I needed some help. The cops gave me the ultimatum of getting arrested for disorderly conduct or leaving. I chose the latter of the two options. But I was really pissed off. That made me get louder about the dice. I began really turning up the heat with advertising on the roadways. I made so much noise that nobody could overlook me. But still nobody visited the website. The Baby Raccoon Now this thing I'm going to tell you about is so crazy, I can't even confirm if it was intended to be a death reference, or me just making things up in my own delusional world. But I can't even confirm if it was a coincidence or if it was intended to keep me from talking, or if it was anything at all. I'm just telling you what happened in my personal life. You be the judge. One day I was walking to the library and I stopped at the men's mission to eat breakfast. After breakfast I continued on to the library. I was going to write a paper about the laser pointed at me. After completing it, I walked home to the cave. There on the ground in front of the pathway to the cave there was a light colored mat placed on the ground. It was placed there. Somebody put it there. I didn't place it there. But, somebody did. Low and behold there, in the middle of the mat was a screeching baby raccoon. It was right in the center of mat. It could have just walked on to it, but I swear on my fathers grave that it looked like it was placed there. So I grabbed the little fellow and took it with me inside the cave. HE WAS SREECHING LOUDLY! If you've ever heard a baby raccoon screeching, it is the most annoying things to listen to. So I put the baby raccoon on the ground inside the cave and went to the store and buy it some milk. I bought a blue baby bottle and after returning to the cave I filled the bottle with the

  10. milk. So I fed him milk and he still wouldn't quit screeching. So I tried to sleep with the baby raccoon resting on my chest. The next morning I went to the library. I left the baby raccoon in the cave and closed the latch on my makeshift door to keep him inside. When I came back I crawled through the door. I can't remember if the latch was open or closed, but I know it was closed when I left. The baby raccoon was lying underneath some papers on the ground and it was dead. Can you see why I thought this was a death reference? Why was a mat placed on the path to the cave? Is it a coincidence that the baby raccoon was dead? I thought the entire act carried meaning. There are other alleged death references I'll talk about later in this writing. But regardless the baby raccoon was dead. I took the baby raccoon across the street to show it to a guy walking down the street to have confirmation from somebody that there was a dead baby raccoon and that I wasn't making it up. I took pictures of the dead raccoon to have some photographic evidence, but those files have long since been lost in a transfer from the police department to the mental hospital. I couldn't take it with me. So I don't know what happened to the white jump drive that was in my backpack. I don't know where it went. Anyway, I took the baby raccoon to the cave and gave it mouth to mouth and chest compression's and after a few attempts to save it, the raccoon came back to life in my hands. If you've ever felt the life come back to a dead animal, their body firms up. I could feel the life come back into his body. It was incredible. So I laid down with the raccoon on my chest and fell asleep. The next morning I woke up and the baby raccoon didn't make it through the night. It had piddled on my shirt in the night, so I took off my shirt and wrapped the dead raccoon in my shirt. But for some reason I put the baby bottle of milk inside the shirt and wrapped them both together. I took the raccoon to a bunch of trees that were a ways away from the path to the cave. I placed it under the trees. The next morning I returned from the library and checked the resting place. The shirt had been opened up and the bottle was laying off to the side. I didn't move it, but somebody did. Did somebody watch me place the raccoon under the trees? How did they know to look there? I mean the shirt with the baby raccoon and the bottle was placed in a heavily wooded

  11. area. Do casino have stalkers? That was what I was concerned about. There was one instance that I am certain that somebody was screwing with me. One day I came back to the cave to find that one of my hooded sweat shirts was taken from inside the cave and placed on a large rock in front of the fence. It was taken from inside and brought outside. And I am positive that I didn't put it there. Anyway, evidently the person, whoever it was, had spit a large gob of saliva right in the middle of the shirt. Whoever these people were, they would not leave me alone. This wasn't a death reference of course, but whoever they were they would not leave me alone. This repeated interference's with just everyday living made me have to constantly examine my surroundings. One day, whoever whoever he was, complained to the staff at the library that I had threatened to beat the shit out of him. The librarian called the cops and I was banned from the library for 30 days. Even further stretching out my time on the streets. I should tell you, and this is the truth, In my adult life I have never been in a fight with ANYONE. I don't like hurting people. I absolutely DID NOT threaten that guy, but I was still banned for 30 days. And when I asked them to tell me who the person was that claimed I threatened to beat the shit out of him, the cops refused to reveal him to me? I was homeless. There is no place to go that offers safety. Can anyone relate to that? Being homeless and on the street is scary enough. When you have a bunch, or single person screwing with you, there is nobody that can help you. Not even the cops. This is especially true if you are living outside. Can you understand how crazy this all sounds to a doctor, or police? I had all these things going on in my personal life and no way to confirm that ANYTHING was really involved in a conspiracy. A conspiracy to make me look like a crazy problem gambler that has a grudge against the casino. There are a couple things that happened that I can't give you absolute confirmation on. This is why the mystery of it all still haunts me to this day trying to figure out was REAL harassment with death threats, or what was coincidence and just a figment of my over sensitive imagination.

  12. One day I took the bus to Walmart. In the parking lot there was a man sitting in the drivers seat of a truck. I think it was a blue truck, but I can't confirm that. He drew my attention because he was parked oddly. He was parked at an angle to the rest of the cars in the parking lot. When I first saw him he had his left arm resting on the drivers side door ledge. The window of the truck on the drivers side was rolled all the way down. I took a picture of him and in that photo there was nothing under his arm. After I took the picture I looked at it and can confirm that there was nothing underneath his arm. After taking a second photo I saw a black object under his arm that was resting on the ledge of the door. I thought it was a gun, but it could have been a coffee cup for that matter. I later took the photo to the library and blew it up but the object in his hand was to blurry to make out the object. I later lost the photo when I was committed into the hospital. I'll get to that later. There was also a situation that occurred in the cave that I questioned was a death reference. Inside the cave in the main room there were to two rusty propane gas canisters laying on the ground. They were covered partially in dirt. I saw those same gas canisters in the front of the cave earlier when I first setup my living situation in the cave. One day after I came back from the library about two months later, I went into the main room and saw that those same two gas canisters had been moved to the back wall to the left. They were lying on the ground and there was a lighter laying next to them. On a rock wall shelf in the cave a white sign with red lettering on it. It was a big sign and it referenced fire or burning or something like that on it. I can't remember exactly what it said. But with all these things going on, do you see why I might consider this a death reference? Being Burned Alive? Well I honestly thought that is what it referenced. Somebody intentionally brought the sign to the cave and somebody moved the gas canisters. You be the judge and see if you think it meant something. My Committal Into A Mental Hospital One night in the middle of winter, I don't remember the date, I laid down in the cave to sleep. In the middle of the night I was awoken to the sound of about 4 or 5 people coming up towards the cave. I saw that there were two or so flashlight beams coming up the walkway. I started screaming head off in

  13. absolute terror. I thought the people harassing me had come to finish me off. I have never been that terrified in my life. It turned out that the people coming up to the cave were a police officer and some women promoting goodwill. They brought me blankets and some food. I was very thankful at this wonderful gesture, but was embarrassed at screaming my head off. It will later be revealed how this event was part of the reason I was committed for being paranoid delusional. More on that later. With more promotion of what was going on in my personal life I was walking around passing out fliers. I was carrying a walking stick. One of the people that I passed on my journey made a smart ass comment to me. I turned and walked toward him to find out what he said. Immediately he picked up the phone and called the police. The police were there in less than five minutes. I thought they weren't real police officers. They said they just wanted to talk to me. I started yelling to draw attention to myself. They sprayed me in the face with pepper spray. After spraying me I was arrested for, I think the charge was interfering with police acts and carrying a concealed weapon. The cops had found an MMA fighting glove with long screws drilled through it in my backpack. I had found the glove in a dumpster and for some unknown reason I kept it and put it in my backpack. I forgot it was even in there. I thought I would be facing some serious time in jail, but it turned out to be only a 30-day sentence. As a deal I took the thirty days for interfering with police acts and they dropped the carrying a concealed weapon charges. So after getting out of jail. I went back to promoting my website. I had to draw some attention to this problem. Now the dates are still foggy but at some point I was arrested again. As it turns out the cops were called because I had made some kind of threat to somebody. It turns out that I had seen a driver for the guest pickup of one of the casinos. So I went up to her and said “I've had four guns pointed at me”. “How would you like four guns pointed at you?” Meaning, how would you FEEL if you had four guns pointed at YOU?

  14. Well at my committal hearing later on, the casino staff member would bring this event up and made it look like I was threatening to point four guns at her. That just goes to show you people in power and reputation can totally influence your life. The doctor at my committal hearing said I was paranoid delusional and not making any connections with my story. The cop that came up to the cave in the middle of winter testified that maybe I had mistaken his flashlight for a laser that night. No one could ever mistake a flashlight for a laser. Could you tell a flashlight beam from a laser pointed in your eyes?I know what I saw and I wasn't having hallucinations. Besides those events happened months apart from each other. They came to the cave with flashlights in the middle of winter. The laser incident happened earlier in the summer time. So after all of this nonsense testimony. It came my turn to speak and believe me I sounded like a babbling lunatic complaining about a conspiracy. So my court appointed attorney gave the judge a paper I had written on pattern deviated dice and how severely dice with pattern modifications influence dice rolls. The paper must have been 36 pages long and it proved that dice pattern manipulation influences dice rolls. I wanted to show the connection to pattern modified dice, the casino industry and what was happening in my personal life. The judge took the paper tossed it on the table and didn't even look at it. After a few moments of deliberation, the judge determined that I was a danger to myself or others. So I was committed against my will. I wasn't a danger to ANYONE. I was just so damn frustrated and aggrivated that these people, whoever they were, kept interfering in my personal life. I should also mention that another mental hospital stay that happened earlier, I was medicated by force against my will. This really got me so damn frustrated and aggravated that I could barely contain my anger about it. The story went I was arrested one other time for screaming to release the frustration and aggravation of the whole mess. I was releasing some stress by screaming out in the field in front of my swimming pool roofed makeshift home. A cop rolled by in the back of the wire fence and shined his spotlight on me, so I shut up immediately. They took me to the police department and

  15. booked me for I think the charge was disturbing the peace. Anyway, I got to shower and was appreciative of that. But I was taken to the mental hospital. One of the doctors were going to give me a shot. I refused it. I told them I was an adult and I was no going to take any medicine, because I didn't need it. They kept insisting and I got louder in my refusal. Anyway, the entire staff of the mental hospital came at me with two clear Plexiglas shields like for riot gear or something. So I moved peacefully to the damn padded room where I was locked up for at least two hours until I agreed to take their DAMN MEDICINE. I don't even know what they gave me. So, after a while I agreed to taking the shot. It was either that or how long was I going to stay locked up in the padded room. Now, in through the doorway came the entire staff of the mental hospital again. And let's not forget the two as*holes that carried the Plexiglas shields. They laid me on my stomach and jammed one of those Plexiglas shields into the back of my head and almost took my head off. I didn't even resist them, but they jammed the thing into the back of my head like I was some kind of caged animal or something. I was so God-Damned frustrated and aggravated. They gave me their Damn shot, (pardon my language), and that was the end of it. Medicated by force allegedly for some dice. Anyway, I was committed to a state mental hospital where I stayed for what I think was six months. The entire time I was in the mental hospital I didn't do anything but watch television. I would get up in the morning, eat breakfast, watch television until lunch, take my meds, and after lunch I went back to watch the T.V. I wasn't a danger to myself or others. The cops and the casino employee, turned the truth around so much that it made me look like I was a dangerous person. I've NEVER been in a fight in my adult years of living. Now my committal is over I have gotten my life straightened out and nobody bothers me because The Dice Pattern Trap worked. I am Crazy N 8. But I have lost years of my life with my family allegedly all because of casino dice. Now, I am safe, I am alive and loving God for how He saved me from The Dice Pattern Trap. Why do I call it The Dice Pattern Trap? Here's why. I left out this bit of details for the very end of my story on purpose. To me it

  16. shows a connection to the abuse I endured, the dice, the casino industry and how you can get buried in a mental hospital complaining about some dice pattern conspiracy. And It goes like this. On a pillar under the bridge there was a sign written that said: Something like, “if you enter this area you must conform to my anal craving needs”. It was written months into my stay in the cave. Later after the laser happened, there were two things written or etched into the sign. Crazy N 8. That's, C R A Z Y, the capital letter N, and the number 8. Crazy N 8. and there were two of them written on the sign. Do you see how this word Crazy N 8 is not just a coincidence? It is highly unlikely that someone just wrote the Crazy N 8 on the sign, unless the word itself has meaning to the author of it. There was also 3 number sixes circled. That's three number sixes with circles around them etched or drawn into the sign. The sign got painted over with gray spray paint concealing the evidence. But not until I had gotten some pictures of them. But as I said earlier I have lost all the evidence that proved the words were written in the sign. So you have to take my word on it, God help me I'm telling the truth they were there. Pattern deviated dice is where the numbers are switched on the dice. An example of this is where the number 4 and the number 3 are switched to the other side of the dice. When you roll two dice to the number fours you get a combination of a final outcome of 8. But if the numbers have been switched what should have been an eight, it is a seven outcome. And if each dice have been switched, a seven outcome appears twice Crazy N 8, two of them. Roll the fours of two modified dice to the table seated plane and there are two threes for the final outcome, or a final outcome of six. The number three, six outcome. Three sixes circled on the sign. I am alleging that someone from the casino industry wrote these words and numbers into the sign to make the dice pattern trap appear even more unbelievable. But I can demonstrate crazy N 8 on a set of just two regular dice. Align the fours, then rotate one of the fours to the table seated plane for a final outcome of seven. Crazy? Roll it back. N 8. That happens twice.

  17. Two Crazy N 8 written on the sign. Now align the fours again. Rotate both dice to the table seated plane and you get two threes, or a final outcome of six. The number three? A final outcome of six? Three sixes written on the sign. I can't make this make any more sense to you unless I am CRAZY N 8. Join the conversation. DiceNarc.com. If you would like to support us in our quest, please visit 10000eBooks.com The Official Bookstore Of The Dice Pattern Trap. Because I'm through with this. Sincerely, Steve Crowley A pissed off problem gambler P.S. If you have someone you care about, please share this PDF with them. We have got to convince the casino industry to stay the hell out of our personal life's. I'm giving this document away for FREE, because I believe anybody who visits a casino needs this information. But I can't do it all myself. Please Help Me Spread The Word.

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