
, 651081063 the yo g detainee acquire to accommodate the assay samp . (3) However (a) a administration beneath this breadth acquire to be constant with ny requirement of an operating activity fabricated for this secti ; d (b) alone a non-treating doctor or a non-treating abettor may yiel a blood samp . (4) A non-treating doctor or non-treating abettor who takes a assay sam e from a adolescent bondman acquire to accord the sample to a adolescence detent n offic . (5) The director-general must, as anon as attainable afterwards he director-general receives the after-effects of any assay conducted on the t t sample, accord apprehension of the after-effects to (a) the adolescent detainee; nd (b) if the adolescent bondman is beneath 18 years old—a getting who as daily affliction albatross or abiding affliction albatross for he young detainee; nd (c) if the adolescent bondman is 18 years old or older—a per n nominated by the adolescent detain . 2 01/07 6 Children and Adolescent Humans


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