

10 Cash Saving Pointer for Home Improvement and More Ways to Save on Hard earned cash While Doing the Job Yourself Repairing, updating or decorating your house is enjoyable. Doing it on your own is even better, however conserving hard earned cash while doing so makes you look like an expert. Everyone needs to know your secrets. Here are 10 more cash conserving tips to keep your wallet fat, your frustration down and your house looking terrific. 1: When storing garden hoses for the winter season, you do not need to trip over them lying on the floor. Take an old flared sturdy plastic planter or container and attach it to a wall stud with one or 2 lag bolts. You can also use an old coffee can and a set of tin stips. Connect the can to a wall stud with heavy duty lag screws. Hang up your hoses over your brand-new holders. 2: Pick up an old golf cart at a yard sales, and remove the bag. Oil the wheels and connect a couple of bungee cables to the sides. Set your sprayer in the cart, secure it with bungee cables, and you're set. The carts are developed to move on lawn. 3: Spray wasp insecticide into the bag prior to securing to the pipe. Make sure there are no holes in the bag- you don't want to deal with angry wasps. Hold the other end of the spout up to the nest and use the side of the pipe to scrape the nest off. It will fall down inside the pipeline and into the bag filled with insecticide. When the wasps stop moving, take the bag off and dispose of. Have a second bag ready to attach to the open end if wasps are loose in the pipeline. Leave the pipeline alone for a couple of days until all the wasps are deceased. 4: Egg containers are fantastic for storing little parts, such as screws, washers, bolts, o-rings, etc. Baby food jars are fabulous. Screw the covers to a 1-by-4, and mount the board under a cabinet. Fill your containers with small pieces, labeled with masking tape, and screw the containers to the covers. This does the trick with pint and quart containers too. Five: Use an old, discarded wrench when removing rust, scale or old paint from metal railings. You wont need to stress over ruining a great tool, and the shape conforms to the metal. 6: When grouting a bathroom/wall/floor, sometimes it's hard to eliminate the grout at exactly the right level. Utilize leftover chopsticks- the fat end works marvels. Popsicle sticks are just as fantastic at eliminating the best quantity. 7: Here's an old plumbing technician's trick- it actually does work. When soldering pipes in a water line, sometimes there's still a drip of water. That water will not enable the pipelines to warm up enough to melt the solder and make a connection. Take the white bread (not the crust), roll it up into a ball and smoosh it into the pipeline up until the water stops. Now solder the pipelines. True, the bread is inside the pipe. And you believed plumbings were magicians. Eight: Seating a toilet can be frustrating. Unless you put it down on the wax ring perfectly, you mess up the ring and need to begin once again. You typically can't see them and knock them over if you have short tee bolts. To save on frustration, utilize a few left over drinking straws threaded over the bolts. Now seat the toilet without frustration or tension. Nine: In some cases you can just get a manual screwdriver into an area the drill wont' go. If it's difficult to turn the screw, it's even more annoying. Put on a pair of rubber gloves and you'll discover you have more torque to move the screw. Any rubber gloves will do- the heavier, the better. Ten: Painting in humid weather is an ability on its own. The paint takes much longer to dry. If you paint windows and sills, it's easy to leave them open during the day, but when you close them in the evening, you'll discover the paint has stuck together and you have to pry the window open, and fix the paint. To avoid this, lay wax paper throughout the sill well before you close the window. For side-opening windows, lay the wax paper across the sill and around the frame. The paint will dry without adhering to the paper. You never have to invest a lot of money by following these pointers. Other posts in this series will help you save on much more money. With your savings, you can purchase that special something you've constantly wanted.


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