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5 Easy-to-care aquarium plants for beginners

Aquariums that are planted are extremely popular nowadays because of their beauty and natural beauty as well as their amazing ability to eat the nitrogen compounds that are toxic produced by waste from fish.

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5 Easy-to-care aquarium plants for beginners

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  1. 5 Easy-to-Care Aquarium Plants for Beginners Aquariums that are planted are extremely popular nowadays because of their beauty and natural beauty as well as their amazing ability to eat the nitrogen compounds that are toxic produced by waste from fish. The look of a planted tank is alive and vibrant. Beginning to set up a plant tank on the first attempt can be daunting for those who are new. The reason for this is all the amazing pictures of amazing aquascapes as well as videos available on the internet and on television, all of which use CO2 systems of top quality! These images and videos make novices believe that it's an entire bag of cash and knowledge to construct an amazing aquarium. However, that's not the case! In this article, we'll be talking the best 5 aquarium plants for beginners suitable for novices that require hardly any attention. Even with just a little attention they'll make your aquarium look stunning and won't cost a fortune! 1. Amazon Sword The most renowned aquarium plant is famous for its ability to expand massively and fill every fish tank with lush greenery. The substrate and lighting for this plant, specifically the beginning, aren't that crucial but the nutrients are essential in the root. In any shop, the Amazon sword on sale typically comes with an in-ground growth that means they've developed outside of in the water. If the plants are planted within the water the old leaves fall away and new ones emerge following the reabsorption process of nutrients. The new leaves are smaller when compared to the previous ones which are typically larger.      Light Requirements - Moderate Growth Rate - Moderate Water Parameters - 72 - 72 degrees F pH 6.5-7.5 soft to slightly hard Best Location - Background Feed Type - Root Feeder

  2. 2. Java Fern Java Fern is the indispensable plant to have in any low-tech planted tank. It is extremely durable and simple to maintain. Java Fern does not have numerous requirements and feeds the tank itself. Another benefit is it is not appreciated by all fish Which means that Java Fern can be used in aquariums where fish consume aquarium plants. Java Fern does not have requirements for substrate specifications in the case of Java Fern, hence can be tied to driftwood and even rocks. Due to their distinctive shape, some aquarists think that the leaves of Java Fern are more distinctive than the other plants.      Light Requirements - Low to Moderate Growth Rate - Moderate to Fast Water Parameters - 72 - 82 degrees F pH 6.0-8.0 moderately hard Best Location - Mid-Ground Feed Type - Column Feeding 3. Anubias Barteri Anubias is the perfect easy-care middle-ground plant. Its attractive appearance when mature, it can be grown regardless of the conditions. The plant is considered to be the most accommodating species by certain people, this plant feeds by forming a column, and is able to be planted anyplace. Many aquarists place the plant to driftwood and aquarium rocks because the rhizomes need to be kept open to avoid decay. This plant also has the advantage of not many fish enjoying its flavor. Similar to Java Fern, Anubias also doesn't require special substrates and can easily grow in tanks with no bottom.      Lighting Requirements - Low Growth Rate - Slow Water Parameters - 74 - 82 degrees F pH 6.5-7.5 soft to mediumly tough Best Location - Mid-Ground Feed Type - Column Feeder 4. Vallisneria This is an extremely easy-to-care plants for your background. It's incredibly easy to take care of and is it is not overly demanding. If it is allowed to develop on its own the plant will get in height, usually around 18 inches. It is a plant that can transform any aquarium into a dense forest. It offers plenty of refuge for fish particularly the younger ones. It is also stunning when its green, long leaves move through the water in the tank. The plant is a great centerpiece, and it doesn't require any particular requirements. One drawback that some aquarists face is that it grows very tall.      Light Requirements - Low to Moderate Growth Rate - Fast Water Parameters: 72-82 degrees F pH 6.0-8.0 Soft to moderately hard Best Location - Background Feed Type - Root Feeder

  3. 5. Baby Tears For any aquascape that requires carpeting and is easy to cultivate, Baby Tears is the best choice! Once established, it can grow quickly. A suitable Planted Aquarium LED required to support this plant since the light has to reach all the way to at the base of the aquarium. The leaves are small and provide an attractive contrast with other plants in an aquarium. They also give the grassy carpet appearance, which makes the aquascapes look stunning. A balanced fertilizer for plants keeps the leaves of the new tear plant looking bright and thick.      Light Requirements - Moderate Growth Rate - Fast Water Parameters: 74-82 degrees F pH 6.5-7.5 Soft to mediumly tough Best Location - Foreground Feed Type - Root Feeder Visit our website for more information creature companion

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