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7 Shocking Effects of hair loss

The outlook of a person plays an important role in the psychological condition of a person. Hair being the fundamental part of outlook, have diverse effects on this. Both men and women like to have thick, shiny and dense hair on their head. Moreover, the head full of hair is a sign of youthfulness. If you are in showbiz, healthy hairs play a pivotal role in boosting up your career.<br><br> <br>

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7 Shocking Effects of hair loss

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  1. 7 Shocking Effects of hair loss The outlook of a person plays an important role in the psychological condition of a person. Hair being the fundamental part of outlook, have diverse effects on this. Both men and women like to have thick, shiny and dense hair on their head. Moreover, the head full of hair is a sign of youthfulness. If you are in showbiz, healthy hairs play a pivotal role in boosting up your career. When people start experiencing hair loss, it can affect their self-confidence and self-esteem. Hair loss when becomes severe may lead to baldness, making it more distressing for you. What causes hair loss? Hair loss can be triggered by so many reasons. We are going to describe some most significant types of hair loss. Androgenic Alopecia: Male/Female pattern baldness It is a permanent hair loss condition. The hairline starts to recede and later on makes the “M” shaped pattern on the scalp. Alopecia Areata

  2. It causes bald patches all over the scalp Telogen/anagen Effluvium It changes the behavior of hair growth cycles, causing drastic hair loss Here are the 7 psychological effects of hair loss: Drops self-esteem Hair loss changes your look. A quick change in your outlook may be distressing for you and lower your self-esteem. While some people choose to live with that and others seek for a treatment. Self-confidence Hair loss changes your personality, with the newer look you may feel uncomfortable and lose your confidence. Most of us fear that they might not look attractive anymore and this could even lead to end up the relationships. Insecurity Another major effect of hair loss is insecurity. People suffering from hair loss have an insecurity that people may not accept them. They start comparing their hair with ones who have not suffered from hair loss. This leads them to insecurity. Depression The outlook after a hair loss I unbearable for most people. The fact that they could not reverse the condition leads them to deep depression. Stress Excessive hair loss can put you in stress. Recent studies revealed that almost 30% of women suffering from hair loss have mental stress issues. However, over 60% of men are victims of stress due to hair loss. Makes hard to focus on work When you are worried about something, it gets hard to focus on the objectives and goal. Hence, it reduces the productivity of your work. A person with hair loss feels hard to focus on the tasks and activities which makes him fail to achieve the required outcomes from specific tasks. Social stigma

  3. One of the major concerns of hair loss is social stigma. People suffering from hair loss feel alone in the society. People losing hair mostly get humiliated by the public, this mostly happens with bald people. It is depressing to get humiliated by the thing that you cannot control. Treatment options If you are suffering from hair loss, try to undergo a treatment before getting any psychological problem. The treatment options vary from surgical to non-surgical procedures. Surgical Treatments Hair transplant is the most viable treatment for hair loss and baldness problems. At hair transplant Dubai clinic, the procedure is performed by the technique that suits your hair loss condition. Methods of hair transplantation include: Follicular Unit Extraction FUE is the most performed hair transplantation technique that includes the extraction of hair follicles from a non-balding area of the scalp (usually at sides or back) and places them at the bald areas. Each follicular unit is extracted individually. This is done by using a special plucking tool. The maximum number of grafts can be extracted in this technique. The results produced by FUE are there to stay for the lifetime. Follicular Unit Transplant Along with FUE, Follicular unit transplant is the 2nd most used technique for hair transplantation. This includes the extraction of a strip from the donor area of the scalp. The extracted strip is separated to obtain follicular units. These units are then placed at the balding parts of the scalp. It consumes lesser time as compared to FUE. Non-Surgical Treatments There exist some non-surgical treatments or commonly called as the alternatives to hair transplant. The non-surgical treatments if performed with a surgical procedure enhances the results. Some of the popular treatments include. PRP therapy It is the insertion of growth factors directly into the scalp. The growth factors are taken from the sample of your own blood. This enhances the growth of hair follicles. Mesotherapy Similar to PRP, this treatment includes the insertion of blends of essential nutrients to increase the elastin and collagen production in the scalp.

  4. Laser hair therapy Laser therapy improves the blood supply to the scalp. Improved blood supply triggers better hair growth. This is done by wearing a HairMax Laser Headband. Book a Free Consultation If you want to undergo a hair restoration procedure in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, you are most welcome to have a FREE pre-procedure session with our experts. In this session, you will be educated about your hair loss condition and its possible remedies. Website: www.hairtransplantdubai.com

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