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Winter tree care Oklahoma City

https://www.thearborimage.com/blog/winter-tree-care-oklahoma-city<br><br>Arbor Image Tree Care is a full-service tree company with certified arborists on staff. We understand the sentimental and financial value your trees have, and our aim is to ensure that you have beautiful, flourishing trees! We are pleased to offer tree health and nutrition programs that are customized for your trees and handle all maintenance needs. Property consultations with our certified arborists are available by request. Contact Arbor Image Tree Care online or by calling 405-815-7959.

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Winter tree care Oklahoma City

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  1. Winter Tree Care: Pruning Winter tree care is extremely important. Tree trimming, called pruning, is an annual maintenance task that involves cutting and removing specific parts of a tree. It is critical for the overall health of your trees, as well as for stimulating new growth and keeping their appearance lush and robust. The best time to prune trees is in the winter--February usually is a great month for tree trimming. Read on to learn more about the winter tree care task of pruning. Pruning in the winter is advantageous because it is when trees are dormant. Pruning should be done during the dormant season of late winter using proper arboriculture methods. Doing so during dormancy allows for the removal of branches that are broken, dead, or diseased quickly and easily. This improves the overall strength of the trees and helps prevent more branch breakage. Also during the winter, tree growth slows down and branch visibility improves as deciduous tree leaves have fallen. This allows arborists to see the structure and shape of the trees so they can trim and direct branch patterns for maintaining the desired size and shape into the future. And for trees that produce a lot of sap, winter pruning means minimizing sap leakage during the process since the greatest amount of sap typically drips and oozes from trees in the spring. Another reason winter pruning is optimal is that there is less disease and insect activity in winter, meaning open cuts on susceptible trees are less likely to be negatively affected; it allows the trees to start the healing process of any pruning cuts before the spring onset of disease and insect activity. Also, pruning at this time, before any new growth emerges, ensures that there will be little to no disruption to springtime budding and blooming. Pruning a dormant plant means the danger of exposing new growth to damaging cold weather is minimized, and the tree remains healthy for spring buds that need to develop. Trees should be pruned according to their growth habits. They can be damaged or even killed if they are improperly or overly pruned. Pruning during winter dormancy after the coldest part of winter has passed is the right thing to do, according to best arboriculture practices; it is less stressful for the trees. If you have trees that need to be headed back or thinned via pruning, the time is now. Reach out to a professional tree care company for assistance from a certified arborist--your best bet for having the job done safely and properly.

  2. Arbor Image Tree Care is a full-service tree company with certified arborists on staff. We understand the sentimental and financial value your trees have, and our aim is to ensure that you have beautiful, flourishing trees! We are pleased to offer tree health and nutrition programs that are customized for your trees and handle all maintenance needs. Property consultations with our certified arborists are available by request. Contact Arbor Image Tree Care online or by calling 405-815-7959.

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