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Smile Makeover Treatment Roseville Procedures

Smile Makeover treatment involves various procedures which are categorized into two parts: Cosmetic dentistry procedures and Restorative procedures. If you are looking for affordable smile makeover treatment Roseville, book an appointment with Tooth by Sunny Badyal which provides high quality treatment and takes care of your comfort as well.

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Smile Makeover Treatment Roseville Procedures

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  1. Smile Makeover Treatment Procedures Smile makeover treatment is a cosmetic dentistry procedure which improves the appearance of a person’s smile using various techniques as per requirement. The dentist needs to keep some things in mind before performing this procedure like facial appearance, skin tone, color of the teeth and shape of the lips. Let’s discuss the various smile makeover treatment procedures: •Teeth Whitening This is hailed as the simplest cosmetic dentistry procedure. This technique is simple and affordable for restoring the natural color of the teeth. Teeth

  2. whitening procedure requires the use of chemical bleaching agents for the removal stains and getting back white shining teeth. •Tooth Recontouring Tooth recontouring is a cosmetic dentistry procedure which is required to reshape the crooked and uneven teeth for giving them appropriate symmetrical appearance. Sometimes, this procedure requires the altering of the teeth for creating illusion about symmetrical appearance of them. This technique is regarded as economically viable option for minor problems with regard to teeth structure. •Veneers Veneer treatment provides a simple way to fix discolored, chipped, worn, broken and misaligned teeth. Veneer is actually a thin shell made of ceramic that’s put in front of damaged tooth alter its color, shape and size of it. Veneers are highly durable and require simple installation. •Braces Braces are generally used for kids to straighten their uneven teeth. There are several types of braces like traditional braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces and clear aligners. Clear aligners are the most popular option amongst adults because it can be worn throughout the day and can be removed when you need. •Ceramic Crowns

  3. Ceramic crowns are used to protect the weak tooth and cover the discolored teeth. They are also used to supplement other dental procedures like bridges and implants. Ceramic is used most often because of its color being similar to teeth. •Bridges Bridges are a dental procedure which is used to fill the gap because of missing teeth. It generally requires two dental office visits for the entire procedure. The best thing about bridges is that it is cheaper as compared to dental implants. •Dental Implants Dental implants are a permanent solution for restoration of missing teeth. Dental implants require surgical installation of titanium post into the jawbone onto which a crown is fixed which is everlasting in nature. Tooth by Sunny Badyal Tooth by Sunny Badyal is a reputed dental office run by Sunny Badyal and his highly skilled team in Roseville, Sacramento and Yuba City. If you are looking for affordable smile makeover treatment Roseville, you can book an appointment with Tooth by Sunny Badyal which provides best dental treatment. www.thedentistofsacramento.com +1 916-630-7633

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