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Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Vasundhara - Twachaaclinic

Unwanted hair is a common grooming problem with youngsters, females and lately males also. To schedule an appointment with one of our experts or to know more about Laser hair removal this summer, feel free to contact us at 09910659776 or visit our clinic at Indirapuram, Ghaziabad.

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Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Vasundhara - Twachaaclinic

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  1. Laser Laser Hair Vasundhara Vasundhara - - Twachaaclinic Hair Removal Removal Treatment Twachaaclinic Treatment in in Laser Hair removal Unwanted hair is a common grooming problem with youngsters, females and lately males also. Now options to get rid of these unwanted hair are either shaving, tweezing or waxing. If you shave, I am sure you would have experienced ingrown hairs and red bumps on your legs and arms. The best part of shaving is that it is good for two to three days only and have to spend next two weeks with the hairs again. After being tired with these temporary solutions, Laser hair removal seems to be permanent solution. After all, in today's time, when things are so fast and we need to be presentable all the time; Laser hair removal looks promising as we cannot visit salon every time. Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that is non invasive and uses a concentrated beam of light (laser) to remove unwanted hair by destroying hair follicles. It is a quick and safe treatment and more and more people are opting for it. Laser hair removal is most effective for people who have light skin and dark hair, but it can be successfully used on all skin types. How lasers remove hair? Laser hair removal is actually laser hair reduction. This procedure is aimed to remove or slow down the hair growth up to 75-90%. During laser hair removal, an intense light beam is emitted, which is absorbed by melanin in the hair follicles, The light energy is converted into heat energy and it destroys, damages or shrinks the hair follicle leading to future hair growth restricted.

  2. Our hair growth is in three phases: Anagen – the active growth phase. At this stage, the bottom of the hair follicle (the bulb) is attached to the dermis and its blood supply through the dermal papilla. Catagen – the transition phase. The hair follicle begins to die and enters the catagen phase Telogen – the resting phase. In this phase, the remains of the hair bulb are inactive and the attached hair easily falls out. Lasers work best on the hair which are active growth phase (Anagen). So, Laser treatment requires 4 to 6 sessions and with each session, your hair becomes thinner and thinner. These multiple sessions can range up to five to six months of time. However, the hair growth pattern is different for every individual, sometimes a few added sessions may be required. Touch-ups may be required over time for smoother skin. What should I do before laser hair removal? During your first appointment, Dermatologist will start with your overall health status. you are explained about the pros and cons of the treatment. It is recommended to stop waxing and threading before the treatment. Instead shaving of the target area is advised no sooner than 24 hours before the treatment. Since the laser targets the root of the hair, it must be present for the treatment to be effective. You are asked to visit the clinic without lotions,oils, creams or fragrances of any kind. Sun exposure is avoided at least one month prior to the treatment and a sun block with SPF 30 or above is recommended on daily basis. Do not use any topical products that cause photosensitivity, Botox injections, dermal filler injections, chemical peels or microdermabrasion in the treatment

  3. area for at least 14 days before laser hair removal. summers are indeed a good time to start with the laser sessions because in this season everyone wants to be 'hair free'. What happens during the laser hair removal session? First of all you are asked to wear special eye gear to protect your eyes from the laser beam. The treatment area is trimmed if needed. A topical anaesthetic or cold gel is applied over the skin to reduce any discomfort during treatment. Dermatologist will press a hand-held laser instrument to your skin. Depending on the type of laser, a cooling device on the tip of the instrument or a cool gel might be used to protect your skin and lessen the risk of side effects. You might feel discomfort, such as a warm pinprick, and you'll likely feel a sensation of cold from the cooling device or gel. Treating a small area, such as the upper lip, might take only a few minutes. After the procedure is completed, an ice-pack or anti-inflammatory cream to soothe any discomfort is recommended. Avoid undergoing other beauty treatments on the area for up to a week post the session. Mild side-effects such as redness, blisters and, swelling may occur. Types of Lasers used for laser hair removal Alexandrite: This laser type is ideal for people with light skin tones, and is said to hurt slightly less than some of the other types of lasers. However, part of the reason it doesn’t hurt as bad is that the wavelength of the laser is shorter, which means it doesn’t penetrate as deeply. It is highly effective in treating large

  4. body area as it is the fastest of all lasers and has a good penetration rate. Diode: They have a longer wavelength for deeper penetration of the skin. Diode laser treatments are highly effective for individuals with courser hair and medium dark skin tones. This type of laser hair removal is a very versatile method. With increased advancements in technology, it can be an almost painless procedure. Ruby: This type of laser hair removal was one of the first that was ever developed. As a result, it is becoming obsolete because it tends to be much slower than other methods. This laser is suitable to treat light skin tone and is the best option for light fine hair. Because darker skin absorbs light more easily, individuals with darker skin are more prone to experiencing burning as a side effect. Nd: Yag: This is a heavy-duty laser. It works best on thicker and courser hair. nevertheless, it is not effective on fine and light colored hair. Another drawback is that, it is comparatively painful as YAG treatments have the longest wavelength, than other lasers and has a potential risk of causing scars, redness, burns, discoloration and, swelling. It can rapidly target a large area of the body; Triple-wavelength diode laser: In this laser treatment both smaller and larger body areas can be covered with minimum duration and discomfort. This triple wavelength technology aims for providing greater versatility and precision in treatments. The combined wavelength (810nm, 940nm, 1060nm) in one applicator means that all kinds of clients can be treated without limitation of skin type, hair type or time of year with maximum effectiveness and safety. Success rate of laser hair removal

  5. Laser hair removal treatment has a long lasting effect, with a success rate of 99%. While there is a slight chance that the impact might not stay forever, as it traits such as hair color, thickness, skin tone, and other hormonal issues but you can be sure that it drastically reduces unwanted hair growth. On the whole, this is a great procedure which will give you a fabulous smooth skin. depends on your bodily You may think of this treatment to be costly initially but in the long run, you end up saving more money as you no longer have to go in for waxing or invest in razors and shaving cream. To schedule an appointment with one of our experts or to know more about Laser hair removal this summer, feel free to contact us at 09910659776 or visit our clinic at Indirapuram, Ghaziabad.

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