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Losing Weight And Improving Your Health With Weight Loss Surgery-07-03-23

In recent times, a global change has been seen in weights over the world. As the populace gets richer with a higher earning power, and as the culinary world evolves into faster, tastier, more calorie-dense foods, people get overweight. Read more - https://anshobecure.com/losing-weight-and-improving-your-health-with-weight-loss-surgery/

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Losing Weight And Improving Your Health With Weight Loss Surgery-07-03-23

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  1. Losing Weight And Improving Your Health With Weight Loss Surgery https://anshobecure.com/

  2. In recent times, a global change has been seen in weights over the world. As the populace gets richer with a higher earning power, and as the culinary world evolves into faster, tastier, more calorie-dense foods, people get overweight. Today, there is almost no country in the world that doesn’t have people struggling with it. In every culture, every community, and every region, being overweight seems to be a growing issue. As the global BMI (body mass index) rises, so does the number, frequency and intensity of health problems. From diabetes to high blood pressure and many problems with the intestine, nerves, kidneys and so on, a high body mass causes a lot of damage to every part of the body.

  3. While diet and exercise are often shown to be the cure-all for obesity, that is rarely the case and it certainly isn’t helpful for everyone. They are not a long-term viable solution and expecting people never to touch sugar or always have the energy to work out 3 hours a day is a fantasy. So, what should a person for whom diet and exercise have not proven to be the miracle cure do? One of the safest long-term solutions is Weight Loss surgery. It is, by far, the easiest way to lose excess weight and keep it off in the long run. You might be able to stroll around and engage in more physical activity following surgery. Also, you might notice that your disposition and quality of life both improve. As an added benefit, you might be able to take fewer prescription medications as you reduce weight, which will ease your financial load.

  4. What is Weight Loss Surgery? We are the solution if you’re looking for bariatric surgery in Ahmedabad. Understanding the Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery The benefits of surgery outweigh the risks. The potential health problems associated with obesity are not much addressed by losing weight and gaining it back again. You must maintain your weight loss for at least five years in order to consider it successful and one that can help improve your standard of living. Here are a few benefits.

  5. OBESITY AND TYPE 2 DIABETES Since diabetes and obesity go hand in hand, the amount of weight that surgery can help one lose often can often seriously reduce your risk of death by battling various diseases that pose a health risk. By losing excess body weight and keeping it off, there is long-term remission of Type II Diabetes. Plus it helps control blood sugar levels. BETTER CARDIAC HEALTH AND REDUCED HYPERTENSION The risk for heart disease is related to obesity. Surgery can improve your heart health so much that serious health problems such as hypertension and risk of coronary diseases. Once people who undergo weight-loss surgery lose the required kilos, diseases including heart disease can start improving. In fact, you can start seeing the results mere months after surgery.

  6. LOWER RISK OF CANCER Perhaps one of the more surprising changes surgery can make is the reduction in the risk of death from cancer. This is something diet and exercise alone cannot achieve. REDUCES SLEEP APNEA Instead of focusing on what can help you lose weight, you should also consider what can keep the weight off. Surgery is typically the quickest way to lower a person’s risk of sleep apnea. IMPROVED FERTILITY When bariatric surgery works, it brings increased fertility in men and women. Surgery can also increase your libido significantly due to increased hormonal health. Surgery makes you more virile overall.

  7. IMPROVED MENTAL HEALTH Weight loss surgery can improve your mental health significantly. Weight in relation to societal norms and pressures can lead to mental issues on top of physical brain issues. Surgery helps reduce this, in fact, weight loss surgery may be the pathway to a happier life overall. Types of Weight Loss Surgery There are many types of weight-loss surgeries also known as bariatric surgery. All these lead to significant weight loss and stop weight regain by curtailing how much you eat and drink. The type of surgery you undergo will depend on your health goals and the time of surgery. You will need to meet one of our experts at Ansh Obecure . Sleeve Gastrectomy This is the most popular option. About 50 – 55% of the stomach is removed during the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, also referred to as the “sleeve.” The remaining stomach has an initial filling volume of fewer than 100 ccs and is the size and shape of a banana.

  8. Gastric Bypass Roux-En-Y (RYGB) The Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass also referred to as the “gastric bypass,” is a common surgical procedure that is very effective in treating obesity and problems linked to obesity. In this method, the upper portion of the stomach is severed to form a pouch about the size of an egg. The surgeon also cuts the small intestine and joins it to the stomach pouch. Gastric Balloon A non-surgical, reversible outpatient procedure with little to no anaesthesia is another alternative. With the aid of a thin tube (gastroscopy) passed via the throat, a deflated balloon is placed in the stomach. The doctor fills the balloon with saline solution after everything is ready.

  9. BPD/DS, or, biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch The rare procedure known as a biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch (BPD/DS) comprises two main parts. BPD/DS is often treated as a single procedure, however, in unusual circumstances, the system may be divided into two sessions: a sleeve gastrectomy followed by an intestinal bypass after weight loss has started.

  10. Conclusion If you have a BMI of 32.5 or greater, and also having comorbidities like diabetes type-2, HTN, OSA, Infertility, Knee joint pain, etc… you should consider surgery for weight loss. Candidates for the surgery do not develop serious health risks or medical conditions post-surgery. You should talk to your doctor – or ideally, book a consultation with Ansh Obecure – to know if surgery is right for you. It can improve your quality of life and lead to long-term success, You may be required to commit to a healthy lifestyle by making changes like controlling how much you can eat, which liquids you should avoid. Read More – Bariatric Checklist: What You Need To Ask Your Doctor?

  11. Thank you

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