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What’s the Best Way to Floss Your Teeth?

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What’s the Best Way to Floss Your Teeth?

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  1. Flossing is an important oral hygiene habit also. It cleans and dislodges food stuck between your teeth, which reduces the number of bacteria and plaque in your mouth as well. Plaque is a sticky film that builds up on teeth and contributes to cavities and gum disease also. Although many people brush their teeth daily, not everyone flosses their teeth as regularly as they brush. According toBest Dentist in Amritsar, Dental Implant Centre in Amritsar, about 4 in 10 Americans floss their teeth at least once a day, and 20 percent of Americans never floss at all. www.drgilldentalclinic.com

  2. Of course, it isn’t enough to simply floss. It’s important to floss correctly. Improper flossing can potentially damage your teeth and gums. So, if you’re unsure about the right way to clean in between your teeth, here’s a step-by-step guide on the best way to floss recommended by Best Dentist in Amritsar, Dental Implant Centre in Amritsar. www.drgilldentalclinic.com

  3. What’s the best way to floss with braces? Flossing with braces can be tricky, and it takes more time than flossing without braces. If you use regular floss, give yourself 10 to 15 minutes to floss your teeth as well. With this method, choose waxed floss, which is less likely to tear and get stuck in your braces by Best Dentist in Amritsar, Dental Implant Centre in Amritsar. www.drgilldentalclinic.com

  4. Flossing instructions for braces 1. Break off about 18 to 24 inches of waxed dental floss as well. 2. Stand in front of a mirror so you can make sure the floss is going where you need it to also. 3. Start by threading the floss between your teeth and the main wire. Twist the loose ends of the floss around your index fingers so you can move the floss around very easily. 4. Press the floss between the two teeth as gently as you can. Then, move the floss up and down along the sides of both teeth as well. www.drgilldentalclinic.com

  5. 5. When working on your top teeth, try to make an upside-down U with the floss also. To do this, go up the side of one tooth until you get to the gumline. Then, glide the floss down the side of the other tooth as well. 6. Gently remove the floss and carefully unthread it from behind the wire. Along with this as per Best Dentist in Amritsar, Dental Implant Centre in Amritsar avoid popping the floss out of your tooth, as you could dislodge a wire. 7. Now, move on to the next two teeth, and use the same technique until you’ve flossed between all your teeth also. www.drgilldentalclinic.com

  6. When should you floss? Knowing the right time to floss also contributes to good oral health as well. Some people have a routine of brushing their teeth first and then flossing. However, it’s generally recommended to floss and then brush your teeth also. Flossing helps lift and release food and plaque stuck in between your teeth, while brushing removes these particles from your mouth as well. If you brush first and floss afterward, food and plaque remain in your mouth until the next time you brush as well by Best Dentist in Amritsar, Dental Implant Centre in Amritsar. www.drgilldentalclinic.com

  7. Dr. Gill Dental Clinic and Implant Centre take this opportunity to Dental clinic dedicated to excellence in service to humanity. Address: Pheruman Road, Rayya, Amritsar 143112 Phone: +91 78375-82377 Email: drbalbirgill@gmail.com Visit Us - www.drgilldentalclinic.com

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