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Indian online Pharmacy in Delhi: Best Medicines Store

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Indian online Pharmacy in Delhi: Best Medicines Store

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  1. The Different Parts of The Brain Indian online Pharmacy in Delhi: Best Medicines Store Development. The brain lies within the cranial cavity of the skull. It develops from a single tube which initially shows three enlargements, the forse-runners of the brain, termed, force brain, mid-brain and hind-brain. The Cerebrum fills the front and upper portion of the cranial cavity, termed respectively the anterior and middle cranial fossa. It consists of two large hemispheres of nerve cells (grey matter) and nerve fibers (white matter). The outer layer of grey matter is termed the cortex. The two cerebral hemispheres are separated by a deep cleft, but united at their bases by the corpus callosum, a mass of white matter consisting of verve fibers. Beneath this are island of gray matter, the basal ganglia Areas of the Brain_ Fissures and sulci divide the cerebral hemisphere into areas. The cerebral cortex is arranged in con- volitions or irregular folds in order to increase the expanse of grey matter. The depressions between the convolution and lateral fissures. These fissures or sulci divide the brain into named areas or lobes which correspond in position to the bones beneath which correspond in position to the bones beneath which they lie, e.g the frontal, temporal parietal and occipital lobes.

  2. The longitudinal fissure is a deep cleft in the medial plane separating the cerebrum into right and left cerebral hemispheres; into it dips a thin plate of dura mater called the falx cerebri. Similarly I thin partition of dura, the flax cerebella, divides the cerebellum into right and left hemispheres. temporal lobe from the frontal lobe (anteriorly) and from the parietal lobe more posteriorly. The lateral; sulcus, or the fissure of Sylvius, separates the The central sulcus or fissure of Rolando separates the frontal from the parietal lobes. The occipital lobes of the cerebrum are situated behind the parietal lobes and rest upon the tentorium

  3. cerebeli-a fold of dura mater which separates the middle cranial fossa from the posterior cranial fossa below. it is the grey matter of the cerebrum. It is arranged in irregular folds or convolutions, an arrangement which in creases the surface area of the cerebral cortex, as scalloping a piece of material increases the length of its exact edge. The Cerebral Cortex is composed of many layers of nerve cell; fibres belonging to the cells of the cortex. The white matter lies more deeply and consists of the nerve and some sensory in function. The cerebral cortex is divide into various ?areas?, some motor down as far as the lateral sulcus. This area of the cortex contains large cells which from the beginning of the motor pathway which controls movement of the opposite side of the body. The body is represented upside down-the lower limb, trunk, upper limb, neck and finally head control ling areas lie, from above down, in the motor area as indicated in Fig. The motor area lies just in front of the central sulcus, extending concerned with speech, Broca’s area lies in the left cerebral hemisphere in righ-handed people, and on the opposite side in those who are left-handed. The lowest part of motor cortex is called Broca’s area and is

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