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War opening scnee

analysis of opening scene of Dunkirk

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War opening scnee

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  1. Opening scene war - Dunkirk

  2. What narrative is given to us, and from this what to we expect the rest of the films narrative to be from the little information we have seen? From the opening scene of Dunkirk, we hear the diegetic pleonastic sound of the papers falling while we see a group of soldiers walking in the street. This creates the setting as being calm which makes the audience tense, as we are waiting for something bad to happen. The quietness and calmness of the street then suddenly turns into a violent setting when we hear the diegetic sound of gun shots. All the men are shot apart from one who makes it over the wall who we assume is the main character. As he makes it over the wall, he tries to load a gun when more gun shots come through the wall making the scene a lot more tense and puts the audience on the edges of their seat as we wonder if he will get shot or not. Once he gets through to the other side, he then is again being shot at by different men until he repeatedly says ‘I'm English’ which is when they stop shooting and direct him to come over to their side. After he approaches, he runs across to a beach where we see men lining up. The diegetic shooting sounds fade out and is juxtaposed with quietness again as we see the beach. We assume that for the rest of the film he will have to avoid certain people and try keep himself alive.

  3. What is the target audience for this film, how do we know from the opening scene?  The target audience for this film is people who love war based and action-packed movies. Stereotypically, men would prefer the film over women however more of a older, adult like generation would watch this movie as it is more educational. We know this through all the diegetic sounds of the gunshots which could scare younger children. The opening scene talks about the war between the British and French against the germans, younger generations would also not understand this as its about World War 2.

  4. How is the genre of the film set up in the opening scene? What key conventions have been used? We see the theme of war heavily throughout the opening scene in many moments. Firstly, at the beginning of the scene the diegetic sound of gun shots start, and we see around 5 out of the 6 guys getting shot which heavily portray the theme of war. There are use of guns and the setting in which they are in all also present the theme of war. The costume in which the men are dressed in are uniforms which show that they are taking part in the war as well

  5. How many characters are introduced and what do we know about them? How do we know We are introduced to several characters however the first 5 guys which we see die during the first round of gunshots, and then one of them is left which we assume is the main character. Later on, when he is hiding behind something and the people shooting realize he is English, we are introduced to more characters. One of them shooting and the other one directing him where to go. There is little dialogue between them, so we don’t know any information about them. However, we do know the main character is English but we don’t know any other information about him.

  6. What camera work has been used and why?  In the beginning when it is peaceful, the camera is still and slowly moving forward, compliment the setting, showing the peaceful and calm environment which didn’t last long. There is a shot reverse shot on the main character and the people shooting at him while he's trying to shout out that he is English. This shows the dynamics of the setting and how it is very chaotic and uncommunicable environment.

  7. What sound is there? What effect does it have on the narrative and characters?  There is a lot of diegetic sound of gun shots throughout the whole opening clip. However, it is juxtaposed with the first minute in the beginning as there is the diegetic pleonastic sound of the paper falling, therefore showing how quiet it is and how the two different environments can change within seconds. Contrast in environments

  8. What editing techniques have been used and why?  there are very long takes which go from clip to clip through jump cuts. This would elongate the scene which would create suspense and tension for the audience watching.

  9. In conclusion… In conclusion, the opening scene was very suspenseful and created a lot of meaning for the audience. It was violent which represents war movies well and it sets the mood for the rest of the movie

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