

Stages Of Addiction Few people take their first dose of a drug-- illegal or legal-- with the hope of getting addicted. Yet for 2009, the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that 23.5 million people sought some form of treatment for drug and alcohol problems. Of , individual physiology and psychological makeup have much to do with how quickly addiction can take hold and with the quantity ingested before passing the invisible line from freedom to slavery. While each individual instance may vary in time frame and intensity of dependence, certain patterns are standard within the entire pool of drug abusers. Out of the accounts of addicted people and the professionals who treat them, researchers are able to single out benchmarks for the stages of substance addiction. rasputin Experimenting With Drugs Addiction need not begin in adolescence. Even seniors may use alcohol or substances to soothe isolation. With no honest self-assessment-- a truthful assessment of the signs of drug addiction-- a user may pass unwittingly into the more distressing stages of drug addiction. Regular Use Using a drug or other substance on a regular basis does not always lead a person into addiction. Some people can take a drug steadily for a period of time and then discontinue its usage with little or no discomfort. Should the timeframe extends indefinitely and the strength of doses rise also, regular usage could transform right into substance addiction. Hazardous Consumption As the stages of drug addiction are traveled through, the user's personal decisions and behavior become progressively unsafe, both to himself or herself and others. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that 28.4 percent of young people in between the ages of 21 and 25 drove a vehicle under the influence of illicit drugs in 2009. • Operating a vehicle while under the influence of a sedative • Using money irresponsibly to obtain the drug • Defensive during verbal exchanges • Hiding things • Changes in appearance. Adjustments in desire for food, memory failure and degrading fine motor skills are also symptoms of substance abuse. The demarcation line between hazardous consumption and addiction is thin and difficult to differentiate. Getting help for yourself or a person you love ought not be postponed at this stage. Dependency Of all the stages of drug use, addiction and dependence are the most challenging to differentiate. The disastrous penalties of drug abuse are already apparent in dependence. Through all of this, though, the dependent stands apart from the addict by satisfying sufficient commitments to maintain the essential structure of his or her life. The direction of drug abuse stages is still headed downward, the semblance of normalcy lingers. If changes are not initiated-- and help is not sought-- the stages of drug addiction lead to the most grievous stage: addiction itself. Here the individual is psychologically and physically bonded to continual usage of the substance or alcohol. The point of brain disease is arrived at and the sufferer is susceptible to several harmful consequences of prolonged drug abuse. Because the addiction is of both mind and body, withdrawal symptoms are best supervised and remedied by experienced doctors. After the addictive compound has left the body, the drug abuser should work with mental health professionals to determine the causes and nature of the addiction. sons of liberty Without a sober self-assessment-- an trustworthy appraisal of the signs of substance addiction-- an individual could pass unknowingly into the more intense stages of drug addiction. Taking a drug or other chemical substance on a regular basis does not always entrap an individual into addiction. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that 28.4 percent of young people between the ages of 21 and 25 operated a vehicle under the influence of illegal drugs in 2009. Of all the stages of drug use, dependence and addiction are the most challenging to differentiate. If changes are not initiated-- and help is not secured-- the stages of drug addiction lead to the most harmful stage: addiction itself. Structure and Statistics from:


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