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You can receive the next-generation app development services from TryWebCloud with Googleu2019s Flutter framework, one of the most revolutionary technologies in the internet industry. We create multi-platform applications that offer immersive animations, an appealing user interface, and high performance.<br><br>TryWebCloud will be the right option to choose if you are looking for a Flutter development company. Our clients work with us from the beginning to the end, and we continue after development. Our Flutter app development services offer scalable, faster application development and a seamless native

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  1. Roadmap to learn Flutter like a pro Roadmap to learn Flutter like a pro Learning any technology/language takes time and patience. Don’t stop in middle, don’t start from advance and don’t compare your journey with others! Flutter is one of the most liked and adopted technology in the current IT Industry. But why is it so? Why is Flutter trending so much? There are other frameworks too, then why Flutter? So in this article, let’s first see what flutter is and why is it trending and then we will look at how to learn Flutter like a pro! What is Flutter? Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, desktop and embedded devices from a single codebase. So in other words, if you make your apps or websites using Flutter, it will be more beautiful and will be faster compared to other frameworks or technologies! So why is Flutter getting so much popularity? • • • • • • Flutter compiles the code to the native language. Startups can easily adopt Flutter and create MVP. Wide platform supports (Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, Embedded, more coming soon!) Great documentation and ample resources available to learn Large and supportive community! OpenSource!

  2. Roadmap to learn Flutter like a pro! Step 0: Prerequisites Before you start Flutter, you should at least know OOP Concepts. Flutter uses Dart language and Dart uses OOP Concepts. So, the least would be to learn OOP Concepts in any language (Java preferred). It’s always a good idea to learn Native Android so that you can understand Flutter more easily. Not a compulsion, but a better way to explore. If you are a fresh grad, it’s your responsibility now to create a portfolio or online presence to stand out from the crowd! So, learn GIT. Host your projects on GitHub, no matter what project it is! Install Flutter in your system so that you can start your journey! Step 1: Start with basics! Dart is a wide language and will take time to master. Before jumping to apps, one should at least learn the basics of the Dart language. If you already know Java, the transition from Java to Dart will be pretty easy! Don’t directly jump to Flutter without knowing Dart. Few concepts that you should learn: • • • • • Lists Map Lambda Function mixins await and async Once you complete the basic dart concepts, feel free to explore Flutter. Step 2: Get your hands dirty with UI Development! Whenever we start a new language, we need the motivation to learn daily. When we first start with UI development, it gives relief. When the screen of your app 1st pops on your device and it is as expected, that is the time when you feel motivated! Also, there are many issues and errors a developer will face when working with UI Development in Flutter. So what can you do or how can you do UI Development? • • Take any UI from Dribbble and implement the same in Flutter Create clone apps like Whatsapp clone, TikTok clone, etc. Step 3: Learn API Calls Once you feel confident with UI Development, you should start with learning API Calls. APIs will always be needed whenever you create any apps. API calls can be done using different packages available like http, dio, retrofit, chopper, etc. The basic one is HTTP and other packages are a wrapper over HTTP with few more functionalities. You can choose any of them, but it's always good to start with http and then any other packages. You can get many fake APIs to integrate with your app from: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com Once an API is integrated and an API call is made, you need to parse that API Response into a model class: Parsing JSON in Flutter! Working with APIs? The response usually comes in JSON format! abhishekdoshi26.medium.com

  3. Step 4: Learn Database Integration Databases are an integral part of any app. There will always be a need to store certain data from your app. Some of the databases which can be used with Flutter: • • • • • • Firebase Supabase SQFLite (Local database) Hive (Local database) Moor (Local database) And many more… Step 5: Learn State Management State Management is one of the most important concepts in Flutter. When our app grows in size and complexity, it becomes really difficult to manage the state of your screens and application. Let’s say you want to pass data from Page 1 to Page 2. That’s easy. We can pass it during Navigation. But let’s say you want to pass data from Page 1 to Page 5. In this case, state management is helpful! There are lots of State Management techniques and packages available. But don’t stress yourself out! Use the one which you are comfortable with. You can start with Provider as this is one of the basic State Management Package. Step 6: Learn Project Structure or Architecture Maintaining a Project Structure is really important. It helps newbies to review the code quickly. It also helps to trace the bug easily or add or remove functionality as and when needed without breaking the current functionality. There are many predefined Architectures available like MVVM, MVC, TDD, etc. These are really great and created after proper research. But they are not compulsory to use. You can always create your own Architecture that is suitable for you and your team. Always remember to maintain the following points with your architecture: • • • • KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) Scalable Least inter-dependency between functionalities Code reusability If your architecture satisfies the above points, it's good to go! Note: This roadmap is created by me, others can have different views and strategies. Always use whichever gives you the best learning! Hope you enjoyed this article! Hope you enjoyed this article! FOR WORK YOU CAN VISIT THIS https://trywebcloud.co.uk/flutter-app-development/

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