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What is Electronic Components

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What is Electronic Components

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  1. Electronic components is a general term for components and devices. Electronic components usually refer to finished products that do not change their molecular composition when they are manufactured and processed in a factory. For example, resistors, capacitors, inductors. Because it does not produce electrons itself, it has no control and transformation effect on voltage and current, so it is also called a passive device. And electronic components are the finished products that change the molecular structure during the factory production and processing. For example, transistors, electron tubes, and integrated circuits. It is also called an active device because it can generate electrons by itself and has control and transformation effects on voltage and current (amplification, switching, rectification, wave detection, oscillation and modulation, etc.). According to the classification standard, electronic devices can be grouped into two blocks of vacuum electronic devices and semiconductor devices, which are divided into 12 major categories. First, components: factories in the processing of products is no change in the molecular composition of products can be called components, devices that do not require energy. It includes: resistors, capacitors, inductors. (Also known as PassiveComponents) (1) circuit class devices: diodes, resistors, etc. (2) connection class devices: connectors, sockets, connection cables, printed circuit boards (PCB) Second, the device: the factory in the production process changed the molecular structure of the device is called devices Resistor Resistor in the circuit with "R" plus the number, such as: R1 said the number of 1 resistance. The main role of resistors in the circuit: shunt, current limiting, voltage divider, bias, etc. Capacitance Capacitance in the circuit is generally expressed by "C" plus a number (e.g. C13 means the capacitor numbered 13). Capacitance is a component composed of two metal films close to each other and separated by an insulating material. The characteristics of capacitance are mainly to separate the direct current. The size of the capacitance is the size of the electrical energy that can be stored, the capacitance of the AC signal is called capacitive resistance, which is related to the frequency and capacity of the AC signal. Crystal diode Crystal diode in the circuit is often expressed by "D" plus the number, such as: D5 means the number of 5 diodes. Role: The main characteristic of the diode is unidirectional conductivity, that is, in the role of forward voltage, on resistance is very small; and in the role of reverse voltage on resistance is very large or infinity. Because the diode has the above characteristics, cordless phones are often used in rectification, isolation, voltage regulation, polarity protection, coding control, FM modulation and noise and other circuits. Telephone in the use of crystal diodes can be divided according to the role of: rectifier diodes (such as 1N4004), isolation diodes (such as 1N4148), SBD Schottky diodes (such as BAT85), light- emitting diodes, voltage regulator diodes, etc..

  2. Inductors Inductors are not used much in electronic production, but they are equally important in the circuit. We consider an inductor, like a capacitor, to be an energy storage element that converts electrical energy into magnetic energy and stores energy in the magnetic field. The inductor is denoted by the symbol L. Its basic unit is the henry (H), which is commonly used in millihenries (mH). It often works together with capacitors to form LC filters, LC oscillators, etc. In addition, the properties of inductors have been used to make current resistors, transformers, relays, etc.

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