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teaching - learning process principle presented by dr. udayan chatterjee reader - dept. of materia medica

2. . Samuel Hahnemann (Born 10 April 1755 ,Died 2 July 1843) (aged

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teaching - learning process principle presented by dr. udayan chatterjee reader - dept. of materia medica

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    2. 2 Samuel Hahnemann (Born 10 April 1755 ,Died 2 July 1843) (aged 88) Nationality German www.similima.com

    3. 3 www.similima.com

    4. 4 PHILOSOPHY OF TEACHERS www.similima.com

    5. 5 www.similima.com

    6. 6 Role of the teacher as a helper and guide 1. Pragmatism regards teacher as helper & guide. 2. Pragmatism considers teachers as arrangers of experience. Discipline & Pragmatism. A) Pragmatism stresses on social discipline. B) Pragmatism believe that discipline comes through Purposive & cooperative activities www.similima.com

    7. 7 Philosophy : Nature alone is the source of all knowledge Values are created in terms of specific needs . All real values exists in nature – living close to nature. There is no possibility of any ‘supernatural being’. The individual is given always precedence. Man create societies only to meet some of his needs . www.similima.com

    8. 8 www.similima.com

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    10. 10 www.similima.com

    11. 11 Object Preparing men & women for being Homoeopathy Practitioner. Expanding Knowledge & Research. www.similima.com

    12. 12 Sri Aurobindo said that a true & living education ‘helps to bring out to full advantage , makes ready for full purpose & scope of human life all that is in the individual man, which at the same time helps him to enter into his right relation with the life , mind & soul of the people to which he belongs & with the great total life , mind & soul of humanity of which he himself is a unit , & his people or nation a living , a separate & yet inseparable member.’ www.similima.com

    13. 13 Rabindra Nath Tagore : Gurudev believed that education should cover every aspect of our life ---- economic , intellectual , aesthetic , social & spiritual ; & our educational institution should be in the very heart of the society , connected with it by the living bonds of varied cooperation. The purpose of true education is to realise at every step how training & knowledge have organic connection with our surroundings. www.similima.com

    14. 14 TEACHING – LEARNING PROCESS AND PRINCIPLES Practice of Integration of the various disciplines that are included in a balanced plan and programme of Homoeopathic Medical Education demands a total re-orientation in our attitude to the organization of the syllabus as well as the Curriculum . A change in activity of the student would demand a suitable change in the institutional organization and style of functioning which we have already examined. Traditionally , we have been trained in thinking in supreme isolation . That is the reason why , although we speak the language of integration , the syllabus we draw up shows little awareness of the need to effect the radical change : all we do is to do some tinkering ----- serve the same good old wine in new bottles. www.similima.com

    15. 15 Interaction has to be conceived of as horizontal as well as vertical , all the disciplines forming a grid pattern with total mobility that would permit an integration understanding of the patient who is in need of re-education so that health is restored. PSYCHOLOGICAL----- O E -------ETHICAL,SPIRITUAL,RELIGIOUS R N G V-------- FAMILY A M N FUNCTIONAL---------- I OF A I---------SOCIAL Z A N O -----WORK T R I N---------ECONOMIC O M---------POLITICAL STRUCTURAL ------- N E N T H E A L T H {========================} D I S E A S E www.similima.com

    16. 16 www.similima.com

    17. 17 www.similima.com

    18. 18 Anatomy & Physiology Are taught as distinct & separate disciplines with little coordination and correlation which results in remarkable poverty of understanding THE MAN as a WHOLE . Organon of Medicine stresses the study of individual; But the students’ search are in vain for the Hahnemannian totality. This totality can only be achieved while we come out of the boundaries of four walls and leave behind theoretical arguments for the sake of a pure practical view of human beings. www.similima.com

    19. 19 Education primarily concerns itself with the development of wisdom through knowledge. Knowledge is of the Principles. These when organized , are appreciated as Philosophy. correct appreciation of Philosophy makes for rational practice through the adoption of suitable techniques. Rational Practice produces pre – determined results that correspond to the objectives Techniques, essentially, are skills. Development of skills demands repeated performance till the point of acceptable tolerance is reached. Practiced aimed at cultivation of skills & Techniques in training. Practice aimed at cultivation of requisite judgment in the area of operation is Professional Education. It cannot also forget the importance correct Professional practice evaluated in terms of results obtained www.similima.com

    20. 20 in ensuring that a right professional attitude is cultivated by the aspirant to the profession . In this connection , it is also important to relate Professional ethics to Ethics in general & not to forget that ethics can be taught best through observance. www.similima.com

    21. 21 The printed word , suitably modified , as well as the Tape Record has been employed successfully to convey to the Learner Data base , Information , interview Techniques for obtaining the data , method s of data analysis & synthesis & the underlying Philosophical concepts . Suitable ‘Exercise’ have been also developed to cultivate the requisite judgment. But , personalized Training would still be necessary to acquire basic skills / techniques , develop a certain amount of fineness in their employment , skills in data recording & quick analysis & interpretation and , finally , in developing clinical judgment. www.similima.com

    22. 22 Techniques of analysis & synthesis of data can also be taught through specially designed Course Materials in print that depend on the case Method of study which also can be developed to lead to Concepts as well as judgments that is expected in practice . Finally , the Learner requires to be developed into a Practitioner . This demands the facilities of the supervised practice in which freedom to commit errors on paper is permitted so that errors do not harm the patient but permit the Practitioner to be properly ‘educated’. www.similima.com

    23. 23 STALWART OF HOMOEOPATHY www.similima.com

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    25. 25 www.similima.com

    26. 26 Dr Cyrus Maxwell BOGER (1861-1935) Henri Clay ALLEN M.D.  1836-1909 www.similima.com

    27. 27 A Physician capable of translating the first six Aphorisms of Organon of Medicine into Practice under varying conditions of time and Circumstances. TECHNIQUES AND PRACTICE A) Data Base (signs & symptom) 1. disease 2. recording 3. record 4. analysis 5. synthesis B) Drug – Artificial Disease (Homoeopathic Materia) Techniques for Apprehension C ) Natural disease 1. Interview Techniques 2. The Transactional record , Recording , Analysis & Interpretation 3. : Standardise Clinical Record : Recording & Interpretation www.similima.com

    28. 28 D ) Repertorial Technique& Repertories E ) Clinico- Pathalogical correlation & Interpretation ____ individualisation F) Practice 1. Perceiving 2. Curing www.similima.com

    29. 29 www.similima.com

    30. 30 P H Y S I C I A N : H E A L T H Y S E L F WIDE EXPERIENCE ------- ADEQUATE KNOWLEDGE -------RATIONAL : LIVING & GUIDANCE www.similima.com

    31. 31 www.similima.com


    33. 33 UNIQUE WORK OF BOENNINGHAUSEN Doctrine of analogy Doctrine of concomitant Evaluation of Remedies Concordance www.similima.com

    34. 34 www.similima.com

    35. 35 www.similima.com

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