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SRI Overview

What is SRI?. Scholastic Reading Inventoryfast and accurate way to assess student reading levels and monitor reading progress. . Why SRI was Purchased

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SRI Overview

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    1. SRI Overview Presented by Linda Douglas (Teaching Specialist) Marcia Jeans(Instructional Tech) Terry Behrendt (Grants Department)

    3. Why SRI was Purchased…. Nationally validated assessment for reading comprehension A number of schools wanted to buy SRI and it was cheaper to volume purchase for the district Need a uniform formative assessment across the district (There are many different reading programs in the district!)

    4. Appropriate Use Monitor student progress across their reading career Identify appropriate books for students to read based on a Lexile score and interest survey To become a predictor to identify appropriate techniques and strategies for reading for the district Target intervention programs to address student needs

    5. Advantages Quick – 20-30 minutes (1st test a little longer) Aligns with marketed materials – Lexile scores Creates personalized reading list for each student—reflecting interests and ability Helps you make library purchases wisely Not a timed test

    6. More Advantages Real passages from books Every machine can have SRI on it as long Pent II or above and connected to server Can help prepare for on-line state testing in reading In Kansas it has been used to document AYP requirements – if not meeting AYP state test

    7. How is SRI different than Star? Star is a basic vocabulary test. You get a grade level equivalent based on the results of the test. SRI is a reading comprehension test. You get a Lexile score based on the results of the test.

    8. General Guidelines Test up to 5 times a year (Maximum) at least 3 times a year (Recommended) NOT pre post Automatic exports will occur quarterly Each school has licenses for grades 3-12 Tamara must approve variations Every machine can have SRI on it as long they meet software requirements

    9. Guidelines Continued….. Only 30 students at any given time should be testing Don’t use wireless technology After initial import from eSIS, new students are entered manually at the site Lexile of about 1000 or above to pass 8th grade state reading test (based on KC information)

    10. Testing They type in their full legal name with a space between first and last name Read a passage – make decision or inference Get a question right – go up ~50 Lexile points. Miss a question – go down ~50 Lexile points Can skip 3 questions – save those for the questions that are really hard. Students should use wisely Doesn’t tell you if you get a question right or wrong

    11. Password first initial of first name and first initial of last name, then birth date. For a school to test John Bob Jones, born on February 10, 1994.  Password would be JJ021094  (The Birth date is set up as 2 digit month, 2 digit date, and 2 digit year with no spaces or dashes)

    12. Expectations – Elementary Schools Required in all schools Available Elementary Schools 3rd grade – 5th grade SRI Reading Scores posted to the Datawarehouse (Last or Highest Score) 5th grade student results will be exported and shared with middle schools

    13. Expectations - Middle Schools All middle schools are using SRI now Will continue to use SRI Use data as common reading assessment for 6th, 7th, and 8th. MIS has imported data and put into a report that will be sent to high schools for transitioning 8th graders.

    14. Expectations - High Schools Expand implementation to more schools Focus on freshman and sophomores to identify students who need additional skills development Students identified with reading deficiencies will be placed in intervention programs

    15. Other Programs Associated with SRI Read 180 Read 180 class is limited to 15 students in middle school and 21 students in high school Very complex program – needs to be on an isolated system unlike SRI Used in 8 middle schools and plans for expansion into all middle schools fall 2004 Used at North and West - additional Read 180 labs will be added next year at high school

    16. Other Programs Associated with SRI Reading Counts Is aligned with SRI (similar to Star and AR) If you have AR and want to add Reading Counts, you can do it for free. Technical aspects of this conversion will be coordinated by Library Media Services Conversion to Reading Counts is a site based decision Reading Counts includes 30 questions for each book. This allows 3 quiz options.

    17. Maintenance of SRI 1 person needs to be identified in the building as the SRI administrator (STS?) and will be responsible for: Enrolling new students Un-enrolling students leaving the building (don’t delete) unless moving on to middle school/high school (uncheck SRI only) STS should back up server data on a regular basis (especially after testing)

    18. When Manually Adding a Student Use legal Name from eSIS – First and Last Current grade level of student Student ID Make sure you are entering and exiting students from the system on a regular basis.

    19. How Lexile Scores Work

    20. Lexile Lingo What is Lexile Measure? Lexile is a number indicating the reading difficulty of a book or text. It is measured in terms of both vocabulary and sentence length. What is the Lexile Scale range? The Lexile scale ranges from 100 to 1700 Lexiles, although actual Lexile measures can range from below zero to above 2000 Lexiles.

    21. Lexile Lingo Continued What does the Student Lexile Score mean? The Student Lexile Score gives an indication of what level a student is reading. For instance, if a student is assigned a lexile score of 600L, he or she can read with 75% comprehension books that are rated on the 600L level. Books rated at higher lexiles will present a greater reading challenge for the student, and books at lower lexiles will be easier reading.

    22. Who can use Lexile Scores? Teachers: to compensate for difference between student reading comprehension levels and the readability of assigned texts to set and track goals for independent reading Parents: to help children pick appropriate level books to read at home Librarians: to help students select appropriate level books to read Students: to help students self select appropriate level books

    24. General Guidelines for Instructional Purposes Independent level (easy)- read down 250 Lexile points Guided Reading (avg.) - 50 above to 100 below Lexile points Instructional (challenge) – 250 Lexile points above Students should experience 4 easy or average level texts for every 1 challenging level text.

    25. How can Teachers Help Students? Teach vocabulary in context Pre-reading support (Wichita Reading Model) Lexile.com provides vocabulary exercises (PowerV Program) and worksheets for many popular novels and textbooks. Search novels and textbooks by title to find scores. Search for lists of grade appropriate books.

    26. Resources SRI demo http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/sri/overview/howitworks.htm SRI reports http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/sri/overview/viewreports.htm Lexile Chart http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/sri/pdfs/Lexile_Map.pdf

    27. SRI FAQ http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/sri/overview/faq.htm SRI Test Taking Tips (handout) Your USD 259 Web support

    28. Who do you call for help? Help desk – technical issues 3-help Non-technical issues – Linda Douglas 3-3406 and Terry Behrendt 3-4552 Technical and use of application - Marcia Jeans 3-4512

    29. Questions????

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