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Mobile Price in Bangladesh

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Mobile Price in Bangladesh

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  1. Does Covid-19 Impact The Smartphone Industry? Covid-19 the name of the pandemic of the current decade that brings enormous death and destruction around worldwide. Along with human life, this epidemic profoundly damaged the corporate world, and a similar tragedy happened with the smartphone industry. Amid the Covid-19 period, the smart phone price bangladeshd market is hit so badly. As a result, the industry suffers badly from the negative impact of this epidemic. After spreading Coronavirus throughout the whole worldwide, almost every country locked down itself. In this period, people show great demand for some technological sectors such as cloud and entertainment services, while the mobile industry has seen exceptions. When the smartphone industry started the journey, they have achieved colossal success year- over-year. But due to this present situation, the smartphone market takes a sharp drop and the major reason is changing the demand for production.  The negative impact Sales of new smartphones are drop During the outbreak, visible changes are seen in consumers' priorities. It does not mean that smartphones are getting less useful, but people started to save money to meet their basic needs. Many consumers become jobless, and they are suffering from economic distress. As a result, people won't get a new phone unless they need one. In a survey, it is proven that about 14.7% of people in the United States become unemployed. So it is visible that the employer hardly needs an upgrade for smartphones. Automatically the smartphone market holds off growing since the biggest market has collapsed. Usually, the sales of smartphones increase on every traditional occasion in a year. But this time, the marketers won't sell a large portion of their usual target amid this epidemic. So may official showrooms express fear that they might shut down after facing a huge loss. Decreasing share market of manufacturer According to the Counterpoint, some major smartphone manufacturers are shifted within market shares. Many vendors and manufacturers are suffering from an economic deficit. But it does not equal for every company. The leading brand Samsung had a 21% market share in Q1 of 2019, and now, in Q1 of 2020, it dropped by 20%. On the other hand, Apple increased by 2% than the previous year. Huawei’s market position is in its earlier position, but they faced delays in shipment because China was the center point of the Corona. Other Chinese brands like Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi have also dropped their market share, only Huawei could survive in this epidemic. However, this is the overview of only 2020, if the virus still continues spreading, it causes more significant changes in the mobile market. Decline production

  2. Due to the Covid-19 shutdown, the local production comes to a standstill, as well as the import and export supply chain also stops. The importers express that they witnessed a 15% decline in sales comparing the present and past years. In April 2020, the production of smartphones and feature phones was zero countrywide. In fact, the import decline started in December when China went into lockdown, and they stopped shipping several assembly parts. That's why industries faced a decline in the Q1 of this year. Cramps in 5G Adoption 5G means the fifth-generation mobile network that started the journey in 2019. The 5G network supplies high-frequency radio waves. Last year, before the epidemic occurred, the smartphone brands were rushing to give rise to 5G networks in the market. Several brands also began to launch 5G enabled smartphones, and the devices rapidly created their own place. Those smartphone prices in Bangladesh have also been set reasonably so that all types of consumers can afford them. But unfortunately, the smartphone brands didn't bring about the target for this outbreak. Large companies like Apple and Verizon have become backward to release the latest 5G smartphones and services. Still, there is hope for getting an advantage when it will be more prevalent. The adoption of consumers won't take place as soon as the brands expected.  The Positive Impact Growing the usage of smartphones Surely the smartphone market is dropping sales and production, and also the manufacturers get great economic damage as well as the smartphone price is also unstable. On the contrary, people are more likely to engage with smartphones. The usage level of consumers is more than higher. People are more getting to use smartphones for their entertainment or maintaining social relationships. Even most of the businesses have started marketing encompassing smartphones. They now rely on calls, email, or instant messaging. And the outcome is also glorious because people are spending more time on social media during the quarantine. More importantly, the usage of mobile phones is raised in the educational sector. During the lockdown, the government and the private educational institutions started online classes to teach the students. With the benefit of smartphones, our generation will continue learning no matter if there is any pandemic. In this harsh situation, the smartphone becomes a crucial asset for the people, although excessive usage gains small financial backing. Smartphone companies cleverly income through App and cellular services sales. Cellular service certainly benefits as people want to stay connected with the world. Also selling the brand's accessories, they earn in a small quantity. Overall the profit is so less, and it is not enough to cover the other offset declining sides.

  3. Conclusion In the end, the answer is yes, it is clear that Coronavirus brings a negative impact on the smartphone market. Even the pandemic isn't so kind enough to the smart mobile phone prices in Bangladesh. But this tragedy is not enough to end the smartphone industry. In today's world, where people are getting used to digital devices, the demand for mobile is increasing. Smartphones doesn't only a luxury item; they have become a necessity. So the smartphone industry will recover fast after ending the outbreak. It is also true that the infection will go long, so small companies may not survive as it is tough for them to handle sales drop. But if the disease dissolves soon, the company's losses will regain quick restoration. Overall the result is uncertain for both the virus and smartphone industries.

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