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PARQURE Range of HR Johnson Tiles India

Strong and Durable, Stain Resistant Tiles from HR Johnson specifically used for Parking Areas, Driveways, Walkways, Swimming Pools deck Areas

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PARQURE Range of HR Johnson Tiles India

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  1. • • • f' I • a JoHMSOMTILEs NOT JUST TILES. LIFESTYLES. \ \ u ... ~ ..... w-- rqure exce etics. S • cality. all. ~- A ,

  2. a JOHNSON TILES NOT JUSTTILES, LIFESTYLES'. PARQURE Johnson Tiles, presenting PARQURE a new range of ceramic paving tiles. These are strong, durable and slip resistance tiles which make it an ideal recommendation for application in parking areas, driveways, walkways, patios and swimming pool deck areas. The collection comes in 6 distinct designs, and available in 2 colours - cream and brick, which further enables to create mix and match combinations of your choice. With its unique combination of design flexibility, PARQURE tiles are truly one of the most preferred tiles available today for all types of exterior flooring installations.



  5. a JOHNSON.TILES NOT JUST TILES, LIFESTYLES. PARQURE Technical Specifications International Standard ISO 13006/[N 14411 Group BIia Rl'quir(!mont INDlAH STANDARD 151S622:.20U 5 • ... Parqure Collection Property Test Method Group B Ila Rc:-quirnment Dimensions & Surface Quality i) Deviation in Ltngth & Width t0.6% or tl.Omm ISO 10545~2 / IS 13630--1 t0.1 % t0.1% ••% t0.1" 1 J.5% or tO.Smm Deviation in Thickness :.5% i ISO 10S4S·l / IS 13630·1 .t..0,1% ISO 10545·2 / IS 13630·1 !OS% O(J. 1..Smm Straightness of Sides 3 • Rectangutarity Surfaoe Flatn('S.S (ce,nN Curv;m1re, Edge Curvature & Warpage .t..0.1 % ISO 105'tS·2 / IS 13630·1 t0.S% or t2.0mm t0.1% 10.5% or 12.0mm J.0.3% t 0. 5% 5 ISO 105'tS·2 / IS 13630·1 Min 9S% free from visible defects- Min 9S" free from visible defects >95% free from visible defecu Surface Quality ISO 1051,5·2 / lS 13630·1 6 ii) Physical Property Aver1,ge J<E~ 6%, Individual Max 6.2 Water Absorption 3<.E ~6% 3<.E ~S% ISO 105'1S•J/ IS 13630• 2 7 Avaerage 22 Nlmm', Individual 20 N/mm',Min Modulus of Rupture ISO 105li5·4/ IS 13630-6 ~6N/mm :! 22H/mm' 8 • 10 ISO 10S45-li I 1 $ 13630-6 Breaking Strength Min1000 H ~1100 N ~ l O O ON O.J mm/m, Max 0,3 mm/m. M&x ISO 105li5- ·10 / IS 13630-J Moisture eJlpansfon Repon value scratch hardness. of surface (Moh's sc.ale) Resist.ince to Surface Abrasion or Glazed lites for Floor ApplicMion as Not Required 4, Min IS1J630-13 11 Roport Abrasion 0.'.>SS 12 class 11,Mln ISO 10S4S•7 / IS 13630 ·11 Ctassu-v coefficient of Linear rhermal Expansion Ma)(, 9x lO'K' ISO 1054S·S / IS 13630· It 13 ,. Report Value ~9x10°"K' Ho Damage ISO 105t.S·9 / IS 13630 ·S Report Ruult 10 c~des Min t hermal Shock Resistanc,e Report Result ISO 10SJ.S•11 / IS 13630-- 9 ,. cycles @7.S bar Min Ctazing Resistance of Glazed Tiles No damage 15 ?. 0,55 Impact Resisuinc@ Report Value 0.55, Min ISO 10Sli54S/ IS 1 3630 -14 16 Slip Resistance for Floor Application Report Value ANSI 8101,3 17 >O.,!. Manufauurer \O Declare Require-cl ir Requested by Purc.haser ISO 1054S ... 12 / IS 13630·10 18 Report Result No Damage Frost Resistance Report Result Color Resista.nce to UV light DIN 51094 19 No Change in Color •chemQl Property fii) ci ... 3 (150) / Class 1{Is) ftesistance to Staining• Glazed Tiles ISO 1051t5-14 / IS 13630·8 a. Class l,Min Min Class 3 Resist.ince to Household ChemictltS and swimming Pool wate-r cleansets lSO lOSliS•llo / IS 13610•8 Class AA Min b. GA/AA GB Rt?SiSl<IOCC to acids and alkalis (Gl;,zed Tltcs) Report Resistan ce Class report resistance class GA ISO 10545-13/ IS 13630-8 C. Packing Details Parqure- JOXJO 0.9 10 17S3 1578

  6. Toll Free No.: 1800-22-7484 E-mall : tiles.customercare@prismjohnson.in For Export Enquiriest Email : exports.customercare@prismjohnson.in ® JOHNSON Not just tiles, Lifestyles~ PRISM JOHMSOM LIMITED (FORMERLY PRISM CEMENT LIMtTED) H & R JOHNSON (INDIA) DIVISION CorPonttt omce : 71h Aoor, Wind$0t, C. S, T. Road, Kalina, Santacruz {Easlj, Mumb.1.1•400098, lndla. Tel,~ +81·22· ~06.1 7300 Website; wtM.tvjincia.com f www.enduratiles.oom R~istered Office: 305, laxmi Niwas ""artments. Ameerpet. Hyderabad. 500016, Telangana. India. are a<M&ed '° ln&pEICI e s.ampre 011ne 111e belore orcie~ EYetY eesori ll'lo righl 10 ctiarigo lhct spocificllDDn. Wl!houl prior noboo. SomiollrntS, I ColOf• $Mwt1 a,e a& aocutate as 1h8 llmlle.t101'6 ol 1118 p,1n11no pt'008$$ 'MIi arow Pr0$98CIN<I <:~ has boon mode lo 4tnlllre lho acamu:y DI lh• imormlltleln gnien. Howtw-. ltlo comp.,,.,. t ~ 't11riati0n9inehadeor5i:t~Maycoeur¥rhir:llittlheref'CIOttleee,8fl\ic~.BelOJell«lglh&lile,S,¥10Ul'g&yo..ltorNOandlOlowlheRidng"''"I.ICliOnSQ1YenMt1"9eartonb6lt ollhel!19$. ThoQOITlf)¥lywillnot~""Yrt$P011$ib•1yanoM11no1aooep1;i,ny~laln11;:Qishilcl8 . 5Q40tpfallilrityonc.lhelllffh17t9b9enbecl AthOuQh eyery ell'ol'I i& made !JO M«:IUin lhllf al lh~ lnklrm:tllCI!\ p!O'Med 11'1 tNs b!oehur~ is &eouta!e beb~ piln!lng, iln'OrS may sllll happen. Plell&e oontl!a I~ local brafdl Office to, ~81$&d l'llotmaUOn oelotti pfacl,g oreler-s, nie lmotmuon oomeined ., lhl$ ca.t;:ttog i$ gl"en in good Ml!h The Co-npa,,y lakes no liaWllY on .ccount ot 81'1')' toes o, d.wN!ga edhor<:On5oquenlial 0f olhc,w!Has • tfllllt ol lhe lnlomWlon prCMdorJ lhcrffl, 0 lhrflndla S /hrj0M sontne1111 0 /hrfiohnsonfndla

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