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IIAHP Therapy Center and Learning School in Sector 35 Chandigarh

IIAHP Therapy Center and Learning School in Sector 35 Chandigarh, (Ph-9815652162). We provide Down Syndrome Treatment, Dyslexia Treatment, Autism treatment, Developmental Delay Treatment, Cerebral Palsy Treatment, Mental Retardation Treatment, Speech Therapy, Slow Learners Treatment, ADHD Treatment, and Therapies for Special Needs Children, etc. We Take New Children All Year.

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IIAHP Therapy Center and Learning School in Sector 35 Chandigarh

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  2. AutismTreatment Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a comprehensive term usedtodescribeagroupofneurodevelopmentaldisorders.It ischaracterizedbyproblemswithcommunicationandsocial interaction. Children with ASD can recover with our autism treatmenttechniques. People with Autism Spectrum Disorderoftendisplayrepetitiveandstereotypedinterestsor patterns of behavior. Children suffering from autism have trouble communicating. They are having difficulty in understandingwhatotherpeoplethinkandfeel.

  3. CerebralPalsy Treatment MEANING Theword“cerebral”meansthemidbrain, “palsy”meansparalysis.Weprovidethe bestcerebralpalsytreatmenttothechildren ofagegroup2to17yearsold. SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY is the most common type of disorder, which affects about 79% of all people of CP. The Spastic Cerebral Palsy is different from other typesofCerebralPalsybecauseitssymptoms andcharacteristicsaredifferent.

  4. DOWNSYNDROMETREATMENT Atbirth,childrenwithDownsyndromeusuallyhavesomespecificsymptomswecandiagnoseby:- Flatfacefeatures Smallheadandears Eyesthatbendupwards BadmuscletoneBadmuscletone

  5. SpeechTherapy BriefIntroduction Like other skills and milestones, at the age in which children learn languages and start talking, they may vary. Many children say “Mama” and “Dada”beforetheirfirstbirthday,andmostchildrencansayabout20words until 18 months. But what if the 2-year-old child is not talking yet or keeps onlytwowordstogetherthenthechildneedsspeechtherapytosaywords clearly.

  6. A DHDTreatment Mostchildrenhavesuchmomentswhentheyhaveextraenergy.Buthow oftendoyouneedtotellyourchildtoslowdownorstopinterrupting.We provideADHDtreatmentforhyperactivechildrenofagegroup2to17years old. HyperactivityisasignofAttentiondeficithyperactivitydisorder (ADHD).ADHDinchildrencanalsohappenwithotherconditions.

  7. SPECIALNEEDSCHILDREN Braingrowthwasthoughttobeastaticandunchangeablefact. Ratherbraingrowthanddevelopmentareanever-changingand dynamicprocess. Aprofoundbraininjurycanstopthisprocess.Braingrowthand developmentcanbeslowedbymoderatebraininjury,butmost importantlyproperstimulationcanspeedupthisprocess.

  8. Contactus:- +91-7419502101 https://www.iiahp.com/

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