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Spanish for Telecommunicators

Spanish for Telecommunicators. Presented by: [Insert Training Agency Here]. TCLEOSE Course #22109. Instructors. [Insert Instructors Name(s)]. Student Introduction. Course Objectives. Learn the proper enunciation of the Spanish alphabet, words, and phrases.

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Spanish for Telecommunicators

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  1. Spanish for Telecommunicators Presented by: [Insert Training Agency Here] TCLEOSE Course #22109

  2. Instructors [Insert Instructors Name(s)]

  3. Student Introduction

  4. Course Objectives • Learn the proper enunciation of the Spanish alphabet, words, and phrases. • Be able to recognize the pronunciation of Spanish numbers, weekdays and months. • Learn basic Spanish grammar which will help you communicate more effectively.

  5. Course Objectives Continued • Be able to use key Spanish phrases to assess your caller’s needs. • Be able to access [Translation Service] for full translation services. • Discuss some of the unique cultural norms of callers who speak Spanish.

  6. What’s a “Hispanic?” • Term coined by U.S. Census Bureau to refer to all Spanish speakers and people with Spanish surnames. • Much resistance to term from “Hispanics” • Not all Latin Americans speak Spanish. • Largest Spanish speaking populations in U.S. are from Mexico, Puerto Rico, & Cuba. 2.9

  7. Fear Not! Nothing to Fear Don’t be intimidated You may be confused …by the grammar …by the pronunciation …by the native speaker …by the people around 1.2

  8. Pronunciation vs. Enunciation Pronunciation • The act or manner of articulating speech • A phonetic transcription of a given word Enunciation • To declare formally; state. • To pronounce clearly; enunciate 1.2

  9. Easy Does It Remember even though Spanish is a foreign language to you, it is very phonetic, and therefore, very easy to pronounce 1.2

  10. How we pronounce a word is usually based on how we recall hearing it. HOLA 1.2

  11. What Spanishwords do you know?? 1.2

  12. Tips for the Tongue It is important to remember… that is like before or E I G H 1.2

  13. H is always silent J H is like 1.2

  14. Th T The letter is pronounced 1.2

  15. A = Ah B = beh C = seh CH = CHeh D = deh E = EH F = EH-feh G = HEH H= AH-cheh I = ee J = HOH-tah K = kah L = EH-le LL=EH-yeh M = EH-meh N = EH-neh N = EH-nyeh O = Oh P = peh Q = koo R = EH-reh RR= EH rreh S = EH-seh T = teh U = OO V = veh W=DOH-BLEH-OOH X = EH-Kees Y=E-GRIHYEH-GAH Z=SEh-TAH Spanish Alphabet 1.1

  16. Can I Buy a Vowel? Father Elementary Me Orange do à=AH è=EH í =EE ó =OH ú =Ooh 1.2

  17. Spanish for Telecommunicators When a word ends in a vowel or “n” or “s”, the next to the last syllable is stressed 1.2

  18. “y” is only a vowel when it stands alone! Spanish version Spanish of “and” for “or” "y" "o" 1.2

  19. Consonant Sounds 1.1/1.2

  20. Sound Off When a word ends in any consonant other than “n” or “s”, the last syllable is emphasized. 1.2

  21. Accented Letters Help with pronunciation - Mamá, (mah-mAH) Interés (een-teh-rEHs) Terrífico (the-rrEE-fee-koh) Create new words – Si (If) Sí (Yes) 1.7

  22. The “Tilde” Ñ Mañana (tomorrow) (mah-Nyah-nah) 1.7

  23. Diéresis (Umlaut) ü Vergüenza (shame) (behr-goo-ehn-sah) 1.7

  24. ¡Punctuation Marks! Let’s the reader know the sentence isa expressive emotion or a question. ¡Salga de la casa! Get out of the house! ¿Que es su emergencia? What is your emergency? 1.7

  25. Dealing with Diphthongs A diphthong is a combination of two vowels, pronounced as a single syllable. The “a, o, and e”…are strong. That means you pronounce them with a lot of EMPHASIS. The “u” and “i” are the weak vowels, so say them softly. 1.8

  26. Perfect Cognate A word that is spelled exactly the same or almost the same in two different languages and has the same definition 1.8

  27. Spanish/English Cognates Horrible Color Natural Banana Popular Sociable Terrible Radio Soda Doctor Plaza Chocolate 1.8

  28. Near Cognates Words so similar in both languages that their meanings are unmistakable. • A letter or two is different, • An accent mark on the Spanish word distinguishes that word from English. 1.8

  29. Spanish/English Near Cognates Ambulancia Momento Accidente Policía Agente Teléfono Reporte Problema Información Contrabando 1.8

  30. Numbers One = uno Six = Seis Two = dos Seven = Siete Three = Tres Eight = Ocho Four = Cuatro Nine = Nueve Five = Cinco Ten = Diez 1.4

  31. Numeros Eleven = Once (OHN-seh) Twelve = Doce (DOH-seh) Thirteen = Trece (TREH-seh) Fourteen = Catorce (kah-TOHR-seh) Fifteen = Quince (KEEN-seh) 1.4

  32. Big Numbers HundredCien, Ciento Thousand Mil Million Millón Nineteen hundred.... Mil novecientos… 1.4

  33. Area Codes Be familiar with area code(s) for your jurisdiction - • [add local area code] • [add local area code] 1.4/1.5/2.1

  34. What Time Is It? ¿Qué hora? Son las dos. (It is 2:00) Son las cinco y quince. (It is 5:15) Son las cuátro y media. (It is 4:30) Mediodía = Noon Medianoche = Midnight 2.3

  35. Days of the Week Monday = Lunes Tuesday = Martes Wednesday = Miércoles Thursday = Jueves Friday = Viernes Saturday = Sábado Sunday= Domingo 2.3

  36. Months January April - Enero - Abril February May - Febrero - Mayo March June - Marzo - Junio 2.3

  37. Months July October - Julio - Octubre August November - Agosto -Noviembre September December - Septiembre - Diciembre 2.3

  38. Adam or Eve? “o” ending = Masculine and “a” ending = Feminine Generally, words ending in “o” are masculine. There are exceptions as in any language, the most common being: “LA mano”, “EL agua”. 1.6

  39. One or More? As in English, nouns in Spanish can be singular or plural. The “s” or “es” ending on a noun indicates the plural. El, La Los, Las Unos, Unas 2.6

  40. Me, Myself & I Subject Pronouns English Spanish I Yo Tú You (informal) Usted You (formal) Él He Élla She 2.6/2.7

  41. Plural Pronouns English Spanish We Nosotros/tras You (Spain) Vosotros/tras They (masc.) Ellos They (fem) Ellas 2.6/2.7

  42. “Sir/Madam”? “usted” As a professional, you should use “usted” when addressing Spanish-speaking people as a sign of respect. 2.8

  43. Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Evening How may I help you? Can I help you? Thank You for calling Have a good Day Hope it goes well Buenos días Buenas tardes Buenas noches ¿Cómo le puedo ayudar? Puedo ayudarle? Gracias por llamar ¡Que tenga buen día! Que le vaya bien Greetings 1.3

  44. I am the VOICE of 9-1-1 Bueno, habla la despachadora de 911.Hello, this is the 9-1-1(female)dispatcher Bueno, habla el despachador de 911.Hello, this is the 9-1-1(male)dispatcher 2.2

  45. What’s in a Name? ¿Cómo se llama? ¿Que es su Apellido? ¿Que es su nombre completo? 1.3/2.1/3.2/4.1/5.1/6.1

  46. Spanish Last Names Juan Roberto Gonzalez López • Gonzalez is his father’s last name. • López is his mother’s name. Ana Maria Pérez Soto de* Cruz • Pérez is her father’s last name. • Soto is her mother’s name. • Cruz is Ana Maria’s married name. * “de” means “of, from, or about” and is often used to indicate that a woman is married. 2.9

  47. Let’s Practice If Antonio Roberto Treviño Gonzalezmarried María Victoria Mata Resendez, what would be her married names? If they have a baby boy named José María, what would his full name be? 2.9

  48. Helpful Phrases Speak slowly, please - Hable despacio, por favor I speak little Spanish - Hablo poco español Is there anyone there who speaks English? • ¿Hay alguien alli que habla ingles? Repeat - Repita 1.3/2.5

  49. Hispanic Cultural Norms • Traditional gender roles • Family dynamics • Children as Interpreters 2.11/2.12/2.13

  50. I do not understand - No entiendo Can you understand me? - ¿ Me entiende? Does anyone speak English? - ¿ hay alguien que habla ingles? 1.3/2.5/3.2

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