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Jehan Divecha - What is Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Difference and Methods

Jehan Divecha - Quantitative and qualitative research are two different ways of gathering knowledge.Quantitative research is concerned with numbers and figures, whereas qualitative research is concerned with words and their meanings. Qualitative and Quantitative Research Are necessary for acquiring various types of information.

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Jehan Divecha - What is Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Difference and Methods

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  1. Jehan Divecha - Quantitative and qualitative research are two different ways of gathering knowledge.Quantitative research is concerned with numbers and figures, whereas qualitative research is concerned with words and their meanings. Qualitative and Quantitative Research Are necessary for acquiring various types of information. Quantitative research: Jehan Divecha says, Numbers and graphs are used to express quantitative research.It is employed in the validation or testing of hypotheses and assumptions. This research strategy can be used to generate general information about a topic. Common quantitative processes include experiments, observations recorded as numbers, and surveys with closed-ended questions. Quantitative research employs an approach that depends on methodically acquired and evaluated data to get clear conclusions. These tactics are essential when you need to make broad conclusions and forecast consequences from your research.

  2. Qualitative research: Words are used to express qualitative research. It is used to convey ideas, thoughts or experiences. This type of study allows you to learn more deeply about topics that are not well understood. Jehan Divecha says, Non-numerical data, such as language, is collected, analyzed, and interpreted in qualitative research. Qualitative research assists users in understanding how a person views social reality.

  3. Why Is Quantitative and Qualitative Research Necessary? Quantitative research may help you grasp the underlying perspectives, motives, and justifications. It sheds light on the issues. Furthermore, quantitative research aids in the development of ideas and hypotheses, whereas qualitative research aids in the discovery of trends, ideas, and views, as well as providing deeper insights into the situation.

  4. The differences between quantitative and qualitative research According to Jehan Divecha, Quantitative and qualitative research employ distinct research approaches to collect and evaluate data, allowing you to answer a variety of research questions. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Idea exploration and construction The emphasis is on putting ideas and hypotheses to the test. summarizing, classifying, and understanding data Math and statistical analysis were used to analyze in quantitative research Mostly expressed through words Mostly conveyed by numbers, graphs, and tables Requires few respondents Requires many respondents Open-ended questions Open-ended questions

  5. Qualitative Research Methods: Qualitative investigation Data analysis might include evaluating films, photos, audio, body language, and text. Says Jehan Divecha. Qualitative research employs the following methodologies. One-on-one interviews: These assist the researcher comprehend a person's behavior and allow for a more in-depth knowledge by asking individualized questions. Focus Groups: Because they entail a constructive debate amongst a limited number of individuals, focus groups are highly beneficial for market research and testing out a new product. Ethnography research: This is an in-depth observational approach used to study civilizations over a lengthy period of time.

  6. Quantitative Research Methods: Data analysis in quantitative research may be done using SWOT analysis, cross-tabulation, TURF analysis, and conjoint analysis. The following are the numerous quantitative research methods: Survey research: Surveys aid in the conduct of quantitative research on a variety of factors. The same variables might be assessed at the same time, or separate variables can be evaluated at various time periods. Correlational study: This research approach compares two unchanging things. Correlational research approaches, for example, are utilized to establish a link between stress and depression. Causal comparative study: This quantitative research approach is used to examine the link between two or more variables' causes and effects.

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