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How To Become Successful Without a College Degree

Learn how to become successful without a college degree

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How To Become Successful Without a College Degree

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  1. How To Become Succesful Without a College Degree tchelete.com/how-to-become-succesful-without-a-college-degree Udemezue John Introduction. Since the creation of man, he was programmed to follow a pattern assigned to him by his society. We live in times where many barriers have been placed by the man himself, all in the name of trying to impart the society, Preserve civilisation and foster learning. So many people have been trained to survive and not go overboard because of fear of failure. Nowadays, getting a college degree seems like a label that everyone must have to be successful. While this is valid for many people, not everyone will follow this pattern of living. Though it has been proven countless times that anyone can be successful without a degree, many people still think it’s not wise. Take, for example, successful people that built billion-dollar companies today, such as; Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Richard Branson (Virgin Atlantic), Aliko Dangote (Dangote Group), Innocent Chukwuma( Innoson motors). 1/9

  2. All these people mentioned above did not have a college degree, yet they succeeded far beyond expectation. I am not asking you to stop that college degree; many people had college degrees and still became successful; a handful of them includes Larry Page (Google), Elon Musk ( Tesla) and many others. Like I always say, variety is the spice of life; it does not make sense if we all go the same way in life, only robots behave that way, and we can see that they become foolish after repeating the same tasks repeatedly. Man is wired to be a versatile being, Those people running to get those college degrees are coming out to seek jobs; if there is no one to create those jobs, it all becomes useless. Someone must become disruptive enough to stand out from the crowd. Necessity is the mother of invention. You don’t have to be a college graduate to identify problems; even newborn babies know how to identify problems when they see one. Human beings are wired to be social beings who come with many problems; solving those problems should be an essential goal. Did you lose out on not being able to attend college? Were you not allowed to do so? Do you feel like losing hope? I must tell you; no hope is lost yet; you can still become successful and make an impact. Do you have questions on”how to become successful in life, how to get success, how to become a good businessman, how to become a successful person in life, how to become a successful man, how do I become successful, how can I become successful, how to get success in business, “? This article has been written to help you solve those problems. Reasons Why People Do Not Go To College. There are various reasons why people choose not to get a college degree; some are personal, while others result from external factors created by the society such an individual resides. Here are some reasons why many people do not go to college. 1. You became successful. Like I said earlier, you do not need to attend college to become rich in life. Elon Musk once said, “I think college is basically for fun and to prove you can do your chores, but they’re not for learning.” But, he added, “You can learn anything for free.” The majority developed their talents, solved a problem, started a business and eventually did not go to college. 2/9

  3. One thing that college does not teach you is how to solve real-life problems. People become successful when they solve real-life problems and can build a business around them. 2. You are not privileged. Not everyone will have $30,000 Per year disposable income to attend college. The majority are not privileged; like I always say, Life happens to people and alters how they ought to live their lives. If you doubt me, visit low-income countries in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia and see yourself. People living in these regions do not have access to quality universities, student loans and scholarships which may eventually stop them from bagging a college degree. 3. You hate the idea behind schooling. Most people are privileged, have access to funding, living good lives, but do not prioritise getting a college degree. I think it’s just fine; a quiet number of people like being independent. But, like me, most people are going getters, bound to succeed at what they do. This does not apply to everyone, but if you think you have the whole world for the taking, you can as well feel free to explore life outside the school environment. 4. To Become an Entrepreneur. Being in college only teaches you to become a better team member because you are not trained to identify, let alone solve problems. Being in business or being in a job, what is better? Does the company need a college degree? It’s a NO. So many people love to do a job, and some like to do their own business. But, of course, it would help if you had a bachelor’s degree to work in an established company, whereas a business degree is not required to start a business. You can start your business in which you are interested. However, this era is the prime time to get into your startups. You become that person who can hire others. You hold all their rights to work for you. But, importantly, you have their resignation and salaries. 5. Fewer Chances of getting a Job. 3/9

  4. Please take a second look at the labour market and see how messed up it is to see people who spent more than four years acquiring a degree without hopes of getting a job. According to a survey done by Career Builder, 32% of the college students, the people working, reported that they never found a job related to their subjects studied at their college level. People who are graduated are unemployed and don’t get their dream job. After wasting that much time and money, too, you feel more stress, anxiety, and other family pressure. 6. College Education is Outdated. Most colleges don’t teach anything relevant to the current scenario. They don’t offer practical training and help build the required skills, leaving their curriculums with mostly filled theories. Most people conclude that becoming a graduate from college is worthless. In reality, when HR managers start recruitment, it becomes challenging to find qualified, skilled, and talented applicants who are recent graduates from the colleges because these entire fresher don’t have any skills, and their knowledge can’t be applied directly to the market. Most companies go-ahead to provide them with training that costs a little to the company, making this practice unbearable for most startups. 7. Student Loan Debt. High-Income countries provide students with loans to study, If you cannot secure a scholarship, there will be high-interest rates when repaying those loans. According to Forbes, America holds $1.56 trillion in student loan debt. Over 75% of this loan was collected from 2003 to 2011. If you take its total, the four-year college education costs you around $100,000-$160,000. Most people would not want to begin a career with tons of debts on their back, so it’s better they don’t try getting an education in the first place. How Can you become Successful Without a College Degree? Anyone can become successful outside the college walls; after all, most of what you go to read are hypotheses documented by someone who happened to come across it first, which is then passed down to upcoming generations as knowledge. We can see how this has limited the thinking capacity of man, boxed them into a small field, leaving the world filled with problems. 4/9

  5. 1. Invest in yourself. The best way to get started in life without getting a college degree is to invest in yourself, and one way to do this is to acquire soft skills that can be monetised. Nowadays, things have become more accessible because technology has become more viable than ever; fields in IT such as Web developers, and Digital marketing, have become high in demand with attractive compensations attached to them. The good news is that you don’t need a college degree to get started; just anyone with the right state of mind accompanied by dedicated self tutoring and mentorship can kickstart a career in tech. Another option available is content creation; we have seen various individuals who built a massive following on social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram and can monetise them by creating content. 2. Try out careers that don’t require degrees. When attempting to succeed without a college degree, you often get offers for menial jobs that require no qualification; sometimes, these jobs are often derogatory and offer you a small paycheck. Are you seeking a high-paying job but don’t want to invest in a four-year or graduate degree? You don’t need to have a college degree to get a good job. A new kind of job emphasises skills over education and work experience. These jobs are known as middle-skill jobs because they do not necessarily require a four- year college degree (or an extensive work history). Often, anyone can get the skills they need for the job through vocational training, a certificate program, an apprenticeship, or a two-year degree program. Anyone can get started with this career and get paid well; all you need is to prove that you know the job. 3. Learn how to sell and negotiate. Like I always tell people, the world is a marketplace, and it’s either you are sold to, or you sell to others. Like a football pitch, there are two kinds of people, the spectator and the performers; one gets value, while the other gets entertained. You have to decide where you want to be; those who become celebrated in life are sales- oriented and have been able to convince many people to buy from them. Learning to be a good salesperson is essential because it improves your listening skills. 5/9

  6. You become a much better communicator who is critical in all aspects of life. It’s not just about selling a product for your job or company. When you’re in a sales role, every person you speak with will be different. So as you have those conversations, you’ll learn about your communication style and see where you need to improve and learn to communicate with various people. Selling is a skill that everyone should learn; sales are everything; as said earlier, it’s either you are selling or sold to. There are various ways to acquire skills in sales; it all starts with understanding human psychology and is accompanied by the use of technology such as social media, search engine optimisation and many more. I wrote a comprehensive guide on how to get started with digital marketing; click the link to the article to get started. How To Become a Digital Marketer and Make Money 4. Expand your network. Starting life without a degree causes so many things to happen to you, one of which involves the kind of connection you already have. You did not go to school for one reason or the other; bear in mind that it will impact your existing network. The secret to networking is not to attend a networking event and pass out as many business cards as possible. It’s not meeting as many people as possible in hopes something will work out. Instead, you need to concentrate on the people you know will be able to make a difference in your career. It would help if you built relationships with people in the same industry as you. Also, you don’t always have to gain something in a networking relationship. In networking situations, people expect you to ask them for help. If you turn that around and offer some support, your networking partner will be grateful and want to return the favour. 5. Find a mentor. To be successful in life, you need to link up with someone who has done what you intend to do now. A mentor acts as an advisor and support person for someone less experienced. 6/9

  7. Traditionally, the association is between an older team member and a younger one for career and business development. When trying to figure things out on your own, you tend to make lots of mistakes, and without feedback, you become frustrated. For that reason, having a mentor who’s both an objective third party and an advocate for your growth and development is crucial. Mentorships can develop leadership skills such as listening, compassion and giving and receiving feedback. Participants develop these skills by using them in the relationship. These soft skills are essential for career success. Without goals, a mentee has no direction and no plan to get where they want to go. A mentor helps keep them on track and responsible for reaching their goals. In addition, it provides the motivation needed for mentees to work at attaining their goals. Along with developing leadership skills, having a mentor to advise and guide you can increase your confidence and help develop problem-solving skills. 6. Read, read and become well-read. You have to figure out when you want to be successful; even after acquiring a college degree, you still have to figure out those things yourself. There is no other way to figure out these things without becoming an addictive reader of books. One of the most obvious benefits of reading every day is learning. Since the beginning of civilisation, we have grown and developed mentally. The importance of reading books is now more than ever since. But unfortunately, not everything is available in digitalised form. If you are not convinced about why reading books is essential, this might interest you. When you develop the habit of reading, you enhance your vocabulary. Reading any book can improve your speech to an impressive extent. Having excellent command over the language is known to help many in their professional and academic life. Moreover, with better vocabulary knowledge, you get to fill yourself with self-confidence when sitting in a group with a knowledgeable audience. And unlike a YouTube video or podcast, books provide access to in-depth knowledge. 7/9

  8. Success-driven books such as Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hills). 7. Leverage the power of the internet. The internet holds a wealth of information and unending opportunities for everyone to access; you can be in an underdeveloped country and still have access to such opportunities. The evolution of the internet was dramatic and continues to evolve, with more people spending more time on the internet every year. Levering the internet for your business and career is no longer an inexpensive option to reach a highly targeted customer base but a necessity for businesses of all sizes and market niches. With the combination of traditional marketing efforts with newer digital marketing options in the right way, any business optimises performance. A website can also serve as a great marketing tool. It gives you a platform to showcase knowledge in your niche, allowing you to become an expert and an advantage over the competition. A website will also allow you to educate your visitors on your products and services and build a reputation for your business. There are various opportunities available to you on the internet, one of which I wrote comprehensively in the article below. How To Start a Successful Online Business 8. Get a certification. Certificate programs are short-term training programs that often take less time than a degree; you can earn some certificates in as little time as a couple of weeks or a month. They also tend to cost less money; some even come for free. Certificate programs can help you develop the skills and experiences necessary for a particular job. Certifications provide people with the proper knowledge and skills to land a job. As a result, employers increasingly demand professional accreditation and a degree from college graduates. Also, more certified professionals with only a high school diploma are entering the job market and successfully filling the need for skilled labour in high-income industries like IT and other industries that require skilled labour. 8/9

  9. Most certifications are in-depth and niche-specific. All of the attention is on one field, and so is what you learn; this makes certification more effective than getting an actual college degree. Conclusion. Somehow, most people had fallen for the conditioning that you cannot succeed without a university degree. This has been proven wrong by the high level of successful people today, with the majority without a college degree. Generally speaking, many people who go to school are literate but not educated. Both are two different things. Education means to train and to mould. If we are to take it a step further, it is the process of knowing yourself and your environment. If everyone who went to school were educated, we would have fewer people in the global labour market today. Finally, like I always say, it takes courage to conquer the world, you cant sit in your comfort zone and expect the world to bow at your feet; you have to make moves too. I challenge you not to be discouraged and take the bull by the horn; success is yours for the taking. Are you seeking a great place to start exploring success? I recommend you do so on the internet, as it has more than 4 billion people currently living on it. I wrote a comprehensive guide on this blog on the best online business to start and make money. 50+ Money-Making Online Businesses To Start In 2022 9/9

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