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Compostable vs Biodegradable

The basic concept of Compostable and Biodegradable.

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Compostable vs Biodegradable

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  1. COMPOSTABLE VS COMPOSTABLE VS BIODEGRADABLE BIODEGRADABLE What is the contrast between biodegradable and compostable What is the contrast between biodegradable and compostable products Which canister would it be a good idea for you to put them in? Which canister would it be a good idea for you to put them in? products? ? DEGRADABLE DEGRADABLE Degradable products are made from plastic with other chemicals added that cause the plastic to break down and disintegrate over time when exposed to sunlight and heat. If degradable products are released into our environment they become quite problematic as they break down into lots of tiny pieces of plastic. Animals can consume the smaller pieces of plastic more readily. It is also much more difficult to remove hundreds of tiny pieces of plastic from the environment than it is to remove a single product. Degradable bags should only be used for and placed into your general waste bin. BIODEGRADABLE BIODEGRADABLE Like degradable bags, biodegradable are often still plastic bags that have microorganisms added to break down the plastic. Biodegradable bags should only be used for and placed into your general waste bin.

  2. COMPOSTABLE COMPOSTABLE Compostable products are made of natural plant starch, and do not produce any toxic material. Compostable bags, plates, straws etc. break down readily in a composting system through microbial activity to form compost. Compostable items made from natural materials like sugarcane fibre or bamboo (such as Enviropack) are widely advertised as a green alternative to plastics or single use items but may only break down in commercial composting facilities. Currently there is no standard certification in the UK which clearly and reliably labels items as truly compostable at home. If you compost at home you’ll know that it doesn’t take that long – several months or a year – for truly compostable items, which include paper and cardboard, to be unrecognisable. It is a confusing situation so what can be done? If you find companies using the terms biodegradable or compostable without explaining what exactly they mean and under what conditions the materials will compost challenge them on their use of this language and avoid purchasing the product if you are unsure.

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