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Keys to an Effective Med Spa Membership Program


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Keys to an Effective Med Spa Membership Program

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  1. Keystoan Effective MedSpaMembershipProgram Creating amedspamembershipprogramisaboutmorethandollars—it’saboutloyalty. And successfulmedspa ownersknow thatloyal customerswillpay to feel likea VIP. Members have access theirfavoriteservices atthe ready–andon repeat. There are so many types of med spa membership programs–and so many ways to execute them well.Whatworksbestforyouprobablydepends onyour visionforyour medspa, your client base,and the services you offer.Nomatter whattypeof med spa youare, though,herearethreekeycomponents ofan effectivemembershipprogramto keepin mind.

  2. Avoid Losing Money on a Med Membership Program Itmightsound obvious,butofferingexorbitantdiscountsand givingawayconsumables isa quickway to drain money fromyour membership program. Here’s a quicktip.A membership fee should pay forthepatient’s firstservice.Forexample,if your medspa offers a $600same-daytreatmentwhen apatientmakesa $99payment,you’relosing moneyright off the bat. Additionally,avoidofferingdiscounted or freeconsumabletreatmentslike microneedling,where you haveto toss out the tools afteryou use them.Instead,you can promoteserviceslikelaserhairremoval,wheretheequipmentcan bereusedfor every patient. Ifyoualreadyhaveasuccessfulmembershipatyour firstlocationand you’restarting your second,startmarketing a membershipprogram before a newlocation opens. You’ll generateawarenessandexcitementandhavepatientsatthe readysothe businesscanhit the groundrunning.Pre-marketingmembershipsreducesthe sometimesslow ramp-up process ofa denovo practice. Membershipsmightseemlikeamarketing tactic,butyouneedstrongfinancialstrategy behindyour membershipprogram.If the numbersworkinyour favor,you’llreapthe benefits of having consistent payments spreadout throughout the year. Thiscombats seasonal fluctuations, provider time-off, and so on. Plus, members often end up spending more because they’re visiting your med spa more often. You’ll have more potential to share aboutthe many beneficial services youcan offer them. KnowYourMedSpaMembershipAudience A successful membershipprogram knowsitsaudience.Areyou a practicefocused onhigh volume orhighend?Your membershipprogramneedstoreflectyouroverallvision,brand, andstrategy.

  3. It won’tworkwell topromoteluxuryservices topatientshoping to savemoney. Nor doesit workto branda program as a “deal”or “discounted”whentryingtoreach a high-end demographic.Start by askingyourself:Whatimage doesmymedspahopeto present? How do my customerswantto feel about visitingthe med spa? Fora wealthierand sometimesolderaudience,you may findsuccesswithaVIP membership. This tells members that they’re part of a special group of people—those who favorluxury,leisure,exclusive access,and brand loyalty. Fora younger,thriftieraudience thatprioritizesaffordability,youmightbemoreinclinedtotakeahigh-volume,low-cost approachtomembership.Thesepatientstendtolook for deals,efficiency,andwaysto buyin bulk. Another way to reach your target audience is to partner with other businesses they visit. Gyms, bridal shops, and local retailers may be willing to let you share a flyer or discount withtheir customers—especiallyif you cross-promotetheir business,too. Do considerwhetheryour membershipservicescan treatallskintypes.Ifcertainperksof the programaren’trelevant to a customer,they’ll belessinclined to join ortell theirfriends aboutit. 3. Keep aMembershipProgramSimple Amembership programcan getverycomplicated,veryquickly.When amed spa offers differenttiersorcustomizesamembershiptoindividualcustomers,itmay becomemore expensive to maintaintheprogram and introducemoreroomfor error.Plus, you don’t want toconfusepatients—itcanmake themfeeldistrustful and thatlearningabout the programisn’t worth their time. The best way to plan your programis toknow the numbersatyourmedspa.You can’t cater a programtopatientwants andneedsifyoudon’ttrackwhatpatientsarespending onyourservices–and howoften.A good membershipprogramtakesthoughtfulfinancial strategy.

  4. Create a Membership Program With a Med Spa Consultant If you’reintrigued by the ideaofa medspa membershipbutaren’tsurewhereto begin,reachouttoSkytale Group!Ouraestheticsconsultants haveimplementedsuccessful membershipprogramsatpracticesthroughoutthecountry.And,they’reable todosowith the financialinsightneededto helpyour practicethrive.Whatareyou waitingfor?You’re just afewsteps away from finding those loyalcustomerswhowilltakeyourbusinessto the nextlevel.

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