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Clean in 20 Minutes


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Clean in 20 Minutes

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  1. 20 Minute Clean Up Cleaning quickly

  2. Lightly go over the carpet with a handheld vacuum Fluff the pillows on the couch Wipe down the tabletops and organize the notebooks, CD’s, magazines, and videos Magazines racks look nice and are a good way to keep things organized This should take about 6 minutes Living Room

  3. Small details like placement of the throw pillows or organization of the counters can really bring your living room alive within minutes. With majority of your guests spending time in here why not make this a daily routine! Benefits

  4. Wash dishes right after meals to keep sink from filling up Keep sink clear and wipe the sink with disinfectant wipes for a sparkling feel that encourages tidiness Wipe the crumbs off the stove top where a lot of food can build up and look clustery Sweep the floor and go over it with a Swiffer or mop This process should take about 4 and half minutes The Kitchen

  5. The kitchen sets the bar for the cleanliness of your house. If the kitchen is clean and says a lot about the rest of the house and following these quick steps should give a basic standard of how the kitchen could look everyday. Benefits

  6. Make up your bed when you wake up Hang up your clothes after wearing them Keep your dressers and night stands clear of junk Go over the carpet with the vacuum This should take a total of 6 minutes Bedroom

  7. Clothes, bed, and junk on the counters and lamps are the most obvious eye sores in a bedroom. Quickly taking care of these things and developing a habit of taking care of them will keep your room looking brand new! Benefits

  8. Get those moistened wipes and wipe down the edges of the tub Wipe down the mirror, faucet, and around the sink Scrub the toilet bowl with the brush Wipe the toilet seat with a disinfectant wipe and clean off the residue with a paper towel Spray the shower door down and clean with a sponge This process should take about 2 and half minutes Bathroom

  9. The bathroom will be one of the first places guest will come into your personal space. Keep it looking nice with this simple routine. Liquid soap is also a nice touch in the bathroom. Benefits

  10. After all of that you will be done under 20 minutes with efficient use of your time! Keeping a clean house is always essential and makes you feel good. Plus it doesn’t always have to take all day! You may need bin liners, Fresh Power Pine, mop, Maxima, broom, and Carex. Brought to you by Shoplet UK Source: http://www.cnn.com/2007/LIVING/homestyle/07/27/wlb.rs.clean.plan/ Clean House

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