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6 Counter Strategies to fight Online Learning Fatigue

The learning design techniques listed below are essential for maintaining student engagement and avoiding learning weariness.

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6 Counter Strategies to fight Online Learning Fatigue

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  1. It’s not uncommon for companies to cut corners or go overboard for staff training and development during specific months of the year. With remote working becoming a norm rather than the exception, a new syndrome known as ‘online learning fatigue’ has emerged. Virtual learning tiredness results from L&D teams and HR experts attempting to impose too many training, reskilling, and upskilling requirements on their employees. Yes, sometimes it’s not possible to have too much of a good thing! So how can you ensure that you deliver engaging online learning which does not tire your learners? Well, before getting there, let’s try to understand how remote learning, at times, proves overwhelming for employees. 7 Strategies for Creating Engaging Online Learning to Combat Remote Fatigue The learning design techniques listed below are essential for maintaining student engagement and avoiding learning weariness. To assist you in dealing with learning overload, here are seven learning design strategies: Strategy 1: Access And Flexibility Enable pull-based learning

  2. Instead of enforcing training, offer remote employees the option to explore what’s available and allow them to choose what aligns with their learning needs and work-life schedules. Balanced blended learning Instead of favoring one specific training mode, pre-recorded sessions, live-streamed, or video-chat-based training, use a moderate blend of synchronous and asynchronous (also called poly-synchronous) training to add flexibility to your remote employee training program. Strategy 2: Social Learning Remote personnel frequently become depleted as a result of their isolation. Being in the company of others gives people vitality. You may help by including connection opportunities in your training. Making each lesson a social experience is another approach to re-energize learning and get away from static screen time. Employee collaboration adds a layer of engagement that combats feelings of isolation. More hands-on involvement with the material makes it more remember and impactful. Incorporate collaborative learning activities or group projects that encourage people to talk. Learners will grasp and retain more information when they think more deeply about the practical application with their peers. Strategy 3: Comprehensive L&D Platforms A learner who is more absorbed and engaged is less worried or exhausted. Immersive learning tactics like branching scenarios, gamification, and next-gen strategies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) alleviate rather than worsen online learning fatigue. Employees might sometimes be re-energized in their learning by a little healthy competition. Use the various Learning Management System tools to incorporate gamification elements into your training. Leaderboards that allow students to compare their progress to their peers can keep students interested and energized. Consider allowing students to earn badges for completing tasks or additional points for completing quizzes to keep them engaged in the learning process. Strategy 4: Flexibility The ability to self-pace is another feature that makes e learning management system so enticing. Employees can log in and complete training on their own time, thanks to

  3. remote training software. For distant learners, having that kind of freedom can relieve a lot of stress. It is not a hardship on employees’ already hectic schedules when choosing how and when they complete their training. They can schedule it during downtime during the day — or even outside of business hours if it is more convenient. Strategy 5: Engaging Content Ensuring that your training attracts and maintains learners’ attention is one of the best things you can do to prevent them from zoning out. Examine your material to discover how you might make it more interesting. Consider factors such as learning modalities. Do you have a lot of text-heavy slides in your training? To engage different types of learners, include movies or dynamic graphics. Alternatively, include interactive components such as quizzes, practice, and branching scenarios. Learners’ energy is focused on accomplishing something, such as answering questions, clicking on a screen, or practicing a skill. Interacting with the subject keeps them engaged and prevents training from becoming tedious. Strategy 6: User Interface When it comes to improving the user experience, content isn’t the only factor to consider. Please take into account the design of your courses and make them suitable for screen-weary students. To prevent eye strain, for example, use minimalistic fonts. To assist learners in grasping the same piece of information in less time, try substituting presentations or manuals with informative info graphics. Also, make sure your Learning Management Software is simple to use and navigate, so staff don’t waste time or become annoyed while completing their training. Final Thoughts We hope that this article will assist you in using the suggested ideas and approaches in your remote staff training and successfully overcoming online learning weariness. Meanwhile, if you have any additional queries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us or leave a comment below!

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