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Latest Web Development Trends in 2021 Every Business

Today, the total number of websites on the internet exceeds 1.8 billion. Whether itu2019s development, design, content, or digital marketing, each site has its unique vision and strategy. Top online technologies in 2021 have made it extremely difficult for organizations to create a corporate identity that their customers can relate to. In this article, we want to share the latest trends in web development.

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Latest Web Development Trends in 2021 Every Business

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  1. Latest Web Development Trends in 2021 Every Business Should Know Crab network

  2. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Accelerated Mobile Pages (or AMP) is one more web development trend. Its goal is to improve page performance and reduce the risk of a user abandoning it. The AMP technology is similar to the PWA technology. The difference is that pages are now faster thanks to an open-source plugin developed by Twitter and Google recently. In comparison to full-featured online goods, AMPs are optimized pages that can run quickly and have a simple yet handy design with only basic capabilities. Those pages are also mobile-friendly, with always-readable content.

  3. Chatbots In the past few years, we have experienced a big increase in chatbots integration into websites. And, in the coming year, demand for automated communication solutions is expected to increase even more. Chatbots, which are powered by machine learning algorithms, answer to user queries without the need for human intervention. They can provide intelligent answers to some common questions and, if necessary, refer the situation to a higher authority. Businesses can save a lot of money by using this technology to replace a number of customer support representatives and speed up the problem-solving process.

  4. Dark Mode & Low Light UX For the past few years, websites with dark modes and low-light user experiences have become popular. This pattern will continue to be dominant in 2021. Even when visitors are browsing in daylight, dark modes look excellent.

  5. Cybersecurity will grow in importance According to Cloudflare, the number of distributed denial of service (DDoS) assaults in 2020 has quadrupled every quarter. A DDoS attack occurs when hackers flood a targeted server with harmful internet traffic. Hours of downtime and income loss are possible outcomes.

  6. Voice User Interface One of the fastest-growing web development trends in 2021 will be a voice user interface (UI) and voice commerce. This is due to the increased use of smart speakers and voice recognition technology in devices such as Amazon Alexa and comparable gadgets created by Microsoft, Google, Apple, and other corporate behemoths. Crab Network is one of the best Web Development Company in Kerala. A tangible online presence is pivotal to any business and a website designed with functionality and focus is the essence of such an online presence.

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